配信名【VAMPIRE SURVIVORS】Yayyyyy back to some chill gaming sessionnnn :3
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 3 12.00 \1,736
WON KRW 1 12760 \1,412
PHP PHP 2 250.00 \654
---- ---- ---- ---- \3,802
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月04日
  Electric Eels 1
2 00:06:25 PHP125.00   Rin Rin Treats for Jchan
3 00:11:10   BrandflakesTM ROSE WHIP
4 00:11:54   ShiroDB aniki i miss you, but i forgor my headphone and now i’m at starbucks wondering why im even here lol, but good luck on streaming!
5 00:12:05   Razze hi aniki, havent watched your stream in a long while due to work, but it feels good to hear your voice again
6 07月04日
  Atrus158 New emotes
7 00:17:33   aliaslisted does it ever feel weird that the season you experience is opposite to the one that the rest of Elysium broadcasts on social media?
8 07月04日
  PurpleRabbit 5
9 00:26:02   Regal Masquerade Howdy Axel
10 00:26:32   Luna Crescent Nightshado 📗🔅 hewo Axel good morning
11 07月04日
  yukinayee Hi Axel! just wanna say your first FFXVI stream was so fun and made me wanna play it myself but I gotta wait for PC release
12 00:43:49 $2.00   Doctah WAAwee Yo aniki, You ever watch/read Madaka Box? So Good.
13 00:53:53 PHP125.00   josephiroth0 ONLY UP! ENDURANCE
14 00:57:25 ₩12,760   Electric Eels Haven't played this game for a while, it was fun to play again with you! btw here's in game money I earned, this counts as Axelotl tax right?
15 01:03:59 $5.00   Guam Mastermind (a無言スパチャ)
16 07月04日
  PurpleRabbit 5
17 01:37:33   TelephoneSounds (メンバーシップ入り)
18 01:44:23   Kenji Clipz hi Axel woof woof
19 02:06:42 $5.00   TsukikoIchinose hey Aniki, random question, can I build your pixel art of yourself in my Minecraft world? it's okay to reject :3
20 07月04日
21 07月04日
  Jessica 1
22 07月04日
  ×Morning Dew×
23 07月04日
  ×Morning Dew× 1
24 07月04日
  PurpleRabbit 10
25 07月04日
  puu~~(プー) 1