トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:【Half Life: Alyx VR】 into the deep dank tunnels... 【2】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD    5      52.00    7,439円
 CA$  CAD    1      10.00    1,077円
 PHP  PHP    2     300.00      748円
 CHF  CHF    1       1.00      148円
---- ---- ----       ----    9,412円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 09/17
  David Gao 50 件の Regis Altare Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
2 00:04:33 $20.00   MMMaellon VR Horror LETS GOOOOOOOO
3 00:12:00   Fireduck (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:22:50 $5.00   Lime 52 [Pink is Red] didn't catch all that but all of those things fund!
5 00:23:18 $5.00   MumeiBestBirb if you have an apple watch, there are a couple apps that allow it to be used as a monitor through OBS
6 00:24:35 $2.00   C0lorman what if you smoke in virtual reality
7 00:25:10   Janken Pomme (メンバーシップ入り)
8 00:33:48 CA$10.00   skycompass Funds for a new scrub. Please, leader, please. Get a new one.
9 00:40:54 $20.00   fykkuu Walk with confidence, leader! Us in the cultare have your back, dont make us look bad. Scares are temporary. Shame is forever
10 00:47:07   AceToraOni (メンバーシップ入り)
11 00:50:18 CHF1.00   チニトChinito (無言スパチャ)
12 01:19:09 PHP50.00   I'm Just A Little Guy COUSIN DEXTER NOOOOOOOOO
13 01:58:26 PHP250.00   Joseph Ralloma If you do wanna play the Half Life series and have perms, the order would be: Half-Life / Black Mesa (HL1 remake), Half-Life 2, then the Half-Life 2 episodes. However you play though, just have fun!