記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 14 82.98 \11,879
YEN YEN 3 6500 \6,500
IDR IDR 4 170000.00 \1,605
SGD SGD 1 14.98 \1,586
CA$ CAD 1 10.00 \1,070
PHP PHP 2 250.00 \643
R$ BRL 1 5.00 \145
THB THB 1 19.00 \77
---- ---- ---- ---- \23,505
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月07日
  梨華_リカ (メンバーシップ入り)
2 07月08日
  cts-1🎇💙 1
3 00:00:12 ¥5,000   千 sen I wish leader and everyone a happy Tanabata night.
4 07月08日
  Maria 🎇🍤 5
5 00:02:07 IDR50,000.00   Tri Widyan Big bren Altare
6 07月08日
  Mochii only the biggest of brains in our leader, vouch
7 00:04:53 IDR50,000.00   clarissa good luck leader!! happy tanabata everyone <3
8 00:04:53 $10.00   arenei I've seen you solve the puzzles in Zelda, I believe in your brain cell! (happy tanabata!)
9 07月08日
  el karot🥕 beeg brain incoming
10 00:05:30   Princess Wink Happy Tanabata Altare! And good luck!
11 00:05:30 $10.00   tootles how does your head hold that massive brain
12 07月08日
  MOMO ♡︎v♡︎ (メンバーシップ入り)
13 00:06:32   Neldanair (メンバーシップ入り)
14 07月08日
  Reverie 1
15 00:09:42 CA$10.00   Jellybeans
16 00:12:40   DeeDoubleU It's okay Leader, I know you're smart, this is just for content right?
17 07月08日
  Flapdoodle #1 big brain
18 00:19:47   Fanimation🪫 Leader-san, Bettel is supposed to be the clown, not you
19 00:27:20 $5.00   Ella Eves YOU CAN DO IT LEADER
20 00:27:50 $4.99   Terence Ch.テレンス Hello leader, i hope your having a great Friday today! As for myself, Today is my last workday and im hoping to get my laptop tomorrow!
21 00:28:01 $2.00   HipHipFrey you got this leader!
22 00:28:39 PHP125.00   MIMI You can do it smart cookie Leader!
23 00:28:45 IDR50,000.00   Tri Widyan
If you remember who said this: "the blue is always stoopid"
24 00:30:42 R$5.00   LuisYKW You muse have blown up quite a lot of test tubes during chesmistry classes.
25 00:32:00 $1.00   EYDISLAYDI (ay-dee-slay-dee) (a無言スパチャ)
26 00:34:11 $5.00   Reverie you got this dude! it's your voice that's smooth, not your brain
27 07月08日
28 00:42:24   EYDISLAYDI (ay-dee-slay-dee) (メンバーシップ入り)
29 00:43:05   Soma Kruz Just draw Magni if you wanted something bottom heavy.
30 00:50:16   Reichi (メンバーシップ入り)
31 00:52:22 $5.00   Fanimation🪫 Q is very fun to watch. like watching babies try to put a square peg in a round hole & you're chuckling to yourself like "aww that doesn't go there"
32 00:52:45 PHP125.00   Say Hi (To Samuel) I remember Vesper tried to noclip Alex into the container. Funniest method I've ever seen.
33 01:02:26   Yorozuya If i remember correctly vesper literally broke the game on this one and glitched him in
34 01:47:45   Monakey Duck (メンバーシップ入り)
35 01:50:14 $4.99   Jaz K. 🖋️ Sending brain cells your way leader (kidding, good luck though)
36 07月08日
  Lyn ☁️ u got this
37 01:53:14   shironekomi_ san446 (メンバーシップ入り)
38 01:55:56 $5.00   HipHipFrey
here u can have my brain cell, im not using it!
39 07月08日
40 02:06:03   Cheese yo this bgm bops
41 02:08:45 THB19.00   Tibbary Zal (a無言スパチャ)
42 07月08日
  lynn 린 5
43 02:57:16 SGD14.98   涵 [ hana ] Otsutare to you (and your braincell)! May you get to rest your brain after this
44 02:57:19 ¥1,000   千 sen
Thank you for the stream
45 07月08日
  Dippy Dip 5
46 02:57:44 $5.00   Kismet Nightingale Thanks for big braining for us.
47 02:57:49 ¥500   ゆか•₃•yuka Thank you for the stream! TENSAI
48 07月08日
  puu~~(プー) 1
49 02:58:09 $5.00   arenei
you did good, braincell, you did good
50 02:58:19 $10.00   Lampu Kuroro thanks for the stream!
51 02:58:29 IDR20,000.00   clarissa
have a wonderful day too!
52 02:58:40 $10.00   Maria 🎇🍤 thank you for the stream, our big brained leader.
53 07月08日
  Lambdadelta 1
54 07月08日
  涵 [ hana ] 1