配信名【 Hitman III: Freelancer Mode 】Down to clown 'til I'm dead in the ground
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$ USD 7 37.00 \4,946
£ GBP 1 5.00 \834
EUR EUR 1 5.00 \739
SEK SEK 1 20.00 \259
---- ---- ---- ---- \6,778
No 時間
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1 04月28日
  Rayzorexe 5
2 00:05:46   Τοge Don't you love machines?
3 00:05:48   Shinigami Miroku Is it really murder when your targets are evil?
4 00:06:07   Evan_2Echoes (メンバーシップ入り)
5 00:06:39   Mysticbutts I don't know if it's just me, but the music of this game just gives me Batman vibes and the best way possible
6 04月28日
  Chartreuse Baron Everyone hates lawnmowers when others mow lawns. That's perfectly normal.
7 04月28日
  Boombot 5
8 00:17:09 $10.00   General Froggy Sorry I was on the John. Can you replay the tutorial for me again? Thanks Ves-P
9 00:17:19 $5.00   Yenway Things are a lot more complex since Agent 47 graduated from his agency and now he's got to do his work as an indie.
10 00:22:30 $5.00   Cain Prescott Fun fact: something neat happens when you drop a proximity mine and go to pick it up.
11 00:23:03   That Rheeve Guy You speak as if being a Sweaty Gamer doesn't qualify as a bit.
12 00:23:18 €5.00   Dragoncamper Understood it. You will play the best Clown assassin we have ever seen.
13 00:31:50 £5.00   Gorbz What nonsense is this? Hitman but not being able to hit men? Madness!
14 04月28日
  Sakura Mikage 5
15 00:52:18   AlesongtheBrewer Hi Vesper! WoW was so much fun! Sorry for my VoH pond suggestion btw! I forgot it was that shallow before WoD!
16 01:03:21 $2.00   Henry 21 Solstice 12 is going to win in court plex (a無言スパチャ)
17 04月28日
  BLUEBERRY Love you papa v
18 01:22:14 SEK20.00   That Rheeve Guy Gold bar TO THE FACE will never stop being Funny.
19 01:30:03   Fruitlessdog I play this game a lot. Drip > Meta
20 01:30:19 $5.00   raysmashbrawl176 Naked Snake: it's a nice gun I'll give you that. but the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever.
21 01:41:33 $5.00   Cain Prescott
Pro Tip: it's better to exfil in a gunfight and keep your stuff than to just die.
22 02:55:10 $5.00   Yenway
Fun fact: In Miami story mode, one of the targets is in a race car. Another vtuber managed to pistol snipe the driver as it blew past in a deleted VOD
23 04月28日