配信名[Week in Review] WEEKS ARE FOR THE WEAK #gavisbettel #holotempus
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 45 299.93 \43,958
HK$ HKD 1 500.00 \9,342
EUR EUR 2 20.00 \3,171
CA$ CAD 3 21.99 \2,369
£ GBP 2 10.00 \1,844
A$ AUD 3 17.00 \1,597
YEN YEN 1 1000 \1,000
MX$ MXN 1 100.00 \877
IDR IDR 1 79000.00 \757
THB THB 1 100.00 \415
PLN PLN 1 10.00 \354
PHP PHP 1 125.00 \322
---- ---- ---- ---- \66,006
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08月29日
  missmerc 1
2 08月29日
  Doji 1
3 08月29日
  ai la mode 1
4 08月29日
  Yvette Thanatos 1
5 08月29日
  bloo mantis 1
6 08月29日
  Vizodi 1
7 08月29日
  ルミィ (lumy) 1
8 08月29日
  NormalMar 1
9 08月29日
  Reverie 1
10 08月29日
  Speakz 1
11 08月29日
  Seishun 1
12 08月29日
  pareidolie 1
13 08月29日
  Vizodi 1
14 08月29日
  horse appreciator 1
15 08月29日
  andie 1
16 08月29日
  major31miracle 1
17 00:02:24   Poleece Man Ladies and gentlemen I regret to inform you, Gavis Bettel
18 00:03:00 $10.00   Patware gavis peakel
19 08月29日
  lav havent been able to catch u live since i got gifted again bcs i started work excited for today gorbulus
20 08月29日
  evan my mom also loves you, mother rizzer fr. also happy monday (2 months already omg)
21 00:03:45 $2.00   Diego Armando good luck gawis betsel
22 00:03:46   Marly (メンバーシップ入り)
23 08月29日
  Empchi (メンバーシップ入り)
24 08月29日
25 00:04:16   Henry Johnson gavis bettel? gavis bettel! gavis bettel gavis bettel!!??
26 08月29日
  Marly 20
27 00:04:33   TheNeoSkyte - The sleepy chumbie (メンバーシップ入り)
28 08月29日
  Yokobluu I have obtained the legendary hat
29 00:05:21   D.V. Fernandez Right on time for this
30 00:05:25   celeste girl where do you get the ideas for these intros
31 00:05:43 $5.00   Luna Brando my mom said "i would get a shirt with his face on it cuz he's very pretty"
32 00:06:10 IDR79,000.00   Sashi It’s my graduation day!
33 00:08:58   José Juárez (メンバーシップ入り)
34 00:09:19 $5.00   ZamaSama_ Hey Gummy Bear, I wore your Aug 19th shirt to my first day of university and almost left my backpack on the bus. Is this the curse of luck
35 00:09:24   miju (メンバーシップ入り)
36 00:09:27 $20.00   Marly At work, so this will be quick!! Last week has been terrible for me for me, so I decided to treat myself by supporting my Oshi and this lovely community. It's your turn to treat me back, your happiness will surely suffice
37 00:10:04 $5.00   danya wanted you to know i made you in bg3 as a bit and named you bettelf. i also used the wrong body type so you're also like 6'5 with a rippling 6 pack yw
38 00:10:38 A$10.00   ハリエット harriet What is Gavis Bettel? For the blind, it is light. For the hungry, it is bread. For the sick, it is a cure. For the lonely, it is companionship. For the sad, it is joy. For the prisoner, it is freedom.
39 00:10:44 $5.00   Jax So, Tempus Week am I right? Wonder what that's about.
40 00:11:48   SweetLemon_ tart You’re so weird and clinically insane (positive) I wish nothing but the best for you Bettel ^0^ thank you for making a lot of my days better
41 00:12:38 PLN10.00   Fat fuck (a無言スパチャ)
42 00:14:06   AM i hope you survive Phasmophobia VR :3
43 00:15:42 $10.00   celeste please ur my comfort league streamer
44 00:15:51 $1.99   LILMANghost just no
45 00:16:19 $5.00   Seishun You could do those SCs from Green Hell, you birthday skipper ;__;
46 08月29日
  Daniela Blanco🦊🎩 1
47 00:17:52   TheSilverSky Armored Core?
48 00:18:21 $5.00   Sakura Mikage See ya at the panel on Saturday, nerd.
49 00:23:24 $10.00   Patware
aa gavis bettel help there's thunder outside i'm a-scared
50 00:24:48 $5.00   Boombot How about doing an event horizon watch along?
51 08月29日
  LilyGilly karaoke and oundgacs and guitar and minecraft door voice packs? best membership content ever, T3 winning! hyped for the VR streams, thanks for all the fun Betsy, this week looks amazing!
52 08月29日
  CheeyeeGo 5
53 08月29日
  Tiffy betty!! happy 6 months:33 today I have you in mi car for moral support as I drive out of my comfort zone:D
54 00:26:52   Jormly (メンバーシップ入り)
55 08月29日
  Ririka | りりか Half a year alrhooray for oungdacs
56 00:27:43 €10.00   deyz 🌿🐾 realy love your watchalong streams man altough my brain still kinda hurts from the last one
57 00:28:12 $4.99   VarsonAbaddon bettel your tank tread drawings reminded me of the toy combinations sid from toystory did. youre the sid of tempus
58 00:30:13 $10.00   Command Throw Actual crime we didn't get any Sid updates in the sequels. WHAT IS MY MAN COOKING I WANNA KNOW FR FR
59 00:30:13 $1.99   VarsonAbaddon
ya both have the melon head aswell
60 08月29日
  Stella (メンバーシップ入り)
61 00:30:43   Pantstacular The real question was how did he manage to order fire works without the internet that young
62 00:33:02 $5.00   Jax
As a kid, my cousin told me Sid ran off into the sunset and died, and I just sorta believed him for a whole decade.
63 00:36:22 $10.00   Shaehl 1-by-1 Is the Dollar Store's in-house brand
64 00:36:28   Diane (メンバーシップ入り)
65 00:37:11 $10.00   bloo mantis on the topic of art, do u know Zdzislaw Beksinski? Polish painter/photographer/sculptor who painted dystopian surrealism, v creepy & beautiful. if you like Geiger you'd prob vibe w Beksinski's stuff
66 00:37:42   kingllama001 where do you put your waifu figures ?
67 00:38:29 HK$500.00   Alexis 2 (@lunedelstein) (a無言スパチャ)
68 00:41:12   sara i know ur a goth freak like me, so i think u would like german expressionism. give it a google
69 00:42:23   paopandan hey benadryl, my art historian ears perked up at mentions of surrealist art. have you checked out the work of remedios varo?
70 00:44:59 PHP125.00   Say Hi (To Samuel) Look if Squidward can paint. You can too.
71 00:50:38   Zeke pingu watchalong when?
72 00:50:51 $5.00   ai la mode Have you seen The Fantastic Mr. Fox? Possibly my all time favorite stop motion movie
73 08月29日
  thegrandcricket Your mention of Coraline just reminded me that I have tickets to a screening of it tonight! I almost forgot! Never see it. Thanks Bettel!!
74 00:58:26 $5.00   Speakz You know Doug Jones plays abe, fish man, pan and pale man right?
75 01:04:05   coles hey bingus! Just wanted to let you know i was at a convention last weekend where they had a holostars poll, and you got voted as the #1 babygirl
76 01:06:38   StriderIncident Tattoos oundgacs on me for the rizz
77 01:06:42   jess is a mess opinions on tattoos that are phrases or names? i personally prefer art for tattoos but i do think you'd look good with BINGUS tattooed on your 5head
78 01:08:31 $5.00   Kevin牛 if you were forced to get knuckle tats, what would they say?
79 01:08:53   ZombieisSleeping (メンバーシップ入り)
80 01:10:07 A$2.00   Vizodi AR code tattoo that links to a picture of your dog
81 01:11:01 $10.00   Dr. MAGman Hey Gavster, I had a dream that I was losing control of my car, but then I heard your voice chanting "Gavis Bettel" really fast and I fell off a bridge. WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME CLOWN MAN?!
82 01:12:49 CA$5.00   Cupid Not sure if you'll remember, but I have my megamind tattoo booked but I kinda want an oundgac too... hmm
83 01:12:57 ¥1,000   ルミィ (lumy) that reminds me, most surreal moment of my life was sitting across a person on the train with a gavis bettel inspired tattoo. for a moment i thought i finally lost it.
84 01:13:43 $5.00   Satanael Hey Bettel, did you hear that the star Betelgeuse has recently gotten brighter? It means it might go supernova relatively soon. Good luck.
85 01:14:02   AvidFicReader [Chosen of Ceiling Gecko] Bettel, you made me choke on my drink!
86 01:14:38 $5.00   danya
one day i'll find a gas leak in my home and then once its fixed i'm going to find out you were never real
87 01:16:04 CA$6.99   Rhys Umbra Getting a oundgac tattoo would be wild hahaha
88 01:16:16   errrushi Hi Bettel, I've been gone for 3 weeks travelling and suffering timezone debuff so I couldn't catch your streams. Glad to see you made it past August 19th! Anyway, ever been on a hot air balloon?
89 08月29日
  Luntinar the real bettel experience were the shared delusionals along the way
90 01:18:08   Danny Leng (メンバーシップ入り)
91 01:18:23 €10.00   Eule ther tattoo person lumy mentioned was me lmao
92 01:19:24 £5.00   AVR 039 As Mothman would say, "Live, Laugh, LAMP."
93 01:19:58   Solrent hi betsy thank you for the sick shirt! love it
94 01:20:54 $9.99   ROSIE ☆彡 fun fact! i commissioned rhys for a bettel inspired tattoo and i was hoping to actually get it tattooed to show you at impulse but i got caught up with work. hope to show you some day regardless!
95 01:23:16 $5.00   mockspade Hey Bettel! First super chat! :D Quick question: Why do you look like that? Thanks!
96 01:24:21 $10.00   polygon If void ray rush, would it be imba? or ba?
97 01:25:32 THB100.00   Lynnear I became VOD gang for a while for my health sake.but I still see you in weird dream as the high school classmate.. WHAT R U (miss catch your live btw)
98 01:25:47 $5.00   Reverie you're her oundgac
99 01:27:30 A$5.00   Vizodi
Paralysis demon Bettel that jumps on your bed and honks his clown horns excessively.
100 01:28:20 $20.00   Jiemboh Get whatever tattoo you want, but imagine explaining the tattoo to someone who has no idea what it's from whether that be a possible future partner or grandchild. "I loved that boy, what was his name.... Gravy Boat?"
101 01:28:37   Generalmoose2nd Thanks for the 5 months of gifts Betellion! And thank you Bettel for being so entertaining!
102 01:29:38   Dipper Dawn Im listening to you right now during a very many hours long drive. Please make more loud noises so I can stay awake.
103 08月29日
  Greer Dee 1
104 01:30:05   MadJadArt 5 months of gifts here too!!
105 08月29日
  Teeth I am also a lucky bettelion that gets sniped, thanks y'all
106 01:30:30 £5.00   vil! ill get a bettel tattoo to be forever reminded of the horrors the horrors the horrors the horrors
107 01:30:47   Brutee Force 6 months of gifts also
108 08月29日
  Hannah {Viridihan} 5
109 08月29日
  ハルヒ・haruhi i got 6 months of gifts, ty bettelion
110 01:31:09 $5.00   Mal Morose You remind me so much of cotton candy, I wanna eat cotton candy now even though I hate the taste
111 01:31:48   Stream Gavis Bettel's cover of One Reason tattoo idea: the words 'Stream Gavis Bettel' and then QR codes of all of the songs and covers you put out.
112 01:31:51 $10.00   DefeatableAirMan Hi Barney, sup? Last week was rough, between getting a year older, having a friend move away, and...everything, but you have what every comedian should: empathy--which keeps us coming back
113 08月29日
  RuneWithIt 1
114 01:32:31   Thorne so what kind of drink is on your table in your carriage
115 01:33:13 $5.00   Hannah {Viridihan} LMFAO you got it right in there somewhere. its said like the the color 'viridian'
116 08月29日
  Pankae🧡🧡 heEEEeeeelllo gavis bettelllll also thanks for the gifted guysslay
117 01:34:40 CA$10.00   Rayzorexe Ponder the Orb
118 01:35:07 $10.00   major31miracle ORB ORB ORB.... what just happened?
119 01:35:13   chigusairo picking up again on art chat. has there been any art made yet of the bettster a la that painting of Stanczyk the jester?
120 08月29日
  Diana Hurtado Hi Bettel!! I took the TKT (Teacher Knowledge Test) and got the result and I passed!! Not bad considering I didn't study ^^
121 01:35:52 $2.00   Pesadilla can you tell us our future?
122 08月29日
  iuhn (メンバーシップ入り)
123 01:39:50 $5.00   マルマル (MaruMaru) plz make that orb big enough and put yourself inside, it will become a perfect hamster ball
124 01:40:47 MX$100.00   Diana Hurtado Yeah, it's a test that I'm required to do to prove I know enough stuff to be a teacher, an English teacher!! This is the 4th one I do ^^
125 01:40:52   Kunfused O R B
126 01:41:15   Maple R this is so soothing
127 01:41:19 $4.99   horse appreciator glinda the good witch
128 01:41:41 $10.00   HipHipFrey Thanks for my new alarm sound effect
129 01:41:41 $5.00   Seishun
Damn Bettel, spoilers
130 01:42:11 $5.00   Doctah WAAwee ITS ORBING TIME.
131 01:44:40   MissPotchi gORBis bORBtel
132 01:50:58 $2.00   Shad that was my partner they're watching u rn(at work)
133 01:51:28 $5.00   kellykgreeneart (just wanna clarify he gave a funny look and proceeded to chat with me like nothing happened LOL)
134 01:52:01 $4.99   VarsonAbaddon
im sure wed all like to see a drunk bettel playing league
135 08月29日
  Gus Fangz Thanks again for picking my art last week! I stopped making art for years until I found you and the bettelion. It means a lot. Merci
136 01:54:55 $4.99   VarsonAbaddon
play hand simulator with the bois
137 01:55:11   NoctiSketch (メンバーシップ入り)
138 01:56:44 $5.00   Mal Morose
Isn't the tempus lore literally that you are all machinima?
139 08月29日
  Ivy Ithree 10
140 01:58:29   FulmiOnce hi borbious cant wait to see the suffering when you eventually do period sim