配信名[Sims 4] HORRORS UNLEASHED! #gavisbettel #holotempus
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 41 279.92 \35,979
AED AED 1 250.00 \8,750
CA$ CAD 6 32.76 \3,162
ISK ISK 1 3000 \2,737
PHP PHP 5 550.00 \1,317
MX$ MXN 1 125.00 \861
EUR EUR 1 5.99 \838
£ GBP 1 5.00 \784
NZ$ NZD 1 8.99 \748
NT$ TWD 1 75.00 \324
---- ---- ---- ---- \55,500
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月04日
CA$5.00   Jay R. this is a secret SC only for the prechat. you're looking very cute today
2 00:01:35 $5.00   Xenohydra
3 00:02:42 $5.00   Wottle If you see this super chat, I have beef with you
4 00:03:29 $5.00   Seishun Eye/gastrointestinal doctor fund. Surely you'll find you a doctor who can do both.
5 00:03:53 $10.00   Ratkin Napkin I know you claimed #1 but can I claim Gavis Bettle's #2 Biggest fan? love you
6 00:03:55 NZ$8.99   naiby Heyyyo bettel not sure if this has been asked but what’s your favorite tool song ??
7 00:05:13 $10.00   Courtney ultimate sims gamer
8 00:05:47 €5.99   stella! The fact that Sims-Bettel is the only Bettel without jacket we‘re getting…
9 00:06:29 $2.00   Diego Armando good luck ravis dazzel
10 00:07:36 $5.00   Phoenix Empyros I'd love to see you play more character creation games if this took you 3 hours to make everyone lol
11 00:08:35 £5.00   Zenithinia So we've moved on from "character creator simulator" to "house builder simulator"?
12 00:11:05 $4.99   Delta Thanks for the Bettel #2 perms. Here's money so you can get him a cheesecake.
13 00:13:26 AED250.00   Wild Donger Buy skulls for the skull throne.
14 00:13:29 $10.00   nhi problemo you're making this house a Home
15 00:15:35 $4.99   mar gibberish babble should've been the guild architect instead of the jester
16 00:16:19 $2.00   Reverie will you use cheats? there's a cheat for money
17 00:16:49 $10.00   Ashley this house is reminding me of the winchester mystery house
18 00:17:24 $4.99   Magni’s Juicy Toes (a無言スパチャ)
19 00:19:54 $5.00   Han I'm glad you're enjoying building, Stringbean,. Looks good!
20 00:24:08 $4.99   yana damn bro you live like this…?
21 00:24:20 $5.00   Orpheus Nacht What a nice prison Goobert Boopert has here
22 00:30:17 $4.99   Crusabi sounds about right
23 00:33:42 $2.00   JCred4 Hey Grabby Bees.
24 00:42:23 $5.00   Xenohydra
your body is going to be found stuffed in the dishwasher at this current trajectory
25 00:43:57 $10.00   Kevin牛 A single piece of fruitcake and mac & cheese? Well it's healthier than your normal diet.
26 00:54:34 $5.00   Ashley
Flayon should've escaped while he had the chance
27 00:56:22 $4.99   Crusabi
idk why sim shinri sounded like joe from family guy for a second
28 01:00:27 $10.00   Ava Rose {JellyFuzz} Hakka eepy
29 01:04:21 CA$4.00   Jay R.
hi benrey. i'll pay for shinri's grilled cheese
30 01:05:28 CA$6.99   Kazuhaislife99 Easiest way to gain money is by marrying someone then getting their house worth then killing them or imprisoning them lol
31 01:07:17 NT$75.00   CheeyeeGo For Shinri's PC fund
32 01:11:52 CA$2.79   Kazuhaislife99
Give flayon a bed
33 01:18:48 $2.00   Brandermau Red Bed Redemption
34 01:22:12 CA$6.99   Kazuhaislife99
Use the empty room to imprison the goths after marrying them lol
35 01:22:15 $5.00   wingsofhope2 The house of your dreams, after eating ice cream at 4 AM before bed.
36 01:43:22 $5.00   BIG HAM gamer
37 01:44:10 $5.00   Rey Eat. Sleep. GAMING. Repeat
38 01:57:47 CA$6.99   Kazuhaislife99
Gavis ‘master of flirting’ bettel
39 01:59:20 $5.00   wingsofhope2
Tempus Vanguard brothel arc IKZ
40 01:59:51 $50.00   Xenohydra
family therapy funds
41 01:59:59 $1.99   Altar of the Sky🎩🏹 BETTELSWEEP
42 02:01:40 $10.00   Noname Oof, Shinri took his bf and his food. That's a big L from me bro.
43 02:03:47 $4.99   karasu higher friendships = more open to flirts. a small “cheat” to get high friendships is take a ton of selfies with them
44 02:05:07 $13.00   Catman504 Can I buy Hakka for an hour with this?
45 02:08:13 $5.00   Phoenix Empyros
Here comes the fanart
46 02:17:54 PHP125.00   やんか (yanka) he prolly sh*t his pants lmao
47 02:18:58 $5.00   Noname
48 02:19:01 $5.00   Xenohydra
49 02:20:05 $10.00   Ashley
for Hakka and Flayon’s hospital bills
50 02:20:43 PHP50.00   やんか (yanka)
*points and laughs*
51 02:21:12 PHP125.00   Say Hi (To Jerry) I expected both of them to be on fire and extinguishing each other for a good five minutes.
52 02:21:24 MX$125.00   Rene Alarcon Hey Bettel. My mother doesn't know English at all but she just saw your actions and heard your expressions and she was laughing right now. She thinks you're funny. You're good.
53 02:22:16 ISK3,000   Arna (ᚨᚱᚾᚨ) bro i got so stressed, but at least they can trauma bond now
54 02:31:05 $5.00   Pestering Jester Hi! Just wanted to say that you're the best. You have instant chemistry with everyone and a charisma I aspire to. Anyway, have a good stream, Phantom!
55 02:32:24 $5.00   Noname
You're cool
56 02:33:04 PHP125.00   やんか (yanka)
you're funny and ur very pretty
57 02:46:24 $5.00   Liv [ 54BPM ] gotta show that youre good with kids and will be the perfect step dad duh.
58 02:46:49 PHP125.00   Say Hi (To Jerry)
Bettel only needs Mortimer to fuel his VBucks fund.
59 02:49:12 $2.00   Verdandi Breaking Bad, but it's Dating Dads