配信名:【あえて、】味の素さん、いつもお世話になってます。/ アステル・レダ
icon 名前 チャット
00:49:54 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Hello Senpai, hello everyone (^.^)/
00:52:55 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Nani
00:54:28 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Senpai is enjoying food.
00:54:38 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Chicken on screen looks yummy
00:55:32 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Ohhh! Wow! Thank you for the letting me know Pesquet. Very neat.
00:56:06 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame I only understand few words. Learning.
00:56:12 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame heheh
00:56:49 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Oh haha I don't mind Dubias - I'm happy chilling with you all Senpai sounds very happy with his food haha
00:57:30 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Pesquet - Oh! I did not know that. Learn something new about Senpai's everyday haha
00:57:34 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Clap clap clap clap clap clap
00:58:22 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame The presentation is pretty
00:59:24 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Chaos - Oh wow! Probably then haha
01:00:09 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Chocolateeee
01:01:04 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Chaos - Goodness all my senpai's have multiple talents I'm still finding out, it's amazing.
01:02:02 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Welcome back
01:02:55 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Wow
01:03:15 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Thats a big percentage off haha
01:03:55 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame The cake is a lie
01:04:24 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame That was a game reference btw - Its real I swear/
01:04:49 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Yummy
01:07:00 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Chaos::: Astel senpai is sooo passionate he puts his ALL into it - literally
01:07:59 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Mukbang
01:09:29 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame He's deffo making me wish I could eat from this place haha
01:10:01 アステル・レダ #あえてアステルレダ
01:10:23 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Val:: Ditto
01:10:53 Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Giggles
Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Woah!
Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Nani?!?!?!
Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Bye bye everyone - have a lovely day! That was fun to tune into Senapi!
Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Chaos:: oh! xD
Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Bye byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee