トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:【RUST】HoloRust addiction
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   34     824.43  110,070円
 SGD  SGD    4     175.80   17,101円
 WON  KRW    3     115000   11,782円
 YEN  YEN    4       9000    9,000円
 CA$  CAD    6      82.98    8,670円
 HK$  HKD    1     500.00    8,512円
  A$  AUD    3      75.00    7,129円
 NT$  TWD    2    1530.00    6,815円
 PHP  PHP    2    1750.00    4,190円
 MX$  MXN    1     500.00    3,364円
 SEK  SEK    1     200.00    2,615円
 MYR  MYR    3      75.00    2,251円
 DKK  DKK    1     100.00    1,841円
   £  GBP    1       5.00      810円
 EUR  EUR    1       5.00      684円
---- ---- ----       ----  194,834円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08/15
$2.00   GrimCatnip [Nephamily] [Vesfriends] 1 year IRyStocrats!!!!!
2 08/15
¥1,000   ふのまろ
3 08/15
  Nuva (メンバーシップ入り)
4 08/15
HK$500.00   Haruka I'm tired and need a stream break, so this will be my last SC for a while. Hope you'll have fun and succeed in shortening your stream, take care please.
5 08/15
  Xsouls (メンバーシップ入り)
6 08/15
7 08/15
¥1,000   Get ifphilo (無言スパチャ)
8 08/15
  Sean Lewis - KFP ChumTako (メンバーシップ入り)
9 08/15
  Shiny Cucumber - Tako (メンバーシップ入り)
10 08/15
DKK100.00   Flakarmor The Rust server is getting more dangerous, so I hope you stay vigilant. Have you found anything you want to spend your immense gambling winnings on?
11 08/15
$20.00   FalcomxTrails 💎 Hello IRyS! Just wanted to give you some funds for lozenges and manuka honey! Thanks so much for all the entertaining streams and new songs over this past year! You are my favorite holo member and music artist
12 08/15
$10.00   FalcomxTrails 💎
I think you've been doing a fantastic job as a Vsinger, IRyS! Happy 1st year of the Nephamily! I'll support my push forever!!! Looking forward to the new MV release
13 08/15
  fanology (メンバーシップ入り)
14 08/15
$20.00   Jump Higher Believe in the 20
15 08/15
£5.00   Markgonaut 1-Year membership badge get! VERY happy & proud to be supporting you always, cutest vSinger idol, seisoRyS! Can't watch live but good luck with Rust!
16 08/15
¥2,000   PONRyS•Knecht 反省しまくって、テツヤしてしまいました。 昨日は、メンバーシップでのIRySのコメントをスクショして、タグ無しとはいえ、ツイートしてしまい、IRyStocrats からDMで注意をもらい、そこではじめて私自身のミスだと気付かされて削除しました。数分だったとはいえ、メンバーシップへのコメントをツイートしてしまいすみませんでした。
17 08/15
$10.00   Luis Miguel: CFAA and Nene's Husband Happy to be part of the 1-year Nephamily gang! I along with many others are feeling hella snazzy with the platinum badge Now onto the Smol badge next year!
18 08/15
$2.00   Ry-Ry
19 08/15
$123.45   Cleric Clapton HIRyS. Hope you're doing well and hope you have fun w/rust. Not sure if gauche to ask this outside of karaoke stream but was hoping you could sometime do Eyes on Me from FFVIII. I think it'd fit your voice great. True idol song for true, pure idol. Seiso overload.
20 08/15
$5.00   Bishop Rainbow membership badges, IKZ
21 08/15
  puhan lemon tian
22 08/15
$10.00   J.M. Henry Here's to one year as a proud member of the Nephamily! 7 And now a random question: Do you ever change up the banana game in the mornings? Maybe a banana smoothie, or banana bread/ muffins?
23 08/15
24 08/15
SGD50.00   Bloody Emperor - IRyS神社. Accord of BaeRyS Will IRyS have a poor shed, or will it be a stone fort or a metallic outpost due to her offline grind? Will she finally win it big or lose everything? Gyanburu wa kurutte iru hodo omoshiroi. Sā kakegurui mashou.
25 08/15
$10.00   Irish Wristwatch Happy 1 year of memberships!. I'm glad to have been here this whole time and having seen the community grow throughout everything!
26 08/15
  Black Knight
27 08/15
  aeris Thank you for this amazing year IRyS!
28 00:00:42   Guido R happy one year anniversary Nephamily !!!
29 08/15
30 08/15
31 00:01:11   Generalmoose2nd Lets goooooo
32 00:01:14 PHP500.00   Sumika IRyS is streaming on my birthday, yay! I hope you enjoy playing Rust and I hope you have a great day today! I treated myself last year by buying membership, and for this year, I wanted to send an SC
33 08/15
  Jinro 1yr member ship YAAYAYAY
34 08/15
  Benery V. 1 year Nephamily
35 00:01:25 $10.00   MisterVeeg Just glad to hang out, cheers
36 08/15
37 08/15
  Asakura好葉 Buybuy it
38 08/15
  ThisIsAName 1 year already
39 08/15
40 00:02:00 CA$20.00   HappyTheYorkie IRyS IRyS IRyS are you going to be a pretty girl after you salon appointment?
41 08/15
  Shrewy happy 1 year membership
42 00:02:13 MYR15.00   BulliPlzはありません oh boy, can't wait for IRyS' NPCRyS Arc
43 00:02:17   Mike Lin (メンバーシップ入り)
44 00:02:20 $50.00   Jeff Star (無言スパチャ)
45 00:02:24   TheGoldstriker Diamond flower IKZ
46 00:02:26 $1.99   ChaChi444 One year membership anniversary let’s go!!!!!
47 00:02:35 $100.00   Arshaiden Happy One Year Nephamily! We made it through our first year and only have one to go until we actually earn Hope! In the mean time we continue to charge on Hopium each stream. To IRyS, thank you for connecting us a year ago. Here's to a fun second year!
48 00:02:43   🦋Diego Rarity 💎 (メンバーシップ入り)
49 00:02:47   MykhelMarZ (メンバーシップ入り)
50 00:02:56   ラエルシオ (メンバーシップ入り)
51 08/15
  TsukiTsuki Buy
52 00:03:09   🎀Tomo【エルフレ】🎀 Happy 1 year anniversary! We love you IRyS!
53 00:03:13   The Old Tyrant Looking forward to the Short Stream
54 08/15
55 00:03:26   acidtreat101 (Eric) Sadly not one year for me but I will get there!!!!
56 00:03:32   Brawl Man876 Time for more gambling let’s go
57 08/15
  super am
58 08/15
  Ian Lin it's despair time
59 00:03:51   Cyril C (メンバーシップ入り)
60 08/15
  Razorwire [レザーワイヤー] It's already been a whole year! I'm so glad you descended to give us all the hope we needed to cope
61 08/15
  Johnomicon 1 yr of Fun and Nephamily
62 00:03:57   mellowagain (メンバーシップ入り)
63 00:04:03   Marinh
64 00:04:03   Oneygee YEAHHHHH
65 00:04:07   MackyM.💎 Happy1year guys.. I will catch up somehow
66 08/15
  ScarfaceGuru 1 YEAR MEMBERS LETS GO! Wait who are you and what have you done with IRyS. She never streams this early
67 00:04:17   Syahzlan 1 YEAR IN THE NEPHAMILY WOOOOOOOO
68 08/15
  Luis Miguel: CFAA and Nene's Husband One Year Nephamily rise up
69 00:04:26   Taylor (メンバーシップ入り)
70 00:04:35 MX$500.00   Miguel-CFAA | KFP Coin Polisher !it's been a while since i sent my last SC but today is a special day! 1 year with the Nephamily (and the CFAA lol) going strong for our push! maybe im not as active as before (work) but im always here cheering for u. VIVA LA IRyS
71 08/15
  MisterVeeg So that's a year of not knowing how to use these. Here's to more
72 08/15
  Zanthox It is Debut all over again!
73 08/15
74 08/15
  Cosmoman78 Oh man this brings the debut NostalgiaNever change IRyS, never change.
75 08/15
  Jorji your streaming skills got "rusty"
76 00:05:31 $10.00   Argonauts5 Love Berserker, but try the Beserk anime, inspired Elden Ring & has good ships. first watch '97 anime up to ep 20, then the 3rd moive.
77 00:05:35 NT$30.00   Evan W. -エヴァン- Take 2 Let's goooooo
78 08/15
  Chappie Loveless Take2 let's go!
79 08/15
  Silver Wolf
80 08/15
  Chick - KFP Paper Corner Humidity Engineer TAKE 2
81 00:06:39   HopeNugget Happy 1 year on membership IRyS!
82 08/15
83 00:06:57   N N Happy 1 year scuff-iversary.
84 00:07:13   Jarl Jarl1 (メンバーシップ入り)
85 00:07:04 ¥5,000   PONRyS•Knecht
声に出して読まないでください。 いつもの調子でふざけようと思うけど、迷惑かけてしまったかもしれないという思いが頭から離れなくて、IRySのいつもの明るい声を聞いたら、苦しくなってしまって、うまくチャット打てない。しばらく謹慎(きんしん)英語で言うと[house arrest]でいいのかな? します。 RUST楽しんでください。
86 08/15
  ChaChi444 Happy One Year Membership We will alway support our Push and one day have our very own Hope Here’s looking toward two years!!!!!
87 00:07:30   Erionn Made it to 1 year!
88 08/15
89 00:07:43   TheMadMan (Gaming) No joke, it was a Windows update, it has happened to everyone.
90 00:07:52   hard body One year less gooooo
91 00:07:55 SEK200.00   Vismuth It's my birthday, but I've had to leave my friends on the other side of the world, so I'm celebrating by taking the day off work and watching anime girls kill eachother over scrap. Thank you for streaming as always!
92 08/15
  Fox_Paisen Let's gooo 1 year gang!
93 08/15
  Lardroom HIRyS! Glad to be with you for one year straight, though ups and downs. Never change.
94 08/15
  Kevin Lin
95 00:08:27   Backslash Happy membership anniversary!
96 08/15
  Hantako am crazy diamond now
97 08/15
  Antifresh The Simper its 1 year badge
98 08/15
  【下次一定】CBW 1 year lets go
99 00:08:49   Cyril C (メンバーシップ入り)
100 00:08:57 $10.00   ナミ73 Congrats on 1 year for the Nephamily!! Hope your day has been well, GambleRyS. I just finished watching the first Rust VOD, so can't wait to see how much further into debt you'll fall into.
101 08/15
  fantasythinkerfan Yo IRyS let’s rust it up!!
102 00:12:06 NT$1,500.00   Kopiuly 3080 let's go~
103 00:14:49   Lontis D. Sin (メンバーシップ入り)
104 08/15
  JDLink Ch. HiRyS! Glad and proud to be wearing the 1 Year badgeWill continue my love and support to Hope til Calli finally takes my soul
105 00:16:59   Mr_Inferno34 (メンバーシップ入り)
106 08/15
  PearlNikolas Congratulations to the year memberships squad, I was a little late to the party
107 00:19:11 SGD51.11   Kyanern「キャネン」 Happy 1st to the Nephamily! Early stream with a blessed thumbnail, what a way to start a week. You *really* grinded out a lot of stuff off-stream huh, maybe HoloRust is seeing the rise of NPCRyS
108 08/15
  [JP]みっさん (Missan) (メンバーシップ入り)
109 08/15
110 08/15
  Ella Jadewood
111 00:23:08 CA$6.99   Fonzy IRyS your upgrading has propelled you higher than you may think you might want to start considering protection and locking up everything now
112 00:23:40   vanguardduelist (メンバーシップ入り)
113 00:25:28   Chienny (メンバーシップ入り)
114 00:25:40   Cris P. Bacon [ IRyStocrats Baerats ] (メンバーシップ入り)
115 08/15
116 00:31:42 CA$2.00   IrishstompGaming oh noo it hurts me. use the ax
117 00:32:05 $5.00   GrumbleDogg The perfect music to kill wildlife with
118 00:33:55   Panduh (メンバーシップ入り)
119 08/15
  zappy1321 1 year membership LETS GOOOOOO
120 00:37:17   papcrow (メンバーシップ入り)
121 00:37:29   CherryLace (メンバーシップ入り)
122 00:37:48   normace (メンバーシップ入り)
123 00:38:18   Wolfy1012 I can't wait for your birthday merch to ship soon
124 00:41:04   Epikmanful (メンバーシップ入り)
125 00:41:43   Xuan 1 Year!
126 00:42:31   Tea-Spin Good morning, IRyS! I hope you'll have a nice day today.
127 00:42:47   Wiggy Ton (メンバーシップ入り)
128 00:46:46   BaboBabo Thank you for all the fun streams and amazing music, IRyS!
129 00:47:44   Ry-Ry You can Do IT!!!!!
130 08/15
  Broseph303 I’m SO hyped for the new badge. I bought the Anniversary merch and my OMOCAT Track jacket too! Let the good times roll
131 08/15
  High-Fructose Corn Syrup KFP Artificial Sweetener happy 1 year nephamily!
132 00:52:05   Duriku (メンバーシップ入り)
133 08/15
  Conky129 (メンバーシップ入り)
134 00:54:10 A$5.00   LoFi-senpai [🥀Seison't] Psst... Psst... People got lot'sa scrap.
135 00:58:04 $10.00   ZyraZain "All our horses are 100% horse-fed for that double horse juiced-in goodness" - Horse track Concession Guy in Futurama
136 00:58:20   Malkier One year for one of the best streamers. Congrats on one year Irys!
137 00:59:44 CA$20.00   TowaShi Happy one Year Nephamily! Thanks to such a great and supportive community and thank you IRyS for all the streams and hard work that you do for us! Heres to another great year of fun and excitement! Love you!!!!
138 08/15
  Knight Fall
139 01:06:37   OwO FongSan I have been a member for a year, I like you very much.
140 01:07:06 MYR30.00   Kongkong imagine you saw a war front of you and you start singing to stop the war like macross f Ranka Lee水面が揺らぐ 風の輪が拡がる 触れ合った指先の 青い電流 見つめあうだけで 孤独な加速度が 一瞬に砕け散る あなたが好きよ 透明な真珠のように 宙に浮く涙 ~whew whew
141 01:07:26 $5.00   I Came Here to Nep at You If at any point you start to feel safe, remember that Pekora is out there somewhere
142 01:07:47   Neon Irys gambling adventures
143 01:07:50   Tyjones D (メンバーシップ入り)
144 08/15
  RadDude How has it been a year
145 01:15:25   Pilot Light (メンバーシップ入り)
146 08/15
147 08/15
  Dalmo Santi crystal flower gang representing.
148 01:24:48   Neru (メンバーシップ入り)
149 01:24:57 $10.00   Arshaiden
Damn 1 year together and this is the level of trust we're at. I see how it is.
150 01:25:29   Sevenai (メンバーシップ入り)
151 01:25:41   Brayand Zurita Happy one Year membership, also yes dont trust chat
152 08/15
  Siuwa ! I'm proud to tell you I'm in the prestigious (I said so) day 0 member club and has reached 1 year of membership yesterday. Here's to more!
153 01:27:40 €5.00   KiraTheMaster [Nephamily] One year in the Nephamily and you don't trust us enough with your code ?
154 08/15
  みんな今日も放送 来てくれなサンキュShaun Tan HIRyS!! HAPPY 1 YEAR MEMBERSHIP! Here's to many more years to come!
155 01:33:24   Jermo9000 (メンバーシップ入り)
156 01:36:19   Da Cat (メンバーシップ入り)
157 01:40:34   Zizaku (メンバーシップ入り)
158 01:43:58 $10.00   Imaginations HIRyS, this was another poggers stream! You certainly kept us pausechamping during the gambling session. Thank you for all the omegaluls during the weirdchamp moments. Next all-in 20 is a W, no kappa.
159 01:49:01   HoloEN DD黨 (メンバーシップ入り)
160 01:50:19 CA$13.99   Mist Vade Thanks for an earlier stream IRyS also just got back from a camp and i confess that I couldn’t hold it in too its cause i took it literally when they said they have all u can eat buffet meals
161 01:52:55 $5.00   Bishop
I give that descent a 10/10
162 01:53:39 $10.00   Silverwind I was literally in the middle of typing "Don't fall off." And what do you do? You go and fall off.
163 01:54:55 SGD5.00   Kelvin Koh Nice of Balloon-kun to give you a second chance
164 01:57:00   Novus Solus (メンバーシップ入り)
165 01:59:36 CA$20.00   Baby Yoisho Happy 1 year anniversary to the Nephamily (and the honorary members)! This community is really amazing - from interacting with prechat gang to doing music collabs, and meet ups at conventions! So thank you IRyS & IRyStocrats!
166 08/15
  Doe John Crystal Badge IKZZZZZZ
167 02:23:04   布丁丁
168 08/15
  Stasiun Kiaracondong you're EN?????
169 02:26:58   Scarf Guy Hey Irys..I think you forgot about your great BGM
170 02:33:58 $10.00   LN of [H] IRySoDoo-doo
171 08/15
  Snow Ferret💎
172 08/15
  sternmerc GACHA IKZ
173 08/15
  Jim I’m a good noodle I swear!
174 02:43:28   DrewyJin Love you Queen! Happy 1 year membership!
175 02:44:38   Hock Xiang Ang (メンバーシップ入り)
176 02:52:14   ライラック ヘイズ A M A Z I N G ! ! ! \UwU/
177 02:55:37   梅子雞湯 (メンバーシップ入り)
178 03:00:40   RinnyRemmy (メンバーシップ入り)
179 08/15
  Jonathon Yang All in on 20!
180 03:03:40   Morning (メンバーシップ入り)
181 03:11:38   Bran (メンバーシップ入り)
182 03:14:34 SGD69.69   Neon Believe in the heart of the cards,irys
183 03:17:47   *Lance Jao💎🎲 (メンバーシップ入り)
184 03:24:43 PHP1,250.00   greentea💎on purple purple block After your appointment and becoming more beautiful, here lemme chip in for your Samgyeopsal for a happier full IWyS Thanks for the good morning laughs. I forgot work.lmao will be late for tomorrow's ID stream have fun!back to work for me.take care
185 03:25:06 $20.00   Garahel AmeRyS bros...we won I'm so glad my two favorite streamers could finally hangout 1 on 1. Also I can't wait to get my merch, I got multiple vinyls so I could play one and display the other
186 03:25:26   bronx819 timeworn soldier Is it mountain dew?
187 03:29:17 $5.00   Mavjin8 Speaking of weird soda, there's a celery flavored soda I sometimes see here in NYC.
188 03:29:34   chill vibes (メンバーシップ入り)
189 03:33:21   ErraticAssassin is it too late to share this
190 03:37:22 A$20.00   Not Lefthand Man IRyS can't help hurting her animals. First in MC, now in RUST. Thanks for the RUST streams, you seem especially into building up your abode. I hope your toe is healing up fine too. Take care.
191 03:38:02   ぽち。 (メンバーシップ入り)
192 03:38:51   isidro perez (メンバーシップ入り)
193 03:49:21   Sanders Happy membership anniversary to everyone! Happy to be of service to the nephilim for this long and more years to come!
194 03:53:08   Juno_blank (メンバーシップ入り)
195 03:55:22 ₩5,000   Nephtim inventory recycle plz
196 03:55:47 $5.00   HunkyDunk IRyS idk if chat has told you or not, you can tab back in with left click if you can manage to remember (i forget a lot too)
197 04:01:28 A$50.00   Nop Thank you for the fun rust streaam!
198 04:08:38 $10.00   Pulseoh Hello IRyS, I'm a member of Hobolove, a subdivision of Hololive, so I'm pretty much a member of Hololive by association. Feel free to drop me a Rust invite, thanks
199 04:09:54 $5.00   SDX Goodnightrys
200 04:10:02 $200.00   magpie Thanks for the stream IRyS! Lots of cute senpai interactions!
201 04:10:10 ₩10,000   Anthi7💎 You double the money today! You did it! Vgambler! And workbench lv2! What a progress! Today was fun! Thank you for the stream!
202 04:10:07 ₩100,000   Quaよん I read your touching message to us. I remember when you first debuted. I didn't expect you to be my oshi, but I gradually fell in love you at some point while watching your stream. You make me happy. So I'm very grateful to you. I will continue to support you 사랑해
203 04:11:49   Max Katz yaaaay
204 08/15
205 04:12:10   Anthony Riggs I've Been Waiting For This
206 08/15
  Yuu ch💎 優しいキャルちゃん Thank you so much for streaming! Happy 1st anniversary for the Nephamily and buyanniversamerch before it is too late!
207 04:15:45   いちご大福 (メンバーシップ入り)
208 04:16:28 MYR30.00   Tierru (ティエル) (無言スパチャ)
209 04:16:40 $4.99   Dugie555 Beauty doesn’t come with its withdraws. BeautyRys! Let’s go!
210 04:17:28 $100.00   Wrixne Lenti Tangent-free SC
211 04:18:21   ShiitakeBadApple LAST CHANCE! Get the Merch!
212 04:18:24 $10.00   J.M. Henry
Just a sneaky lil' SC
213 04:19:48 $5.00   Bishop
I like how chat basically agrees that Quarter Bravery goes 1. 2. 3. 4.