トップ  10
配信名post death nut clarity
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$ USD 1 5.00 \699
CA$ CAD 1 5.50 \573
---- ---- ---- ---- \1,272
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月04日
  yomo 10
2 06月04日
  beanbean (メンバーシップ入り)
3 06月04日
  yomo 5
4 06月04日
  kori korami [azulia] hey astie its been 6 months good news i went to a con and saw someone who recognised my cos of you!!walked w a sign like promiced and ppl loved ithaha
5 06月04日
  Lucas🦁wallet💫 Hewwo astie im happy u streamed on my bday good luck in the bathroom
6 06月04日
  Yilia shou Hi~aster~ I will 25years old tomorrow I’m very happy to see your stream today
7 06月04日
  Nicola Chiara Aloupeep Astie! I hope you're having a good night! You're one of my favorite Niji members so thank you for being so cute and wonderful!
8 06月04日
  Anuki Kaida Hewwo my Love! Glad to see you again finally! I hope your games are going well! Love you, little star boi! Mmmmmmmmwah!
9 06月04日
CA$5.50   Kiruka Remember: if any of your teammates suck at the game, just report them. That's the real League meta!
10 06月04日
$5.00   Nicola Chiara Aloupeep I know the night wasn't the best, but hopefully we can help cheer you up for another day Astie! We love you Aster, and only wish the best for you!