トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【Project Zomboid】 Don't Inside. Dead Open. 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
 NT$  TWD   40    8485.00   38,929円
 HK$  HKD   35    1599.00   29,787円
   $  USD   18     153.93   22,504円
 YEN  YEN   13      18320   18,320円
 MYR  MYR   27     549.10   17,137円
 WON  KRW    4     118000   12,086円
 THB  THB   25    2375.00    9,106円
 PHP  PHP   20    2800.00    6,952円
 IDR  IDR    7  319000.00    3,034円
 EUR  EUR    4      20.00    2,840円
 CA$  CAD    2      10.00    1,059円
  ₫  VND    4     140000      855円
   £  GBP    1       5.00      803円
 CZK  CZK    1     129.00      746円
 NZ$  NZD    1       8.99      735円
  A$  AUD    1       7.99      732円
 MX$  MXN    2     100.00      728円
 ARS  ARS    3     500.00      485円
 INR  INR    2     140.00      249円
 CLP  CLP    1       1000      157円
  R$  BRL    1       5.00      138円
---- ---- ----       ----  167,382円

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
52 Oct 13 12:08:46 THB40.00   🦝ivk384 [ Kate ] Finally i can send you a super chat IKZ!!!
62 Oct 13 12:10:29 PHP500.00   VictoryM Hi Fulgur! It's my birthday, and I want to celebrate with you and the Comfys! Thank you for your streams and for being such a good sport with my Dnd Pickup lines! your quips always make my day
67 Oct 13 12:13:48 THB40.00   mesa_ zombies eat brain and i'm safe
72 Oct 13 12:18:08 PHP125.00   pacy 🍞 [local loaf] i love this game & im so excited to watch chaos ensue as u & the other nijis play tgt hope u have fun & remember Q is for the cure winkwonk
81 Oct 13 12:54:07 ¥200   浅川すすり NIJI god drivers but lost
82 Oct 13 13:04:44 ¥500   おみそMi So ふーちゃん GO GO
91 Oct 13 13:48:55 ₹100.00   Chargoggagoggmanchauggauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg Mr Borg I think you need to know this but someone said that the red outline around the zombies mean you'll miss ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ
96 Oct 13 14:11:16 HK$15.00   胤熙-Rei⚡️🐏 Good night fu hope you have a great time
111 Oct 13 14:49:22 ¥1,000   むむ[Mumu] Dear Fulgurrrrrrr, have a nice day with your lovely clothes
112 Oct 13 14:50:09 IDR79,000.00   Kinan I enjoyed this stream so much! It gives such great angst material to practice some writings. My condolences for the numerous deaths. Otsukare, Sir!
114 Oct 13 14:52:18 MYR23.90   Maybe Tmr is better *slip some money to ur clothes* Hey pretty (ゝ∀・*)
116 Oct 13 14:54:11 $10.00   Chen YaYa Walking with bikini and make-up is kinda romantic in this dead world actuallyas if the world was never changed.
120 Oct 13 14:57:15 $4.99   bulut ☁️ ⚡️ Osheep just call me bullet (heh bulut) cuz you got SHOT THRU THE HEART, AND İM TO BLAME, İ GİVE LOVE A BAD NAME. Anyway, teşekkürler for the stream :3
132 Oct 13 14:58:29 THB200.00   Pandan ✿ Otsu! fund for more strapless bras sir. btw congrats on the new vp. I can tell you put in so much work and I'm loving every second of it. can't wait for more in the future
134 Oct 13 14:58:31 ¥10,000   CH Y Yesterday was my BD and I saved my BD cake fund for this(just kidding). Want to say I’m enjoying watching your stream and you always delight in my day. I’m so lucky to have met u. Can’t wait to hear your original song ! Sharing my happiness with u and all comyfants!
135 Oct 13 14:58:33 $5.00   yumehaeya omg that was hilarious! had to try so hard not laugh out loud at work.
138 Oct 13 14:58:58 ¥1,000   CH Y
BTW, Halloween VP TSKR
139 Oct 13 14:59:14 NT$170.00   CAMILLE Ꮚ×ꈊ×Ꮚ BAAARAINZZZ ٩Ꮚ×ꈊ×Ꮚ٩ Thank you for the fun stream! And hey, nice bra
143 Oct 13 14:59:44 NT$150.00   無名小卒 Thank you for the stream. It's very interesting today
144 Oct 13 14:59:57 NT$300.00   毛天-Mao Tian ​I love your Halloween Voicepack, it's so goooood.
150 Oct 13 15:01:21 NT$300.00   Yumiʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Otsu Fuuchan!!! Thank you for the stream:D btw Halloween vp TSKR
151 Oct 13 15:01:23 PHP50.00   {⚡️Juuuuwwwweeeeee🎧} It's really nice to watch you stream, fuuchan :)
155 Oct 13 15:03:24 PHP250.00   Canaria [Chuuni Fufuu ⚡] Otsu Fuu-chan! ૮꒰˵• ﻌ •˵꒱ა I enjoyed this game esp the robocop moments and the angst excited for the Mario party later!
156 Oct 13 15:04:09 ¥520   Noiz ty for the stream ur zombie voice is so good23333 halloween EX VP ikzzz?
158 Oct 13 15:05:25 ¥800   Mal OTSU FUUCHAAAAAN! bra
159 Oct 13 15:05:41 ¥500   うろ (無言スパチャ)
161 Oct 13 15:07:02 MYR9.90   Maybe Tmr is better
Fuu chan! *uwu*
162 Oct 13 15:07:26 $50.00   Nya Nya Hi everyone and Fu chan! I'm happy to start my birthday with my favorite comfy community. Even though it's been busy, it's always nice to come here to relax and enjoy with the comfydants. Enjoy your day everyone! (Love your VP it was cute~)
163 Oct 13 15:07:37 HK$50.00   Sparo Splat [enabling tendencies] Your zombie growls are so good, did you practice in case you get turned into a zombie and need to assert dominance immediately?
164 Oct 13 15:07:54 IDR35,000.00   Kinan
The game was angsty and comedic at the same time
165 Oct 13 15:07:54 HK$30.00   (無言スパチャ)
167 Oct 13 15:08:25 HK$50.00   小白葛格 Thank you for the stream and the Halloween vp!! otsu fufuchan <3 looking forward this months stream so much
168 Oct 13 15:08:27 THB100.00   emma otsu fuuchan! it was such a fun stream, thank you for making my birthday 10 times better also if you were a chicken i think you would be impeccable
169 Oct 13 15:08:44 ₫50,000   thanh vy nguyen first time supa and my area, your Halloween VP so cute
170 Oct 13 15:09:04 IDR50,000.00   DSono [Comfyauntie] Otsu Fuu! Married to the land & divorced from society, ssg farmborg. And that vp is the only time I allow someone to infantilize me tskr & thank you
171 Oct 13 15:09:15 NT$75.00   Skye Lin I love the Halloween voice pack so much, it makes me smile, it's so funny, thank you very much
172 Oct 13 15:09:41 NT$150.00   Pikapika🐏 Ayo, Halloween VP is great !Ꮚ・ꈊ・Ꮚ
174 Oct 13 15:10:02 PHP250.00   Adhelheid ⚡🌌 Otsu fuu. Off topic but I want to say that I finished Little Mushroom! Ty for the recommendation as I really enjoyed it. It was dark in the main book but the epilogues totally make up for it. Tskr
175 Oct 13 15:10:07 IDR35,000.00   Kinan
Lipstick fund. You looked good in red. Hazukashi~
176 Oct 13 15:10:18 CA$5.00   Out of Character(hot grandpa) I'm working today, so just drop by and say hi. Fufu do u know many strapless b/ra would make ur buuba looks bigger? I imagined a bit, TSKR
178 Oct 13 15:10:42 NT$75.00   若Ruo (無言スパチャ)
181 Oct 13 15:12:02 HK$25.00   Nixie Halloween VP! Stream was so much (chaos) fun ! sadge the miniskirt did not make it till the end
182 Oct 13 15:12:31 NT$1,500.00   Katsuya Otsu fu chan , Halloween VP so good TSKR ,ゾンビふー 可愛い◥(ฅº₩ºฅ)◤
183 Oct 13 15:12:35 HK$50.00   Mio Arkride⚡️🐏 Love chatoic and drama in this game!!All of you so cutee~Love so much your Halloween VP so comfy ! いい意味で裏切られた~Look forward for your coming VP too!Everybaa have a lovely day!
184 Oct 13 15:12:38 NT$750.00   Fennyフェニー I LOOOOOOVE your Halloween VP !!!
186 Oct 13 15:13:25 THB40.00   mesa_
what's in your head zombie zombie zombie ie ie
187 Oct 13 15:13:42 HK$25.00   青羽静緒Aoba Shizuo⚡🐑 I love your Halloween voice pack so much!! I didn't expect it to be so comfy, I thought it would be scary lol And can't wait for the next voice pack!
188 Oct 13 15:14:00 HK$78.00   Step I had a bad day but your voice cured me mentally. Thank you for the stream and voice pack.
190 Oct 13 15:14:28 HK$25.00   青羽静緒Aoba Shizuo⚡🐑
Btw I planned to send supa on my birthday, but PC kun died a day right before it. What a coincidence lol Late Sep borned Comfydants were too powerful!
191 Oct 13 15:14:29 MYR15.00   elenyar Otsu fuchan! Thank you for the stream and Halloween VP! TSKR!! („ಡωಡ„)
192 Oct 13 15:14:59 ARS200.00   Sabrina Saberhagen ⚡️🐑 new meds made me sleeby so I missed most of today's stream. but wanted to tell u that ytd I watched your stream & some VOD with my bf and he said "now I get why you like him" and that you have the same kettle laugh as I do
193 Oct 13 15:15:17 PHP125.00   Aki Luna Great job on the vp! I was very happy that it was a long 1.If there's ever a vp for Christmas, I can imagine having a Christmas dinner with Alan Binc
194 Oct 13 15:15:20 NT$150.00   PONG Zombie Fu chan thanks your stream~and I LOVE~Halloween VP goodnight .
197 Oct 13 15:17:24 NT$75.00   Like your Halloween VP so much! BTW I recommended a cute and creepy game ''Beacon Pines'', it unique storytelling way suit archivist
198 Oct 13 15:17:47 $5.00   rieeeya ty for the stream !! Fun fact: did you know that in some small towns in the U.S. dogs may be elected as mayors? & tskr for the Halloween vp
200 Oct 13 15:18:46 THB200.00   Miles Thank u for the stream! I really love you guys acting that's really good and funny good actors fu-chan!
201 Oct 13 15:20:00 MYR15.00   MingMing鸣鸣 (無言スパチャ)
202 Oct 13 15:20:11 PHP125.00   蔡 Sai [legatus voice simp] good evening fuuchan! just wanna say that i love the voice pack so much! ended up being late for work but it was worth it thank you! you did amazing
204 Oct 13 15:20:50 HK$25.00   霜見Shimomi⚡️🐑 Farm arc was so fun to watch. So sad that eye makeup was not finished. Maybe some mirror fund for U? btw VPLooking forward to your next VP
205 Oct 13 15:21:06 THB40.00   numtan ♡ (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞.
206 Oct 13 15:21:29 HK$25.00   Chiu Flowright u guys were ultra cute and funny when shouting each others' names looking for each other
207 Oct 13 15:22:15 IDR20,000.00   defkuzu [saraa the clownfydant] Thank you so much for the VP. I died happily
208 Oct 13 15:22:18 HK$15.00   Yan Cheung love you fu chan
209 Oct 13 15:22:22 HK$38.00   铁花Tie Hua🌻 TY for the stream!fuかわいい><
210 Oct 13 15:22:31 PHP125.00   pacy 🍞 [local loaf]
zomboid is one of my fav games so im glad to see u have fun with it! i did not, however, expect to see it turn into a dress up game & ily for it
211 Oct 13 15:22:38 PHP125.00   VictoryM
it's also my bday! HBD Comfys! thanks for your reactions to my DND Pickup lines! they always make my day haha
212 Oct 13 15:22:50 THB100.00   Middy Thank you for your stream!. It made me feel happy on my birthday :D
213 Oct 13 15:23:13 HK$25.00   Yura ゆら おつかれさまふーちゃん
214 Oct 13 15:23:56 $4.99   Cris Hi Fuuchan! Can’t buy voice pack (im broke) but I will always support you as best as I can! Thank you for the stream today and always, you’re a joy!
215 Oct 13 15:23:56 NT$170.00   Lingling Chen Thanks for the stream!
217 Oct 13 15:24:36 MYR15.00   MingMing鸣鸣
is been a busy day for me but your voice calm my mind down. Super excited get your voice pack after the stream!
218 Oct 13 15:24:44 NT$300.00   Ying hi fufui like the holloween VP! Also I can't wait for the original song,I'm so happy that i can heard it on my birthday,just want to say so happy to met you and every comfydants
219 Oct 13 15:26:31 PHP50.00   Aki Luna
Testing.Can you see this?
224 Oct 13 15:28:11 NT$30.00   ふゆみ‪⸜♡⸝‍‬ 配信お疲れ様でした!! ハロウィンボイス is really good!!大好き
225 Oct 13 15:29:34 €5.00   Sneku As someone close to nature and land, i bless Fuchan with the best and may you grow the best potatoes. Todays stream made me laugh a bit too hard tsk!!
227 Oct 13 15:30:34 NT$170.00   Jean_安琴亞 Thank you for the stream fu chan,Halloween vp Tskr 🫰🫰
228 Oct 13 15:31:04 NT$75.00   藍藍路LonaBlue⚡🐑 (1/?) OTsu Fuchan! Tonight is fun This is not a complaint SC, but if you don't think the atmosphere is right for you, it's okay not to read it.
229 Oct 13 15:31:17 HK$15.00   スカーレット Scarlett Love your Halloween VP(つ> _◕)つ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤───
230 Oct 13 15:31:24 NT$150.00   天吳 Amagure ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و I showed you to my friend, and my sister-in-law and now they both are part of comfydants.
232 Oct 13 15:31:33 MYR23.90   Tish
I literally just got back from celebrating my mom’s birthday, joined this stream and then boom, cursed info
234 Oct 13 15:32:49 ¥500   な# おつ ふーちゃん!give you my first spa.i can't wait for KARAOKE streammmmmദ്ദി˶ー̀֊ー́ )
235 Oct 13 15:33:11 NT$75.00   Moonchild Hi fuchan, today is my birthday and I just wanna sharing my happiness with you Have a nice day!
236 Oct 13 15:33:25 NT$75.00   藍藍路LonaBlue⚡🐑
(2/?) After getting to know you, I have the courage to pick up again, and I am working hard, but now my spine is a little hurt from overwork.
238 Oct 13 15:34:20 NT$75.00   藍藍路LonaBlue⚡🐑
(3/3) You are a powerful person to me and I am curious about your thoughts on "give up" and "keep on" and I would be very happy if you would share
241 Oct 13 15:36:08 $1.99   Rebecca Campton 1st super chat! Love your Halloween Voice pack.
242 Oct 13 15:36:15 ₩7,500   푸푸 Thank you always! Thanks to you, I was able to relax on a hard day! Your voice gave me strength!
243 Oct 13 15:36:35 MYR23.90   Maybe Tmr is better
My brother paid me to send this supa: “hey pretty man wanna date?” Btw my brother is straight lmao
244 Oct 13 15:37:14 NT$75.00   亞特蘭提斯 Atlantis Your Halloween vp is really great. I did sure you used your asmr mic to record some sound effects and it was really realistic. It's pretty cool.
246 Oct 13 15:38:27 THB40.00   sora channn Hi I’m new here hehehehe
247 Oct 13 15:38:41 $4.99   Kat Speaks Hi Fuuchan, you make my day! My friend and I adore watching your streams a lot and we got into NIjisanji EN because of you. Thank you so much!
248 Oct 13 15:39:51 PHP125.00   Maple Chou This stream unexpectedly fed me with equal parts angst and comedy. The Fuu-ley in Halloween VP also TSKR. Made me miss doing sound design prods too
249 Oct 13 15:41:06 HK$38.00   Tiff-Tiffany *baaaa* Fuufuu Halloween VP (〃ω〃)
250 Oct 13 15:41:18 NZ$8.99   Tamagoㅣ타마고 Futsu! Thank you for starting my day
252 Oct 13 15:42:06 MYR23.90   Maybe Tmr is better
My brother said you’re pretty he can change for u
253 Oct 13 15:42:23 $10.00   狼狼wolfwolf Halloween VP
254 Oct 13 15:42:27 MYR30.00   mm fuuchan im late, but ayo that new vp? soft fuuchan really the true horror of halloween, disgusting i absolutely love it give me more
256 Oct 13 15:42:32 NT$75.00   無敵小莫 Otsu Fuuchan~Love your stream! Todays my mom's birthday (so sad it's not my birthday)
258 Oct 13 15:42:48 $9.99   dani devito ★彡 bababooey, hi fuuchan! i haven’t been able to keep up with streams bc i’m currently in the middle of moving! stresssss! but your streams make me so happy! hope to catch more, i can’t wait for ur song!
261 Oct 13 15:43:28 ₩100,000   Maristella Jeong Hello Fuuchan- I'm Korean comfydants~~ This super chat my first stream super chat- Thank u for stream and your voice pack so very good~~ have a nice day~◝( ´ω´
262 Oct 13 15:43:53 ₫20,000   Jasmine Kikuchi Thank u for the vp!You're so chill and cool in it
263 Oct 13 15:45:51 PHP250.00   Aki Luna
My green supa wasn't captured? Can u see dis? plss.Great job on the vp! I was very happy that it was a long 1.If there's ever a vp for Christmas, I can imagine having a Christmas dinner with Alan Binc
264 Oct 13 15:46:15 ₩7,500   푸푸
Fuufuu!! I became a happy person with your words! Have a great day! Sweet boy fuufuu (งᐛ)ว (งᐖ )ว(งᐛ)ว (งᐖ )ว
265 Oct 13 15:46:21 MYR44.90   Maybe Tmr is better
This is for you from my brother
266 Oct 13 15:46:58 IDR50,000.00   张Cindy Hi Fuu-chan! I'm currently working on my thesis while watching your stream. You're my favorite streamer and you always bring so much comfort to me. <3
267 Oct 13 15:46:59 CLP1,000   LemLem I'm totally getting the new voicepack soon
268 Oct 13 15:47:28 €5.00   Sneku
ill take that cosplaying as a challenge! Fu-chan on a horse riding into the future Speaking of horse confidant says hi!
269 Oct 13 15:47:50 $4.99   Ukesuke *zombie noises*
270 Oct 13 15:49:56 HK$25.00   Yura ゆら
VP Looking forward to the new voice pack! TY Fuuchan~!!ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
271 Oct 13 15:50:15 NT$150.00   hu_hu Hi fuchan! love your VP so much,and can't wait your original song> <wanna ask: if you can turn into a teakettle, what kind of drinks would you pour out?
272 Oct 13 15:50:26 NT$170.00   祇攸Chien Yu Otsu fu Chan! Thanks for your stream! Sorry for making English mistakes.I just want to thank you for giving me strength to draw again.
273 Oct 13 15:50:36 MYR30.00   mm
random but i just wanna say, always remember that if youre not happy single the you wont be happy taken, happiness comes from fulgur ovid's muffled laugh when he cover his mouth with his hands :)
275 Oct 13 15:51:03 HK$250.00   Hazel Wang (無言スパチャ)
276 Oct 13 15:51:06 HK$38.00   スカーレット Scarlett
Hello fufu! Thank you for the stream (つ> _◕)つ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤─── You stream always cheer me up Can’t wait for the karaoke
277 Oct 13 15:51:29 THB40.00   🦝ivk384 [ Kate ]
it's not my birthday but i'm happy because of you
278 Oct 13 15:51:44 PHP125.00   HAIA my first supa thank you for the stream you did so great ૮₍´。ᵔ ꈊ ᵔ。`₎ა
280 Oct 13 15:52:18 NT$30.00   Mel Chen Hallween vp tskr!! Why you so cute { @ꈍꈊꈍ@ }
281 Oct 13 15:52:59 $5.00   megan-senpai [knuckle cracks tskr] fuchan i'm sorry this is for tmr's brother in the most non-parasocial way possible: get in line but welcome to the sheep pile tmr's bro
282 Oct 13 15:53:15 NT$150.00   JIHON I am very happy to see people in different languages discussing you on Twitter recently, because you are very, very nice, so you can be liked by more people.
283 Oct 13 15:54:20 PHP50.00   pacy 🍞 [local loaf]
sir ur muffled laugh is a literal serotonin boost
286 Oct 13 15:55:35 MYR23.90   Tish
Sir some of us literally clip and make compilations of your muffled laugh
289 Oct 13 15:57:28 HK$50.00   🐑ChaCha Hi fufu, thank you for your stream. I just bought my first car. Now I'm waiting for your half-anniversary key chain to hang on my car keys. International delivery is slow, but it's worth the waitᏊ•ꈊ•Ꮚ
290 Oct 13 15:57:36 THB179.00   ju-né Hello from the other sideee
291 Oct 13 15:57:42 HK$38.00   ANI啥啥 嘿嘿嘿~
293 Oct 13 16:00:00 THB200.00   hoiii iii Thanks for stream today Fuchan! have a nice nice nice dayᏊ・ꈊ・Ꮚ
294 Oct 13 16:00:00 ₹40.00   Chargoggagoggmanchauggauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg
Ah-Juicy TSKR :Fulgasm:
296 Oct 13 16:00:25 HK$5.00   Yura ゆら
298 Oct 13 16:02:33 ₫50,000   Hie Ꮚ¯ꈊ¯Ꮚ Halloween vp was so comfy, the added effect was great, best way to start the day for me. Otsu fuuchan, check it out comfy if you can >w^
300 Oct 13 16:03:11 NT$75.00   瑋珉 Wei Min Otsu zombiefuuchan!!(๑`・ᴗ・´๑)Halloween VP
301 Oct 13 16:03:22 NT$150.00   V04 河河河盒盒盒哈哈哈
303 Oct 13 16:05:20 THB100.00   MINK☆ Love the new VP! I will listen to it while I drink, eat, sleep, shower, poop and breathe fuuchan
304 Oct 13 16:05:31 MYR30.00   mm
blessed be the asteroid that fragmented and formed the meteor that fell on the prehistoric land decimating the animals that become fossils then oil that was extracted-
306 Oct 13 16:05:43 MYR30.00   mm
-and used in the manufacture of the fuel that supplied the car to make the hospital that you were born so that you could bless us with the muffled laugh
307 Oct 13 16:05:49 NT$30.00   Moonchild
How can you be so cute fufuchan
308 Oct 13 16:06:00 NT$30.00   Yoshiko_落⚡🐑 有鑑於剛才的笑聲太好笑了我也來一下。紅紅火火恍恍惚惚hahahahahahahahaha
309 Oct 13 16:06:29 PHP50.00   _ miniminiii your laugh makes my day hehehehehe
310 Oct 13 16:06:49 $4.99   Cris
Hi Fuuchan! I can’t buy voice pack (I’m broke) but I will support you always as best as I can! Thank you for the stream hugs for comfys and you!
311 Oct 13 16:07:42 PHP125.00   Danine [Vampire Cat] funds from the sheered wool of new sheeps, we have knitted blankets and ugly Christmas sweaters from them
315 Oct 13 16:09:28 ¥200   な#
316 Oct 13 16:10:28 MYR69.00   Syugarfreee Unskippable Youtube AD: HALLOWEEN VP - FULGUR OVID IS A MUST BUY TSKR. Enjoy every second of it and 5 out of 5 stars best buy ever!!
319 Oct 13 16:11:57 HK$10.00   葬予無情NuoNuoMalinᏊ•ꈊ•Ꮚ 動作描述:啊哈哈哈哈哈【拍桌】哈哈哈哈啊哈啊哈【深呼吸】啊哈哈哈哈咳咳咳咳【咳嗽】
320 Oct 13 16:11:58 R$5.00   Morfyd you have to choose German in Google translate for the beatbox: ttchtt kkkkk, bsch. ttchtt kkkkk, bsch. ttchtt kkkkk, ttchtt kkkkk, ttchtt kkkkk, bsch
322 Oct 13 16:12:37 THB69.00   Orca CFkapee Thank u for the Halloween VP! Its so good baa u🫶
323 Oct 13 16:12:53 MYR15.00   Otaku Kun hey pretty
324 Oct 13 16:14:05 THB40.00   Pandan ✿
did you see the new agent from valorant fuuchan?
325 Oct 13 16:14:22 PHP125.00   Canaria [Chuuni Fufuu ⚡]
sounds like we've downgraded to emergency food now as frozen meat for winter
326 Oct 13 16:14:26 €5.00   Tsukumi Fuuchan TY for the warm and sweet VP. It helps me to get over my Alan Binc nightmare last night lmao. I will never draw a horror version of him again.
327 Oct 13 16:14:32 ¥1,000   ラカステrakaste i loooooooove Halloween VP! I'm really happy with my new one! It's chill and comfortable
328 Oct 13 16:14:37 THB100.00   P.Primmei the land of Red-hair VP.Halloween tskr fuu-chan. I'm so happy.
330 Oct 13 16:15:15 PHP50.00   Jeremy Jung Thank u for the stream fufu! My day is complete
331 Oct 13 16:15:16 THB69.00   Nong Mind Muah
332 Oct 13 16:16:09 NT$30.00   Lisa Ceui Happy Halloween!Today's stream very happy!Thank U
333 Oct 13 16:17:12 $5.00   megan-senpai [knuckle cracks tskr]
fuchan did you know that the halloween vps are available from now until oct 31st, and they include a variety of livers including THE fulgur ovid?! POG
334 Oct 13 16:17:31 MX$50.00   Spookguettification BUT WAIT! THERES MORE! If u miss springtime in these cold days, the Sakura Bloom VP 2022 is back on store, with an adventure with your favorite borg!
335 Oct 13 16:18:09 HK$25.00   Henrietta Min don't worry Fuchan it's worth the death for you... I will freeze to death in your arms saying: You know the rules, and so do I
336 Oct 13 16:18:29 MYR15.00   mm
fuuchan what are you and doggo dressing up as this halloween
337 Oct 13 16:19:10 NT$300.00   Chiachen Lin I got promoted! I just want to share the good news with you, Fu Chan. I enjoy your stream every time.
339 Oct 13 16:19:30 THB40.00   I'm neko meow♡ h...hi
341 Oct 13 16:20:07 NT$170.00   庚🌾kenken Hi Fuuchan!Iook forward to the stream on Sat. but I need to work ,hoping my friend can tell me how happy u are Can’t wait to buy VP and listen it !
342 Oct 13 16:20:17 THB40.00   Yuki _Nomi Hi fu chan Can I have two numbers, please?(。・ω・。)
343 Oct 13 16:20:38 €5.00   nezumimir fuuchan ty for the stream! can i ask if u ever played va11-ha11a? it has perfect fulgur vibes! have a good day, and a good day to all comfydants too!
344 Oct 13 16:20:56 HK$38.00   铁花Tie Hua🌻
(Whistle)(Attract attention)uwugur vid so hot
346 Oct 13 16:21:24 NT$30.00   駝羊 can't wait your karaoke this week !
347 Oct 13 16:21:25 ¥1,600   るーず Otufuuchan—!!thank u for very fun stream !!
348 Oct 13 16:21:33 NT$150.00   Flying Cheese fuchan 可愛٩(◦`꒳´◦)۶
349 Oct 13 16:22:10 A$7.99   Kakes There is a Halloween voice pack scripted, performed and recorded by the one and only Fulgur Ovid of- *static*
351 Oct 13 16:22:39 £5.00   sheepsheeet (if this infringes copyright of any sort please don't read) if fulgur was a valo character what would his skills and ult be? i am curious
352 Oct 13 16:23:41 CA$5.00   BoredPanda Dang I missed all the fun, PZ is one of my fav games hope you all had fun Fuu-chan!
353 Oct 13 16:23:46 PHP50.00   Jeremy Uehara Can't wait for the karaoke! LOVE LOTS FUFU TENCHU!
355 Oct 13 16:24:12 HK$25.00   Riela (無言スパチャ)
357 Oct 13 16:24:41 THB179.00   yokie chu chu ♥ i spent my whole week to think about what should i say on my first supa but still dont know ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ just take this and have a nice day!
358 Oct 13 16:24:50 MYR9.90   Maybe Tmr is better
I’m sorry for my brother fuu chan (˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ )
359 Oct 13 16:24:59 MX$50.00   Spookguettification
*whistle* *whistle like a new born bird* *whistle like calling attention* *whistle to express approval* *whistle while breathing in* i cant whistle
360 Oct 13 16:26:19 HK$398.00   xiuxi orange
362 Oct 13 16:29:09 PHP125.00   pacy 🍞 [local loaf]
THOUGHT THAT WAS IT? We also have Fuu's All-Purpose VP of 5 different sounds available yr round. Get it at the 2434 site bec i cant link it
363 Oct 13 16:29:39 ARS100.00   Sabrina Saberhagen ⚡️🐑
Fuu I appreciate you and everything you do and comfydants as well. I really do and everything is amazing here. So happy my heart chose you as my oshi. I promise I'll stop being soft in a few hours
364 Oct 13 16:31:19 THB349.00   alicexclk Huh, that's a long and hard to read city name that you know fuchan? I would like to suggest the full name of the capital city of Thailand.
365 Oct 13 16:31:40 HK$25.00   Mio Arkride⚡️🐏
TY for today funny steam!Love so much your voice pack so comfy!!本当にいい意味で裏切られた!Look forward your next VP too!Hope you have fun for playing mario party!
366 Oct 13 16:34:03 MYR15.00   QiQi Wong Fuuchan's Halloween VP is just Thankyou so much for all the hardwork and effort you have put into it! It is amazing!!!
367 Oct 13 16:34:05 MYR15.00   Dummy MingMing i tried whistling in and i sound like a gorilla
369 Oct 13 16:35:34 MYR6.00   Dummy MingMing
testing OAO
370 Oct 13 16:35:46 $5.00   yumehaeya
I'd watch you play literally anything, but I have to say, my fav part of any stream is when we just chill at the end lol.
371 Oct 13 16:36:56 ₩3,000   푸푸
Sarang hey hey hey ♡ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ♡
372 Oct 13 16:37:31 ₫20,000   Ramiii_xx ᄋᄉᄋ Today's stream was a BOMB! I had a really fun time
373 Oct 13 16:37:47 IDR50,000.00   cherry jam otsu mr. pogger ovid
374 Oct 13 16:38:19 MYR6.00   lynn fuu chan what is 10/10? =1. cuz ure the one for me
376 Oct 13 16:40:10 HK$15.00   Masato🌹Ⓜ️ Dear Fuu Chan🫶Thanks for the stream, Goodnight
380 Oct 13 16:41:58 ARS200.00   庚🌾kenken
thank u for stream! look forward to the stream on Sat. but I need to work,hoping fu would enjoy the karaoke stream!
382 Oct 13 16:42:57 HK$25.00   Henrietta Min
Take my wool and eat my meat. fuchan. I'll freeze to death for you, it'll be worth it. I will die in your arm saying: You know the rules, and so do I.
383 Oct 13 16:43:20 HK$38.00   ANI啥啥
Otsu fuu chan, thank you for the stream
384 Oct 13 16:44:22 MYR15.00   Aomiyy Guys i regret buying Fuuchan's vp(im just joking btw) bcs he was being so sweet. My kokoro ( ꈍᴗꈍ) Anyways, VP まじ TSKR. Good job <3
389 Oct 13 16:46:33 THB50.00   Yuki _Nomi
Hi fuu chan, thank you for steam good night
398 Oct 13 16:48:01 $2.00   AJ Wolf Seahorse VP when?
399 Oct 13 16:48:10 NT$300.00   Sending fuchan a message from my shy friend Chien yu. "Otsu fu Chan! Thanks for your stream! Sorry for making English mistakes.I just want to thank you for giving me strength to draw again."
405 Oct 13 16:48:46 NT$1,500.00   No.70_KARINA⚡🐑 I missed your streaming bc I was fighting for chairs of KIRABASE for my friends. I didn't miss your Halloween VP, but when I finished listening it, I thought like: this, Halloween VP? really? TSKR!!! TY my oshi!!! Ahhhhhh
407 Oct 13 16:51:07 HK$25.00   AliciaF Good night 電子咩~Seee yaaaa nexxxt timeee
408 Oct 13 16:52:07 THB40.00   babymine it's first time l'm sending you spc and hi fu chan
410 Oct 13 16:53:22 THB40.00   らん•runsia🐾 ꒰⊃҂`ᴗ´꒱⊃ pew pew pew
411 Oct 13 16:53:32 $10.00   rieeeya
ty for the stream !! Fun fact: did you know that in some small towns in the U.S. dogs may be elected as mayors? it means doggos in ties ▼(´ᴥ`)▼ & ty Halloween vp !!
412 Oct 13 16:54:08 THB40.00   🦝ivk384 [ Kate ]
I think you missed one of mine supa. GN fuuchan!
413 Oct 13 16:54:27 $10.00   Jules lmao sprinted here after a long morning of classes to say thank u for the vp; will watch the VOD in a bit but hope u have a wonderful rest of your day fuchan and comfydants
414 Oct 13 16:55:34 CZK129.00   Dani. my mama likes you too Fuuchan, especially your voice even tho she cannot understand you
415 Oct 13 16:55:48 HK$15.00   Chocola Meilleure I MISS BLEEP BLEEP
416 Oct 13 16:56:09 NT$75.00   Flying Cheese
Thank you for the stream! I can’t wait for SAT (゚∀。)
417 Oct 13 16:56:45 HK$10.00   Chiu Flowright
good night meow
419 Oct 13 16:57:42 MYR8.00   miza thanks for amazing stream today fuuchan
420 Oct 13 16:58:59 MYR6.00   Dummy MingMing
421 Oct 13 16:59:54 HK$15.00   Chocola Meilleure
425 Oct 13 17:03:46 NT$150.00   久野_Kuno (無言スパチャ)
426 Oct 13 17:04:20 MYR6.00   伊原ihara 晚安 副将 Muaaaaaa
428 Oct 13 17:05:01 ¥500   mey Thank you for the wonderful time today. Have a nice day! It was fun! !
430 Oct 13 17:07:27 NT$30.00   好九不見 GN fuchan~