配信名:i'm stuck in a glue trap...
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04月08日 05:12:40 Doppio Dropscythe where scarle at
04月08日 05:12:59 Doppio Dropscythe I KNOW WHERE SHE IS. SHE'S IN THE GLUE TRAP!
04月08日 05:13:25 Doppio Dropscythe ahhhh if she's sleeping then I hope she is able to rest well ;A;
04月08日 05:14:04 Doppio Dropscythe when she does wake up, scythekicks, if you're still here please make sure to show scarle some love! she's always helping me out ^^
04月08日 05:18:34 Doppio Dropscythe those glue traps will really get you it seems LOL
04月08日 05:18:38 Doppio Dropscythe i can imagine scarle now
04月08日 05:18:53 Doppio Dropscythe trying to figure out how to somehow get out of it
04月08日 05:19:23 Doppio Dropscythe the obvious answer is to eat it
04月08日 05:19:32 Doppio Dropscythe but, not many know it
04月08日 06:46:58 Scarle Yonaguni OWKSKFIODPWKWMNDW
04月08日 06:47:25 Scarle Yonaguni I MEANT TO PUT THIS LATER AHHH!! I SO SORRY!!!!
04月08日 06:47:45 Scarle Yonaguni Like at 4pm!!
04月08日 06:47:56 Scarle Yonaguni OWOEJFICOOSOWKJEJDOSKKW
04月08日 06:49:46 Scarle Yonaguni Good morning chat
04月08日 06:50:26 Scarle Yonaguni Yeah I got plenty sleep I hope everyone having a good day!
04月08日 06:53:57 Scarle Yonaguni Have fun seeing the Mario movie!
04月08日 06:54:20 Scarle Yonaguni Have great day everyone! This be on in hour!
04月08日 06:55:44 Scarle Yonaguni I did have good sleep thank you all
04月08日 07:01:23 Scarle Yonaguni Yes I am currently sleeping in the glue trap x3
04月08日 07:03:57 Scarle Yonaguni I actually stay very still when I sleep :3
04月08日 07:23:37 Scarle Yonaguni photoshop is my passion :3<#
04月08日 07:23:39 Scarle Yonaguni <3