トップ ※配信中の配信者同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:haha I'm drunk🥴🍶🍾✨【NIJISANJI EN | Scarle Yonaguni】
09/09 09:40:33 Scarle Yonaguni YES VEWWY BIG BRAIN >:3
09/09 09:40:49 Scarle Yonaguni No IS CAUSE I HAVE TOO MUCH WHITE CLAW
09/09 09:42:05 Scarle Yonaguni yes yes gonna be fun time and evert time i get an answer wrong i have to drink more
09/09 09:43:49 Scarle Yonaguni no worries im just hear to entertain x3 take care ur responsitites
09/09 09:43:54 Scarle Yonaguni HERE
09/09 09:43:54 Scarle Yonaguni OH
09/09 09:43:55 Scarle Yonaguni MY
09/09 09:43:57 Scarle Yonaguni GODDUUHHH
09/09 09:44:03 Scarle Yonaguni YAS WHITE CLAWW
09/09 09:44:44 Scarle Yonaguni just u watch imma show u all im so smart >:3
09/09 09:44:56 Scarle Yonaguni Awww she didn't have to ugh 3x
09/09 09:45:05 Scarle Yonaguni ALL THE GOOD TIMES
09/09 09:46:11 Scarle Yonaguni bahahah DONT EAT TOO MANY NUGGIES LIKE ME
09/09 09:46:19 Scarle Yonaguni BEEEG BRAAIIINNN
09/09 09:46:22 Scarle Yonaguni BRAIN BLASTTTT
09/09 09:47:26 Scarle Yonaguni IMMA SHOW U ALL I SO SMARTS
09/09 09:48:35 Scarle Yonaguni seee uuuu all ^3^ I have institue of mystics class soon ahhhh
09/09 13:28:58 Scarle Yonaguni i go pottyy!!!!!!!!
09/09 13:30:56 Scarle Yonaguni the FCUK
09/09 13:31:20 Scarle Yonaguni WHAT IN TARNASHINE
09/09 13:32:05 Scarle Yonaguni BRO HELP
09/09 13:32:18 Scarle Yonaguni MY ROOMIES DOG TOOK A SHIZZ IN MY ROOOM
09/09 13:32:21 Scarle Yonaguni HALLLPPPP
09/09 13:48:05 Aster Arcadia
09/09 13:50:52 Aster Arcadia Waiting to see beeg bwain scarle c:
09/09 14:16:27 Aster Arcadia You got this Scarle!!!!
09/09 14:16:37 Maria Marionette lez go scarle
09/09 14:36:01 Ren Zotto Scarle!
09/09 14:36:19 Ren Zotto HIII
09/09 14:36:42 Ren Zotto Scarle we’re the two smartest members of ILUNA, do us proud!
09/09 14:37:57 Ren Zotto I will drink chocolate milk w you
09/09 14:38:51 Ren Zotto Here’s to being smart af!
09/09 14:39:41 Ren Zotto I will take the kissie mwa
09/09 14:47:04 Ren Zotto That’s an Australian kiss
09/09 14:47:14 Ren Zotto It’s the only one I can do
09/09 14:48:40 Ren Zotto Scarle how do you say boba?
09/09 14:49:10 Ren Zotto Oh…
09/09 14:49:30 Ren Zotto I thought it was bob-ah
09/09 14:49:34 Ren Zotto :(
09/09 14:50:13 Ren Zotto Bowbah
09/09 15:13:06 Scarle Yonaguni GAME HARD IM PLAYING MINECRAFT NOW
09/09 16:14:08 Aia Amare politely requesting a cover of any MCR song
09/09 16:58:57 Ren Zotto ello again
09/09 16:59:34 Ren Zotto this game is struggle ;w;
09/09 17:00:49 Aster Arcadia Bri'ish
09/09 17:00:53 Ren Zotto blue sugar man haha
09/09 17:03:55 Ren Zotto cervix engines x'D
09/09 17:11:23 Ren Zotto get a salad for me
09/09 17:12:13 Ren Zotto i eat unhealthy too!! i have chocolate!