配信名:【LET'S DRAW】NIJISANJI Mascots Wallpaper【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】
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03月02日 09:08:59 Selen Tatsuki my dinner might be arriving late so maybe stream will start like 10-15 mins later, changed the waiting room time just in case
03月02日 10:15:43 Selen Tatsuki i almost streamed on t witch
03月02日 10:32:11 silentchewtoy the debut artwork piece https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki/sta...
03月02日 10:52:36 silentchewtoy Nijisanji Dragoon Piece (Selen's 1st Tweet) https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki/sta... [July 14-15, 2021]
03月02日 10:54:13 Kyo Kaneko bUt iPaiD tHe RuSh FeE
03月02日 11:00:06 silentchewtoy The Last Airbender (2010) driected by M. Night Shyamalan specifically
03月02日 11:00:36 silentchewtoy what the fuck
03月02日 11:00:54 silentchewtoy i want my break day back
03月02日 11:32:35 silentchewtoy Nijisanji Dragon Piece (Selen's 1st Tweet) https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki/sta...
03月02日 11:43:45 silentchewtoy Yang Nari's Nijisanji Summer Art that was referenced earlier https://twitter.com/NariYang2434/stat...
03月02日 12:17:59 silentchewtoy #NijiMascotsWallpaper
03月02日 12:19:54 Selen Tatsuki #NIJImascotswallpaper <- use this hashtag on twitter to help with giving me image references of mascots
03月02日 13:21:26 Selen Tatsuki bye bye everyone!
03月02日 13:21:30 silentchewtoy Selen Merch and Voice Packs! https://nijisanji-store.com/collectio...
03月02日 13:21:37 silentchewtoy Selen will be appearing at the following events! Anime Impulse, March 19 [CA(SD)-US] | CyberSakura, April 29-30 [BC-CA] | Offkai Expo, June 16-18 [CA(SF)-US]
03月02日 13:21:42 silentchewtoy Submit your Nijisanji cover music for future radio streams! https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki/sta...
03月02日 13:21:43 silentchewtoy Watch out for guerilla Twitch stream announcements on https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki