配信名:LUXIEM PUZZLE HANDCAM - Hey it's been a while
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01月30日 23:53:03 Mysta Rias i think this week will be nice!!
01月31日 21:08:03 Mysta Rias nope not google image!
01月31日 21:08:16 Mysta Rias its adobe stock image i have a membership there so
02月01日 01:21:47 Aia Amare Oh hey! Lots of progress!!!
02月01日 01:22:46 Aia Amare Jeez those pieces are small! Damn dude you’re a pro
02月01日 01:23:32 Aia Amare WAIT THIS IS YOUR FIRST PUZZLE???? Wow I think you have a knack for this or something bc most people’s first puzzles are a fair ways bigger
02月01日 01:24:01 Aia Amare Hehehe good luck with it