トップ ※配信中の配信者同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
09/15 14:36:34 Scarle Yonaguni and we bacl
09/15 14:36:39 Scarle Yonaguni WE BACK
09/15 14:38:30 Scarle Yonaguni Hold on plz~
09/15 14:40:55 Scarle Yonaguni AHH HOLD ON MY THINGY ISNT CONNECTNG
09/15 14:42:17 Scarle Yonaguni it will i just have to fix soemthing
09/15 14:43:25 Scarle Yonaguni we backk
09/15 15:16:50 Aia Amare no worries, I got it
09/15 15:25:44 Ren Zotto teen titans GO
09/15 16:30:45 Ren Zotto one shot sounds so dirty in that context um
09/15 16:31:15 Ren Zotto i wasn't touching anything!
09/15 16:31:22 Ren Zotto ye i showered
09/15 16:32:29 Ren Zotto aster! you killed a bald wraith!!
09/15 16:33:14 Ren Zotto british scarle is my fav
09/15 16:35:44 Ren Zotto i love booba juice
09/15 16:37:35 Ren Zotto scarle walking around slowly with her gun out and proudly talking about rating water hahaha
09/15 16:37:45 Ren Zotto i love it
09/15 16:38:16 Ren Zotto scarle keep being you!!!
09/15 16:38:35 Ren Zotto ASTER
09/15 16:39:22 Ren Zotto I'M GOING TO SCOLD ASTER
09/15 16:40:13 Ren Zotto i was gonna scold u in the good way tho aster
09/15 16:40:57 Ren Zotto i kid chat, aster just helping
09/15 16:42:50 Ren Zotto i used to hate it too
09/15 16:43:56 Ren Zotto aster is thinking of the viewers
09/15 17:54:28 Scarle Yonaguni BROOOO MY PC DOING SOME MONIKA SHIT RN
09/15 17:55:47 Scarle Yonaguni I’m sorry guys we will end it there for today thank you all for coming
09/15 18:17:45 Scarle Yonaguni Trying to end stream lol everything okie
09/15 18:18:51 Scarle Yonaguni thank you all terribly sorry for the mishaps