配信名:No capture card so AMNESIA THE BUNKER HERE WE GO 😭 【NIJISANJI EN | Reimu Endou】
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06月14日 23:55:25 Reimu Endou well well well if it isn't my old friend 10 min extra delay coming back
06月15日 00:06:55 Reimu Endou having tech issues with my capture card trying to solve it rn
06月15日 00:14:10 Reimu Endou why is this like the second time the capture card dies on me before stream after preparing it last night
06月15日 00:15:59 Reimu Endou guys I dont know what is wrong I enve reseted my pc ; ; im so sorry Im still tryign to figure it out but its just not working?
06月15日 00:18:43 Reimu Endou hm
06月15日 00:19:08 Reimu Endou capture card seemed to have officially died on me and I dk if I should just cancel stream and reschedule when I get a new one? or
06月15日 00:19:12 Reimu Endou just play another game today I dk
06月15日 00:19:33 Reimu Endou yeah :,,) I dk
06月15日 00:20:58 Reimu Endou maybe switch amnesia the bunker stream from sunday to today?
06月15日 00:21:04 Reimu Endou to give myself more time to get the capture card working?
06月15日 00:26:50 Reimu Endou I tried until the last breath wtf
06月15日 00:27:03 Reimu Endou haza is sleeping right now so I'll try fixing it with him later in the day
06月15日 00:27:10 Reimu Endou I'll update you guys on the capture card later this week!
06月15日 00:27:14 Reimu Endou amnesia here we go
06月15日 00:30:09 Reimu Endou everyone reload hahaaaaaaaa
06月15日 00:31:09 Reimu Endou AIGHT we starting