トップ ※配信中の配信者同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:i have no know
10月06日 17:55:29 AngelElisha excuse me, let me give some reminders for today
10月06日 17:55:41 AngelElisha Reminder to read the chat rules in the description before typing in chat. Googling the terms help if you don’t know what they mean. チャットをする前に配信概要欄でチャットルールを読んでください。分からないことがありましたらググってください。ご協力ありがとうございます。
10月06日 17:56:07 AngelElisha Chat rules: 1. Please keep the emojis/emotes up to 3 ONLY. 2. Spamming messages & emojis will result to time outs. 3. Please chat in english & japanese only.
10月06日 17:56:32 AngelElisha A little unseiso is fine but please keep chat PG13. Be respectful with each other. Harassment, discrimination & doxing are not allowed. Comments like this will result to time outs & eventually, a ban.
10月06日 17:56:58 AngelElisha Please refrain from @-ing people & have private conversations on chat during livestream. It makes the chat off topic. They will be considered as spam & will result to deletions and time outs.
10月06日 17:57:15 AngelElisha Lastly, please don’t repeat the reminders/rules during live chat. It makes the chat off topic. Let us mods handle them. Ignore, report and block the spammers if needed. Enjoy the stream~!!
10月06日 17:57:45 AngelElisha Thank you for the cute salute ideas as always! Today's salute: idk()7
10月06日 18:12:51 Aster Arcadia cyute hat!
10月06日 19:01:28 Maria Marionette yeeee very important Thanks for helping ^^
10月06日 23:21:24 AngelElisha otsonny~! Pls check the rules before you leave! Thank you and have a nice rest taichou and everyone
10月06日 23:21:37 ShyLee Bye chat and thanks for the stream, Taichou! Thanks for cooperating throughout the stream. Make sure to check the rules next time! See you~