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02月02日 20:46:20 Mysta Rias I’m sure u guys have all finally seen the news of ar live. I’m so annoyed rn idk I might push the stream but I feel like I’ve done that too many times recently. What do you think
02月02日 20:47:04 Mysta Rias I know I can stream but I really just don’t want to talk to anyone right now I guess. Like ugh I’m just so pissed off
02月02日 20:47:51 Mysta Rias I do wanna stream but I just don’t know if it’s a good idea. I mean every time I’ve streamed while pissed off something bad happens LOL
02月02日 20:48:44 Mysta Rias I still got an hour to think about it but thank u for ur input guyssss
02月02日 21:37:09 Mysta Rias This stream will be postponed until further notice! Im sorry im just really not feeling in the best of moods rn and will probably say something stupid. Ill keep this waiting room up for chat tho