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05月04日 08:59:54 Reimu Endou please give me 5 extra minutes? mimi bit me too hard 🥹....
05月04日 09:05:55 Reimu Endou wait I was about to start and my laptop crashed LMAO GIMME A SEC??? tf
05月04日 09:06:38 Reimu Endou last stream on my laptop. please pray
05月04日 09:09:41 Reimu Endou AIGHT
05月04日 09:12:54 Reimu Endou ah....one of the fans is acting up hopefuly you guys cant hear it on stream im so sorry :,,D
05月04日 09:13:04 Reimu Endou its like doing this weird loud noise that it didnt do before omfg
05月04日 09:13:29 Reimu Endou freaking chat lmao
05月04日 10:16:01 Maria Marionette Oh my wth
05月04日 10:17:47 Maria Marionette Main character just got chopped in half that's kinda scary XD
05月04日 10:20:33 Maria Marionette It's just the tip of the hat surely they're still alive
05月04日 10:47:08 hazael that's how my hometown looks after it rains
05月04日 10:47:49 hazael did you turn on vsync?
05月04日 10:48:14 hazael play on fullscreen
05月04日 10:48:20 hazael vsync on
05月04日 10:48:53 hazael windowed fullscreen will be laggier
05月04日 10:49:44 hazael are you on your laptop or on the desktop?
05月04日 10:50:07 hazael if you go to video you can change the resolution scaling to help with performance also
05月04日 10:50:31 hazael keep it high but change the resolution scale
05月04日 10:50:45 hazael on the other menu
05月04日 10:51:08 hazael try 80
05月04日 10:51:47 hazael it's lowering the ingame resolution for better performance so it will look worse
05月04日 10:52:14 hazael try epic with 80 resolution scale?
05月04日 10:52:33 hazael you went back to 100 ajs;dka
05月04日 10:53:20 hazael her 3060's breaking her back
05月04日 10:53:42 hazael oh laptop is 3070 I think
05月04日 10:54:27 hazael that helps with performance
05月04日 10:56:46 hazael le dieron de la buena