トップ ※配信中の配信者同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
09/22 21:43:10 Kuuyaクウヤ Hi chat!
09/22 21:54:21 Kuuyaクウヤ Please read & follow the chat rules, you can find them in the description box! Be mindful & respectful of each other! Please keep the chat family friendly & enjoy the stream!
09/22 21:54:26 Kuuyaクウヤ 説明ボックスに記載されているチャット ルールを読み、それに従ってください。お互いに気をつけて尊重してください!チャットを家族に優しくして、ストリームを楽しんでください!
09/22 21:56:00 Kuuyaクウヤ Blue hearts for our DJ!
09/22 21:56:05 Kuuyaクウヤ
09/22 21:58:40 Sungflowrr🍒
09/22 21:58:45 🎧あらんか_ arranca
09/22 21:58:46 もっちー_mochi
09/22 22:00:00 Yugo Asuma ready??
09/22 22:00:14 もっちー_mochi Yes
09/22 22:05:59 Kuuyaクウヤ Yugo your game is keep blinking
09/22 22:15:00 Sungflowrr🍒 A reminder to not backseat unless Yugo asks for help
09/22 22:15:55 Aia Amare M O M T H E R
09/22 22:16:09 Kuuyaクウヤ Hi Aia
09/22 22:16:14 🎧あらんか_ arranca Hi Aia!
09/22 22:17:50 Aia Amare the kind of kid who ends up on the news for spending all his parent's money on mobile games hehe
09/22 22:52:55 もっちー_mochi Baka
09/22 22:56:07 もっちー_mochi Chat please Stop backseating
09/22 23:05:41 Sungflowrr🍒 Please do not backseat. Any backseaters will be timed out.
09/22 23:58:25 もっちー_mochi Otsu
09/22 23:58:28 Sungflowrr🍒 OTSUMAAA see you on saturday!
09/22 23:58:37 もっちー_mochi See you ~ byeeeeee
09/22 23:58:38 Kuuyaクウヤ Otsu Yugo! see you!
09/22 23:58:47 🎧あらんか_ arranca お疲れ様!I love you!
09/22 23:59:06 もっちー_mochi
09/22 23:59:07 🎧あらんか_ arranca Bye Bye!
09/22 23:59:37 Sungflowrr🍒 Good timezones, chat, have a great day!