配信名:【#NIJIPuyoTetris2023】RISING STAR POV IKZ!!!【NIJISANJI EN | Aster Arcadia】
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04月08日 12:54:33 Scarle Yonaguni GO ASTER GOOO!!! You got this!
04月08日 12:55:20 Scarle Yonaguni Good luck Aster!
04月08日 13:05:32 Scarle Yonaguni GOOOO ASTERRE!!!
04月08日 13:06:10 Scarle Yonaguni YOU DID AMAZING!!! CONGRATS!
04月08日 13:08:59 Scarle Yonaguni DAH BOIS!! DAH BOIS!!
04月08日 13:22:03 Aster Arcadia BRACKETS: https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki/sta...
04月08日 14:14:20 Scarle Yonaguni WHAT!! D:< IM MAD SKILLED BIG PAPA GAMER!!!
04月08日 14:14:58 Scarle Yonaguni :,3 thank you aster!
04月08日 14:26:59 Scarle Yonaguni GOOD LUCK BOIS!
04月08日 14:27:17 Scarle Yonaguni BRING THE ILUNNAA W!!!
04月08日 14:36:27 Scarle Yonaguni Great job guys!
04月08日 15:30:54 Scarle Yonaguni SAVE US ASTER D: UR OUR LAST HOPE!
04月08日 15:34:20 Ren Zotto YOU GOT THIS
04月08日 15:34:21 Scarle Yonaguni You are the bootifullest star boi in the entire world! You got the bestest booty the beautifullest hair a stunning king! He will work and he will win! STRUT MY STAR BOI! STRUT TO THE STARS
04月08日 15:46:09 Scarle Yonaguni YOU GOT THIS BUDDY!!!\
04月08日 15:46:23 Scarle Yonaguni GO ASTER GOOO!
04月08日 15:51:09 Scarle Yonaguni
04月08日 15:51:23 Scarle Yonaguni GO ASTER GOOO!!!
04月08日 15:55:52 Scarle Yonaguni GO ASTER GOOO!
04月08日 16:09:50 Scarle Yonaguni YOU DID AMAZING ASTER!! YOU DID GREAT!
04月08日 16:09:58 Ren Zotto gg <3
04月08日 16:10:59 Ren Zotto insane match tho, my mind was blown haha
04月08日 16:11:08 Scarle Yonaguni GO DID AMAZING ! GO EAT U DESERVE IT!
04月08日 16:16:20 Scarle Yonaguni NO U DIDN'T U WON FOR US ALL! :,D YOU DID AMAZING!