配信名:【DARKEST DUNGEON 2】Wanna bet how many times I KILL my party today?【NIJISANJI EN | Reimu Endou】
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06月05日 23:50:58 Reimu Endou taking my gastritis meds real quick ueee
06月06日 00:01:32 Reimu Endou i dk why Im having such a bad pain after eating breakfast ;----; im so sorry guys let's wait a bit like last time and see if it goes away??
06月06日 00:01:44 Reimu Endou im heating up my water bottle to see if it helps me!!
06月06日 00:46:37 Reimu Endou chat I might have to move this to tonight
06月06日 00:47:28 Reimu Endou tummy hurting a lot this morning so Im rescheduling this to tonight!! sorry phantomos