配信名:if this game doesn't run on my pc i swear i will
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04月29日 23:01:19 WcYepyep Hi everyone
04月29日 23:25:38 WcYepyep Hex Latewire
04月29日 23:29:43 WcYepyep But Hex you need to drink more water
04月29日 23:41:44 WcYepyep Skip the feelings
04月29日 23:51:29 WcYepyep We talking about Baby our true oshi?
04月29日 23:59:01 WcYepyep Pay for Hex's voicepacks if you want to pay for something
04月30日 00:00:23 WcYepyep Down Nookie down
04月30日 00:01:03 WcYepyep Nookie just did
04月30日 00:13:11 WcYepyep It's better, but laggy
04月30日 02:36:34 WcYepyep Hex use white keys only, don't count the black keys when you do it
04月30日 02:38:31 WcYepyep The true horror game was teaching Hex about the piano
04月30日 03:39:00 Hex Haywire ANISSA WHAT THE FUCK
04月30日 03:39:02 Hex Haywire THANK U SO MUCH!
04月30日 03:40:54 WcYepyep Take care everyone