記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 8 45.00 \6,237
YEN YEN 1 3200 \3,200
EUR EUR 3 8.99 \1,391
R$ BRL 2 15.00 \431
CA$ CAD 1 2.00 \210
---- ---- ---- ---- \11,469
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月13日
  千雨 (メンバーシップ入り)
2 07月14日
$5.00   Slade Hey shimigami *bites lip*
3 00:05:21   psychofire23 (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:06:39   AdditionalPylos Shinigami reminds me of Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle (she just came to Master Duel today!)
5 07月14日
  TalesofNukes Good luck have funsemi!
6 00:08:20 €5.00   Asixa C'était super mignon d'avoir pu t'écouter à nouveau parler en Français j'espère que tu te sentiras mieux
7 07月14日
  Pizza (idol Clips) Shinigami looking extra cute today
8 00:11:05   bunearis (メンバーシップ入り)
9 00:21:02 ¥3,200   夏目 ゆう I got coronavirus for the first time in my life, and I had a fever of 39°C or higher for three days, and my head and throat still hurt. I'm lonely and tired right now, so if possible, please give me words of encouragement.
10 00:25:48 R$5.00   Natsuki Lovelock i'm having a super stressful day but i'm glad i was able to catch the stream, i hope you have Fun with the game!
11 07月14日
  jgumm Finally able to catch a rosemi stream again june has been way to busy
12 07月14日
  Isaac Shepard
13 00:27:21   NezumiiroGray Always happy to see you streaming rosemi! Hope you're doing good!
14 07月14日
  insan1ty Happy 6 months Rosemi-sama!!! Watching you stream is always a safe place away from reality. Keep being you always!!
15 00:32:03   Roy O'Red (メンバーシップ入り)
16 00:44:33 €1.99   hetepatat
17 00:45:09 $5.00   edmg7 Say hello to the team: the child of Byakuya and Celeste, Teruteru but not a potato, dumb Sonia, lazy Rantaro, and boss Hagakure
18 00:49:40 €2.00   Gyro Juggler her personality is based on famous vtuber rosemi
19 00:53:18 $5.00   Slade
nightmares gambling, thunderbolts blushes, clockfords flower, yumas height, and twighlights book. combine all and you have ultimate detective rosemi
20 00:54:22 CA$2.00   VeeJaiii the Moomin Silly Rosemi forever short
21 01:01:29 $5.00   bignanime That guy is a zoomer?
22 01:27:08   OPGrace2199 KWUS has big TBMAMTEIHH energy
23 01:27:59   VeeKlaus oh Rosemi you might want to check out the glossary for some extra world building details
24 07月14日
  Citrus 16 months of wosemi
25 02:04:29 $5.00   Iron Rose Maiden Only Rosemi could make me double-check when Johnny Bravo ended and make me feel young
26 02:07:20 $10.00   MudArcade Rosemi, I just wanted to tell you THANK YOU. For always being awesome and always cheering me up. Even in my bad days you always put a smile on my face. LOVE YOU LOTS!
27 03:34:17 $5.00   EnvyMizuhashi Hi Rosemi. Just to answer your question from last stream, you can just call me Mizuhashi. Whichever is easier for you.
28 03:37:06 R$10.00   Jojora Glad we started the actual first case after 9 hours of gameplay Hope you can rest well today
29 07月14日
  mfmoodwrckd otsu
30 07月14日
$5.00   Celator esketit