トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:he's back【DRAWING NIJISANJI EN】【NIJISANJI EN | Pomu Rainpuff】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   59     530.33   74,172円
 MX$  MXN   10    2030.00   14,040円
  A$  AUD    4     112.98   10,749円
 CA$  CAD    5      35.00    3,715円
 EUR  EUR    3      14.99    2,084円
 NT$  TWD    2     220.00    1,006円
 HK$  HKD    1      50.00      891円
  R$  BRL    4      32.00      858円
 YEN    1    2        340      340円
 ARS  ARS    9     288.00      289円
 PHP  PHP    2      77.00      190円
 ZAR    -    1      35.00       35円
---- ---- ----       ----  108,369円

No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 09/02
$1.99   Cheliax
2 09/02
$1.49   outcast777
3 09/02
ARS20.00   WildestDuck The Return Of The King. Okaeri DaPomky sensei!
4 09/02
¥140   樰霊
5 09/02
$0.99   Solid Takezo
6 09/02
$2.00   StarCreator omg my art oshi
7 09/02
$1.49   fake NEET
8 09/02
ARS14.00   WildestDuck
9 09/02
$2.00   Seymour
10 09/02
MX$50.00   Miguel Macias um what did you think of the ? I was very nervous, I was worried I'd mess up! lol I tried my best!
20 00:04:01 $0.99   KingChrono
21 00:05:44 NT$70.00   Tyson Hiii!!! Pomu !!!
22 00:05:44 ARS14.00   ima rafan
23 00:06:05 $1.49   Solid Takezo
24 00:06:15 $5.00   Vivy Core Welcome BACK OUR KING!!!
25 00:07:07 $5.00   Jonathan Q. Arbuckle Bonjour Da Pompky! Who is that behind the curtain?
28 00:07:27 MX$50.00   Miguel Macias
Kami oshiness ended with Pomu, Dapomky is my new Kami oshi
31 00:07:58 $1.49   Israfel713
33 00:08:20 $1.49   fake NEET
34 00:08:36 $4.99   Ray Mack Thanks for inventing art Da Pomky
36 00:08:50 €4.99   griebel11 Could you draw us like a french pomudachi?
37 00:09:10 $1.49   Todokete
38 00:09:53 $5.00   Jonathan Q. Arbuckle
Hon hon hon
39 00:09:58 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu Da Vinci is overrated, Pomu FrenchPuff is the true legendary artist the world shall leanr about
41 00:12:09 $9.99   Murphy Maybe your protege Pomu can offer some advice on how to tackle such a big job if she’s not too busy, she became quite the artist in her Arbok era
43 00:13:54 $4.99   Mog Moogle I feel big oui oui energy from zis artist
44 00:14:30 ¥200   お天気ちゃん 2日 東京 くもり一時雨 最高26℃ 最低22℃
49 00:16:15 $2.00   RandomInternetGuy708 What a Artist!
52 00:17:17 R$2.00   Luizsan EYESMR TSKR
53 00:18:02 $10.00   Dreganastra00 can you draw lazulight? I don't see them on this yet
54 00:18:10 $5.00   Solid Takezo
You cant rush good art
57 00:18:40 $2.00   Murphy
can you draw Arbok?
61 00:22:48 NT$150.00   watashisusuwanwan
63 00:24:07 $10.00   Fluffy Gator Bonjour!! Da Pomky, how kind of you to grace us with your presence.
64 00:25:15 $2.00   Justin Hoese BLESS YOU POMU.
65 00:27:33 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu
How to summon the Swagapinos: Mahal kita and Hi Pogi. How to summon the French homies: Bonjour, Je t'aime
68 00:28:19 $5.00   fake NEET
This fits TOO WELL
70 00:28:28 PHP40.00   ΔNuh•SimpΔ (無言スパチャ)
71 00:28:58 ARS20.00   Macchi omg is the living image of Ninaur Toesucka!
75 00:35:09 $5.00   Sidewayz2013 hey guys just coming into the stream whats going ohHHHH MY GOD
76 00:35:46 $5.00   fake NEET
Millie's asserting dominance
79 00:36:21 €5.00   Marshall Banana 10/10 Un chef-d'oeuvre ma chère Pomu
80 00:36:28 $2.00   A K You're a master surrealist
82 00:36:47 ARS50.00   Mavros Is that Millie or my sleep paralysis demon?
83 00:37:29 $0.99   KingChrono
85 00:40:26 PHP37.00   Leinn
87 00:41:20 $5.00   Sidewayz2013
Next time Enna gives you the business, call her Enna Assouette, but make it sound like you made it up on the spot lol
88 00:43:17 $1.00   TheWhiteMamba3000 (無言スパチャ)
89 00:43:38 $10.00   coaxmetal (コクスメタル) uncanny
91 00:43:39 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Perfection, chef kiss
93 00:44:23 $5.00   fake NEET
Smug & Chub
94 00:46:02 $2.00   Justin Hoese
Soon Pomu will be the only pettan Niji EN member.
96 00:47:52 $5.00   Dreganastra00
wow I didn't realize her legs were so long. I guess her back isn't the only lick.... I mean very respectable thing!
97 00:50:34 R$5.00   Heyght3 Are you playing mortuary assistant still? The scribble is looking very possessed...
98 00:51:14 €5.00   sango323 it looks like the tentacle monsters in my dads special anime's
102 00:56:56 $19.99   Hey it's your boy Fruit Snacks I have never seen such a masterpiece. such elegance and charm. I am in awe. Oh and the drawings are pretty cool too : )
105 01:00:01 $5.00   fruitbatman When will body pillows of this art be available?
106 01:01:47 $5.00   T-Mo Fisher [ティモ] bonjour monsieur DaPomky...
108 01:05:06 $10.00   lilybees pomky collection plushies?
110 01:16:19 ARS20.00   WildestDuck
Music to my ears
113 01:23:17 $1.49   Solid Takezo
119 01:42:55 $5.00   Vivy Core
"I hate it here Snake" -Otacon Eveland
121 01:43:45 $100.00   Yoshikun Is this beautiful art for sale?
122 01:45:34 $10.00   Jonathan Q. Arbuckle
C'est Magnifique
123 01:53:51 $5.00   Ahri Suzumiya Sir, who are you and what did you do to Pomu?
124 02:15:54 $5.00   bep i giggled too much at this stream, really boring day but da pomky made it very cool. thanks da pomky. personal favorite is the nina
125 02:16:19 $10.00   Murphy
I am a patron of the arts
126 02:17:03 R$5.00   Shuryo I heard da Pomky will have his 3D debut soon! What kind of artistic avant-garde experience should we look forward too? I love how he draws feet!
127 02:17:25 $2.00   OrbitalVagabond Sacre Bleu! This one here!
128 02:17:34 A$1.49   Zhumingz
129 02:18:28 $2.00   casper0977 NO WAIT POMU DON'T SAY DA POMK-
132 02:19:10 ARS50.00   WildestDuck
Thanks for the masterpieces Da Pomky. We truly don't deserve you. On a side note, it was nice to see you with your hair pieces again it's been a while
134 02:19:29 A$100.00   Berry For DaPomky
135 02:20:06 CA$10.00   Virulent ビルレント Give my thanks to DaPomky for his beautiful art! It was very très bien.
137 02:20:57 $10.00   Solid Takezo
DaPomky is always such an inspiration! Thank you for having such an incredible artist as a guest! Hope you feel better son Pomu! Looking forward to the Karaoke
138 02:21:43 MX$10.00   Miguel Macias
139 02:21:45 MX$20.00   Miguel Macias
Hi Pomu!
140 02:21:47 MX$50.00   Miguel Macias
Guess what? Yesterday was Hatsune Miku's Birthday!
141 02:21:48 MX$100.00   Miguel Macias
but it happened to be my birthday as well!
142 02:21:50 MX$200.00   Miguel Macias
I'd like to thank you for being such a warm light in my life, you've brought me so much happiness over the past year with your creativity, ingenuity, charisma, lovely voice and extreme cuteness! your hard work is inspiring!
143 02:21:52 MX$500.00   Miguel Macias
Please accept my first ever rainbow just for you, my one and only kami oshi, I love you more than you'll ever know!! sorry for being a bother all the time; I'll keep supporting you no matter what! Keep up the good work and please never change~
145 02:22:48 MX$1,000.00   Miguel Macias
If I could have one wish, I'd wish for you to be happy with the people you love the most, always keep them close to your heart and for you to appreciate yourself a bit more! But, If I would be allowed to be extremely selfish for a bit, could I get a "HBD Miguel MWAH!"?
147 02:24:10 $20.00   WireSun7 Thank you for the stream Pomu, I'll be on the road tomorrow so I won't be able to watch the karaoke stream but is it archived or not?
149 02:26:19 ZAR35.00   Dazenith You know given that over 1 and a half thousand people are watching you right now. There is a chance that roughly 5 of them have birthdays today.
150 02:27:15 $100.00   Yuki Baskerville I'm shy so I wasn't planning on saying something but thanks for the song, Pomu!! I have nothing else to say but accept my akasupa lol, you're the best kamioshi
151 02:27:48 CA$10.00   Ghost of Pomu
Speaking of cat, thank you for introducing us to Pomusuke the other day! It helped me get through my final week at my (former) company after getting milked for four months, Time for a new opportunity
152 02:28:52 $10.00   pTangents i didn't say anything on my birthday two weeks ago but now i'm feeling like the odd man out
153 02:31:04 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu
My mom, being the normie she is, always calls Otakuthon "the pokemon show"
154 02:31:05 $9.99   Ray Mack
Looking forward to the karaoke, tell Dapomky thanks for the art.
157 02:34:20 ARS50.00   David 「Titanium」P pomu i'm taking a test today and i'm nervous can you give me PP energy to make it through
159 02:38:26 R$20.00   Luizsan
I'll have to pull an all nighter because I'm buried in a pile of overdue work, can you give me some motivational words in these trying times?
162 02:40:59 $2.00   Solid Takezo
I cant stop looking at Petra stealing Selen's wig
163 02:41:19 $50.00   fake NEET
For my oshi DaPomky
164 02:42:27 HK$50.00   Asai 莫白泽 Thank you for the wonderful art DaPomky!!! My English is not good enough to express. All I can say is love you!
166 02:42:58 A$10.00   shrimp Pomu.. what's LIGMA??
167 02:44:36 $2.00   casper0977
Pomu, any cures for simposis? Its been over a year
168 02:44:44 ARS50.00   Macchi
is my uncle about okey?
169 02:46:02 A$1.49   ChickenKaichou
170 02:46:31 MX$50.00   Miguel Macias
with new vp's I always like to listen to them when I go to bed, as usual you had me squirming but with the EX I was rolling laughing! "AIRHORN!" lmao
171 02:49:15 $1.99   VCha0900 Pomu Caminades.
172 02:51:58 $5.00   Salty Z3r0