配信名【FOR HONOR】a sword is like a gun【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 25 117.97 \16,473
CA$ CAD 4 20.00 \2,113
YEN YEN 1 1000 \1,000
£ GBP 1 5.00 \902
HK$ HKD 1 38.00 \677
EUR EUR 2 4.00 \615
CZK CZK 1 50.00 \322
CHF CHF 1 2.00 \318
PHP PHP 1 125.00 \318
NZ$ NZD 1 3.49 \301
R$ BRL 1 10.00 \287
ARS ARS 1 500.00 \265
MYR MYR 1 6.00 \180
NT$ TWD 1 30.00 \133
---- ---- ---- ---- \23,904
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:01:42   Prayformercy chat going so fast she won't notice I resubbed
2 00:02:23   Callum Downey both my 10th month anniversary and my Birthday yay.
3 00:03:45 $5.00   Medi I had an awful time playing this game on release, never had so much hatred in my heart....Can't wait to see you play one of my fave games!
4 00:04:47 $5.00   Gator You know that clip of Tyler1 where he yells, "THE GAME SUCKS! BUT I'M ADDICTED" and throws his headphones? That's every player in For Honor.
5 00:05:01 $5.00   Sade I love how much I hate for honor
6 00:05:03 $2.00   Expertsword for honor pirate speaks Cantonese
7 00:05:06 $5.00   DawnCosmic for honor is one of the best and worst games I ever played, would recommend to a friend I hate lol
8 00:05:13   HappySeal (No longer Sadseal) (メンバーシップ入り)
9 07月13日
  에리스 Aeris🍭
10 07月13日
CHF2.00   ChegiCH アチアチホットチキンバー remember to scream when charging into enemies
11 00:06:25 $5.00   Medi
There's a pirate character that has an actual gun
12 00:06:29   Dragonro selen is addicted to games !? i knew it
13 00:06:37 NZ$3.49   Cheeseburger Mac Pac Viking For Ragnar!
14 00:06:53 $5.00   Johnny Lacone For Honor was like a bullying simulator, except you were the one being bullied again and again by smurfs consistently and on every map.
15 00:06:58 CA$5.00   Ariston_Nova Classic case of Feesh, Marry, Kill when choosing factions
16 00:07:09   Forsaken Fyre VIKINGS
17 07月13日
  Aphelion 10
18 00:08:36 CA$5.00   Callum Downey Today's my Birthday can I get a Happy Birthday from my favourite Dragon.
19 07月13日
  Infiny Kanoe Ah, For honor, a game I once tried and left it in my storage and never opened again for the past few years XD. Enjoy the game, Selen!
20 00:10:51 $4.99   Frosty This happy selen wont last long when she starts online
21 00:11:20 ¥1,000   しろマンタ I am this game pro
22 00:12:59 $5.00   Bamknife It's sad to say that I over 1000 hours in piece of garbo game yet still play it welp. GLAD favorite dragon
23 07月13日
24 00:20:47 €2.00   Gyro Juggler wait until she finds out this is just advanced RPS
25 00:22:08 $5.00   DawnCosmic
this a bit of a hot take but for honor the most toxic fighting game
26 00:22:26   Ryner There is no honor in for honor
27 00:26:39 $5.00   DawnCosmic
what's funny is when you 1 v 4 it's bm to use revenge
28 00:27:25 $5.00   Anton Namtet guys don't tell her this is the fighting game pipeline, I want to see her breaking her controller after discovering Blanka players in two months
29 00:29:40 €2.00   Gyro Juggler
if you dont think they cant know
30 00:29:59   Chaser hkj The feinting part is easily the most mind-messing part of this game, in multiplayer it is so tilting to be feinted and outplayed
31 00:30:25   Cirnein Samurai of the WEST
32 07月13日
33 07月13日
34 00:38:38 $2.00   Expertsword
go to training and try out ohter heroes
35 00:41:39 $2.00   Jeffery Murphy Hello Selen how are you
36 00:53:33 MYR6.00   shinoda masaru Is that Faraam???
37 00:53:34 $5.00   Frostelus fun fact: the stream lag is because this game does not have an option to limit frame rate i recommend a 3rd party program to limit it, like rivatuner
38 00:53:47   Anthony Dias (メンバーシップ入り)
39 00:58:13 R$10.00   Grey Hare Archie GARY IS GONE
40 01:00:23 $5.00   Medi
This Victory is dedicated to brave Gary who left their team and threw
41 01:01:33 ARS500.00   Rohgu since its my birthday today, heres a small gift for brighten my days with your streams
42 01:02:23 PHP125.00   すいちゃんスーパーボインボイン You're currently hot-micing in game, people are hearing every word you say in game. Speaker spot on leaderboard is active.
43 07月13日
44 07月13日
45 01:05:34 $5.00   Chaser hkj BTW Selen the pirate character actually speaks Canton in game lol
46 01:06:53   LuxArgentum (メンバーシップ入り)
47 01:09:22   luci ルシ (メンバーシップ入り)
48 01:14:45   Lori ♡ (メンバーシップ入り)
49 07月13日
  Mika's fries (Toxic Fan) hit them where the sun doesn't shine
50 01:23:17 $2.00   Doom Guy you want yelling? ok. CAPTURE THE OBJECTIVE SELEN!
51 07月13日
  AmariGem Good luck with the battles Selen!
52 01:27:23 $4.99   NotSoDeadpool15 Lawbringer time
53 01:27:57   Raiden Time's Emissary Blocking is different on this character try it out when you spawn
54 01:28:55   A (メンバーシップ入り)
55 01:29:44 $5.00   Sassy Leslie Selen, now it's time to stop casual gaming and start pro gaming.
56 07月13日
$10.00   KenseiMuyo So you would like the humble pie with a side of shame Ms. Tatsuki?
57 01:33:41 $5.00   DawnCosmic
for honor= no honor welcome to the game selen
58 07月13日
$5.00   LordKrosis Games name should have been Looking For Honor
59 01:40:14 CZK50.00   ShotJon In ye old days Lawbringer could take people for a ride. III wonder if that is still a thing.
60 07月13日
  hetepatat 1
61 01:55:06 $5.00   Whisperers A literal sandbag. You won by laying on the floor, watching the fight below.
62 01:55:32 CA$5.00   Ariston_Nova
The first match I blame bloody Gary, good ending is I played a game with the oshi
63 01:56:31 NT$30.00   HM TRUE SAMURAI
64 02:02:58 £5.00   Thunderbird1005 Looking forward to ALGS, with the world famous Apex Predator Selen Tatsuki, live from my home realm.
65 02:03:03 CA$5.00   Ariston_Nova
Executed me 3 times, I consider that an honor and privilege. Time for you to drop a pin of Ember decapitating a Dragoon.
66 02:03:28 HK$38.00   Hannah dragoon💜 Selen, love watching you play games
67 02:03:51   hetepatat 2v1 is not honorable at all Selen. In fact you are dishonored, death of the outsider.
68 02:07:26 $4.99   NightLight25 So you are like nice wigg 2.0 with the watch party with all the different teams on the screens