配信名【ONLY UP!】REVENGE! I will play this game until I win ✨ ☆⭒NIJISANJI EN ✧ Millie Parfait ☆⭒
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 46 178.92 \25,396
PHP PHP 17 4819.00 \12,293
CLP CLP 28 33740 \5,967
SGD SGD 3 28.94 \3,064
CA$ CAD 4 16.00 \1,727
EUR EUR 6 11.00 \1,718
NOK NOK 1 119.00 \1,604
MYR MYR 3 27.00 \823
R$ BRL 6 21.00 \625
BGN BGN 2 7.00 \559
MX$ MXN 1 50.00 \414
IDR IDR 1 20000.00 \189
THB THB 1 40.00 \162
CZK CZK 1 20.00 \131
NT$ TWD 1 15.00 \68
---- ---- ---- ---- \54,740
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月22日
  AsianYaki (メンバーシップ入り)
2 06月22日
  NotMoonar (メンバーシップ入り)
3 06月22日
SGD6.98   Megane Famillie Seggsy HBD song for Puroro~
4 06月22日
  Frying Pun (メンバーシップ入り)
5 06月22日
  Raedeon Like this game, my membership length will only go up
6 00:02:19   YUki ฅ(ΦωΦ)ฅ (メンバーシップ入り)
7 00:04:13   Miff Mac (メンバーシップ入り)
8 06月22日
  L Z
9 00:06:25 $5.00   Pinkerton Good morning Millie Good luck have fun, may the count of game glitches stay at none.
10 00:11:08 $1.99   Zer0Pendragon6- Lucie’s #1 Fan Good morning Millie!Good luck climb up and advance
11 00:11:57   Mon goodluck going up
12 00:12:29 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Morning Millie, good luck on your endurance
13 00:12:58   Amelek Any bets after how many falls she will give up / redefine "win"?
14 06月22日
  Megane Famillie I miss you boss
15 06月22日
  Alan Chocobo (メンバーシップ入り)
16 06月22日
17 00:14:37   Berry gum (メンバーシップ入り)
18 00:14:51   REMi Chroma A Cat is fine too?
19 00:16:15 CLP1,000   RowJ yoh boss, morning... good luck, u can!
20 06月22日
  NekuDeku 10
21 06月22日
  Pinkerton 1
22 00:17:15   Agi Hirahta skip ad
23 06月22日
  Johnny Lacone 10
24 06月22日
25 06月22日
  RowJ 1
26 00:17:40 $2.00   Pinkerton
Technically $5.50 after taxes.
27 06月22日
  Megane Famillie 1
28 06月22日
29 06月22日
30 06月22日
31 06月22日
  firnantok I believe in you, Millie.
32 00:19:34 $10.00   NekuDeku
33 00:20:26   かぼちゃ (メンバーシップ入り)
34 00:22:57 BGN5.00   Chovek lemons arent nearly as sour as you are about couples and yet thousands of peeps still tune in so clearly there's interest in the taste
35 06月22日
  KhZ 🍁
36 00:25:30   Noctae Althea I believe that you'd finish this!!
37 00:25:24 PHP125.00   knightistry oh my god millie i hate the way your hips move because its making me think things (real) (no clickbait)
38 00:26:11   kenser 4-206-9 hi millie any tips on how to make a girl say yes??
39 00:26:21 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu - Loyal to Pomu Rainpuff Now you understand why chat is tsundere. They say they hate your sexy voice because it makes them flushge but they dont wanna admit it
40 00:27:18   Drop🍹 I will eat some nuggies in your honor Boss!
41 00:28:19 $5.00   Syntax Error I hate your eyes like I hate big cities, because I keep getting lost in them
42 00:29:19 R$5.00   NotMoonar Well it is deserved, you do a lot for us! If you ever need something we can do don't mind asking. We love you!
43 00:29:29   Alan Chocobo Oh ma gahd Millie, I hate how super cute your laugh is all the time. I hate how perfect your booba is and nobody can say otherwise. But most of all I hate how this message is going to be pinned in chat for 2 hrs exposing me and I can't do anything about it.
44 00:30:40 $5.00   Pinkerton
I'm disappointed you can't flex your chest like terry crews. Not that I'm paying particular attn to your chest. Nosir, not me.
45 00:35:13 $5.00   Pinkerton
In regards to having a dog at your current place: your elevator's track record isn't the finest. Please don't end up as a John Wick stunt double.
46 00:37:09 MX$50.00   AstraZeneca All the cats needs a second chance. Adopt that cat pls.
47 00:37:13 IDR20,000.00   blulagoonee would you adopt me? i'm oldge
48 00:37:45 CLP2,500   RowJ
I like dogs better and they are easy to take care of, but if it is a big dog, u need to take them for a walk often so they don't get stressed out~
49 00:38:26   Zone Tail make sure that the pet that you are getting doesn't trigger your ASMA or any allergies.
50 00:38:38 SGD14.98   Megane Famillie
Pet funds
51 00:39:16 $5.00   Pinkerton
I'll budget for pet care next month. Don't forget insurance!
52 00:40:21 PHP1,250.00   Coddiwomple pet funds
53 06月22日
  Kizmet The only way is up!!!
54 00:43:47 $2.00   Gator are you dying?
55 00:44:10 CLP1,000   RowJ
we were doing so well...
56 00:44:19 $5.00   TheJollyRamRancher good morning millicent. I don't know what anyone else complains about I love your lung surgery voice. wait that's supposed to be sexy? oh....
57 06月22日
  Hanex yo millerd, did you watched the new spooderman movie? it's really good
58 00:47:10 $4.99   H Am I the only one who like Millie’s slurping voice?
59 00:47:53 PHP50.00   Saint Tan Millie flatform master lmao
60 06月22日
THB40.00   Cirnein The apprentrizz?
61 06月22日
  Arsonist unpaid actors smh
62 00:49:02 CLP2,500   RowJ
do you know that those in the chat who say they like ur sexy voice are pomudachis or masochists? welp, I love u even if you sound like a smoker~
63 06月22日
  Skypen Gotta say, I appreciate your "sexy" voice even though we hate it most of the time
64 01:06:19   Lurk3r Millie, not all zoomers are young, some are in there twenties. I'm part of them and I know flash games and the likes.
65 01:07:05 NOK119.00   Malcolm Olsen I’m a 24 year old zoomer, 1999 lol
66 01:08:00 $2.00   Pinkerton
I'm feeling hella old now. Thanks Millie
67 01:08:44   Ja33ger Thanks Millie, now i fell old and poor
68 01:09:46   bitterblossom best part about being old and refined by age is knowing what actually matters in life vs impulsive wants when you were younger.
69 01:10:46   Pinknebula (メンバーシップ入り)
70 01:11:37 $5.00   Pinkerton
Don't worry, petcare costs will take over your budget soon.
71 01:15:44 $2.00   Michael Chevauche Hello Lovely Lady Parfait
72 01:18:15   VeryUnofficialPerson (メンバーシップ入り)
73 06月22日
  BadKarma90 5
74 01:23:40 $5.00   Michael Chevauche
some cat breeds that might want to check out Balinese Siberian Oriental Shorthair Devon Rex Cornish Rex Javanese Sphynx Burmese Ocicat Russian Blue
75 01:26:02 $5.00   Siege My cousin has cat allergies and they have 2 Russian Blues that doesn't cause him to act up. If allergies are a concern.
76 01:26:32 $5.00   Michael Chevauche
Lady Parfait's future: phone full of cat pics and videos
77 01:27:43   Kosu Ganba Millie
78 01:28:38 $2.00   Michael Chevauche
Yea calling my doctor for hearing appointment
79 01:28:38 CLP5,000   RowJ
My cat behaves like a dog, follows me everywhere, cries when I go to work, keeps crying until I get home and growls at people he doesn't know, and is scared of loud sounds, like you screaming....
80 01:29:51   ZuFriX Newgate🤰 NO.
81 01:30:45 $5.00   Michael Chevauche
Well being French myself that's not the right accent
82 01:33:06 $2.00   Michael Chevauche
that's not a French accent. i should know
83 01:35:34 CLP1,000   RowJ
Only Fall! stream~
84 01:36:12 $2.00   Michael Chevauche
that's what happens when u do a non French accent
85 01:43:13 $2.00   Siege
Thanks for streaming for my entire work day today
86 01:43:18 PHP125.00   Hoodie 2Shoes last bed is a lot further than others. press "w" immediately after jumping on the 3rd bed
87 01:43:51   Doggo pawsฅ (メンバーシップ入り)
88 01:45:30 CLP1,000   RowJ
Thanks for the stream?
89 01:45:33   Waffurui Dont worry millie were progressing, just backwards
90 06月22日
  Aicia Just here to say, never give up Ate Millie! You can do it! Wooooo love you
91 01:46:06   Fuseli Mi祢山 Another kind of win
92 01:50:06 CLP1,000   RowJ
Gambare boss, i believe!
93 01:50:38 $1.49   Pinkerton
94 01:50:43 CLP740   RowJ
95 01:50:49 PHP30.00   seisomoon (a無言スパチャ)
96 01:51:13 $1.00   Siege
97 06月23日
  Alexx 1
98 01:51:35 $1.49   NotoriousBSG82
99 01:53:20   Sophie welcome back millie are ya winning?
100 01:53:42   SZF Okaerinasai, anata! Gohan wo taberu? Ofuro ni suru? Soretomo, wa. ta. shi?
101 01:54:49   Maverick J hello millie!
102 02:04:04 BGN2.00   Chovek
fun europe fact! dont come to the balkans
103 02:04:09 CLP1,000   RowJ
u know which is the smallest country in the world?
104 02:05:27 MYR15.00   Kon Koffee if you like mountains and meadows, italian dolomites is my recommendation.
105 02:09:45 MYR6.00   Kon Koffee
Solo camping and travel is my favorite activity!
106 06月23日
  Nicola Chiara Aloupeep Millie! Can't believe it's already been a month of being a member! Thank you for being you Millie! Also yes please start a cheese war
107 02:13:06 PHP30.00   seisomoon
108 02:13:06   ChickenKaichou crumb bee
109 02:13:25 CLP500   RowJ
110 02:17:16   chrissyneko this is all from gifters thank you so much
111 06月23日
  Dollysheep It's been a year!!Luv u (platonically
112 02:33:15 $5.00   Peter Campi Seeing the house from UP just reminds me of the YT meme video of Doug the dog getting yeeted.
113 02:35:28 CLP1,000   RowJ
I want to release myself from all responsibility~
114 06月23日
R$2.00   NotMoonar
So far you didn't hit your table, I'm going cya
115 06月23日
  Ryan this game is taking like 5 years off my life span
116 06月23日
  Khornes Butcher hey my lovely witch, just want to wish you and my fellow brothers and sisters of the cult a wonderfull day
117 02:47:16 $2.00   Pinkerton
I'm partially deaf now but worth it!
118 06月23日
  AZG Be jobless WHILE watching vtubers? I feel like im being called out
119 02:57:16 CLP1,000   RowJ
Save u debut host for when the bara wave comes out
120 02:57:27   flashtirade (A1) who are you
121 02:58:07 CLP1,000   RowJ
isn't that Millie from 3 am?
122 03:01:11 $1.99   TheCerealmaker Why do you sound like your pooping
123 03:04:32 CLP1,000   RowJ
I love u, but it doesn't mean I support ur asthma~
124 03:05:11 PHP50.00   Hoodie 2Shoes
Millie try pressing "1" it will adjust your camera
125 06月23日
  April June(눈_눈) you did ittt goodluck with the rest gonna mimir
126 03:20:05 CLP1,000   RowJ
when it's double R, you must purr the R, Perrito~
127 03:21:23 $5.00   foxxknight always left because we're never right
128 03:31:55   akiriです。
129 03:39:43   thundercookie15 it's just a skill issue. also my ears are bleeding now, thank you. i guess 17 months yay. what kind of inspirational message do i put here. uhm.. come
130 03:44:47   tastelikenyan When your down, you can only up. When you're only up, you are not down anymore
131 03:51:48 PHP50.00   Hoodie 2Shoes
bye millie & chat. imma sleep now. btw pls press 1
132 06月23日
  SiL gtg sleep now byeee Millie and chatAlso you can do it Millie! We believeee
133 04:05:20 $20.00   mr albeezie Hi Ate Millie! My birthday was this past Sunday. Spent it in Hawaii with a bunch of family. Sorry I missed your streams last week, but I'm home now so I can watch your live streams again!
134 04:11:55 SGD6.98   Megane Famillie
Boss… I am sorry… cant go on anymore… goodnyaa FaMillies~
135 04:15:03 €2.00   thundercookie15 I'm getting a 1% raise and then another 10% soon
136 04:15:37 $10.00   mr albeezie
Oh yeah, While I was at the swap meet in Hawaii, I had one of your keychains on my bag and someone recognized it. Surprised I met another Famillie in Hawaii
137 04:16:38 CZK20.00   Max Maxwell I lost a client today, so less money. Here's supa
138 04:24:45 CLP1,000   RowJ
Millie let us go, the accident was years ago~.
139 04:27:44 $5.00   ShadyNoctis Shhh chat, Millie needs to fucus!
140 04:28:51 CLP500   RowJ
141 04:29:01 €2.00   thundercookie15
ping pong
142 04:29:22 $5.00   Kerokero
143 04:29:23 CLP500   RowJ
144 04:29:27 €1.00   Hey Guys (a無言スパチャ)
145 04:29:31 $2.00   Zingly06 What was that? Superchat?
146 06月23日
  NotMoonar Ping?
147 04:29:40   Vinny ・
148 04:29:44 CA$1.00   LewHQ (a無言スパチャ)
149 06月23日
PHP2,500.00   Coddiwomple
Ping Pong!
150 04:29:47 $2.00   Pinkerton
151 04:29:53 PHP25.00   BoNb0 (a無言スパチャ)
152 06月23日
153 04:29:51 CLP500   RowJ
154 04:30:09 $1.00   Ray Mack (a無言スパチャ)
155 04:30:13   Blake Williams (メンバーシップ入り)
156 04:30:32 PHP50.00   KYOUSHA Ping Pong
157 04:30:35 $2.00   ShadyNoctis
158 04:30:37 NT$15.00   Anon (a無言スパチャ)
159 04:31:25 R$2.00   NotMoonar
Ping pong
160 04:32:03 €2.00   thundercookie15
turn on tts so you don't miss our messages then
161 04:32:50 €2.00   Sayakai ping pong
162 04:33:47 CLP2,500   RowJ
You know boss, this game is super philosophical, every time you fall you remind me of me.... falling in love with you~
163 04:34:40   dalz Power
164 04:36:41 PHP50.00   KYOUSHA
165 04:36:57 CLP1,000   RowJ
bye Millie, now the stream is our!
166 04:38:20 R$2.00   NotMoonar
Buy come chat! Oh, I mean robe!
167 06月23日
  Barisuta582 I can't imagine what would happen if Babu played this game...
168 04:39:01 CLP1,000   RowJ
yauyauyauya oh its yauyauyau idk yauyauyau yeh yau
169 04:39:51   くま様 kumasama I believe you can do it, Millie cat you got this
170 04:39:52 MYR6.00   Zafiq Come here chat! mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah
171 04:41:32 CLP1,000   RowJ
that's not my mouth! chaaat! don't touch my hands~
172 04:47:37 CLP1,000   RowJ
Millie my grandson says hi~
173 04:55:15   Luis Fernandez Is this your way of telling us youre a bottom
174 04:55:36 $4.99   Semiqwerty _ Hi Millie, so seem to be falling a lot. Have you tried not falling? Good luck.
175 04:57:26 PHP30.00   seisomoon
176 04:57:27 $1.49   mr albeezie
177 06月23日
  Ray Mack 5
178 05:07:03 $2.00   Ray Mack
Love ya bros
179 05:10:18 PHP50.00   Demise stick like miles morales millay lets gaur!
180 05:10:53   Shree Klime, College Student *sad train noises*
181 05:11:44 R$5.00   Raul Lopes Tomaz millie play like my self esteem, aways falling
182 05:11:56 PHP125.00   NEON Millie, you're the one that does the kissing and I'm grateful for that
183 05:15:51   Raven Yang I believe you can win ! Even if it takes days!!
184 05:21:03 $5.00   Nick Vo [#190] Tenacity: the mental/moral strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship. You are very tenacious, boss, there's no denying that
185 05:27:23 €2.00   Hey Guys
Can't insult what doesn't exist.
186 05:30:16 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu - Loyal to Pomu Rainpuff
I mean this with good intentions: all size make the wood rise
187 05:30:19 $2.00   Ghooman (Gwardo's Hooman) every1 has kneeplays but just few have the bakery.
188 05:38:12 $2.00   KisseHa going to the top is just a pipe dream
189 05:39:09 $2.00   Ghooman (Gwardo's Hooman)
Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
190 05:41:10 CLP1,000   RowJ
Wosemi-sama reached the drone~
191 05:58:17 $1.49   mr albeezie
192 05:58:17 CLP500   RowJ
193 05:58:24 PHP30.00   seisomoon
194 06月23日
  tunaflsh 「ᛏᚢᚾᚨᚠᛚᛊᚺ」
195 06:04:12 CLP1,000   RowJ
Ike do u want to eat what my parents made?... me~
196 06:23:00 CA$5.00   Crow Baron of Syrup Well done coming this far bozo
197 06:23:49   dekhadmai we should do a reverse heart rate monitor stream. viewers show heart rate when watching millie play only up
198 06:33:48 R$5.00   Raul Lopes Tomaz
millie, you have to see the things for a new perspective, if you can't find a sane people who stay with you try find confort in the crazy ones
199 06:51:23   Beef the Beefy what is this place
200 06:58:41   Ask Gosu Parfaitpuff oh no shes hot
201 06:58:49 PHP249.00   mia YUNG TAWA MO