トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:【ASMR DEBUT+ 450K SPECIAL】Let's explore your favorite ASMR triggers together~
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
 CA$  CAD    5     136.99   14,496円
 NT$  TWD    2    3000.00   13,719円
 HK$  HKD    3     510.00    9,406円
   $  USD    9      53.46    7,736円
 PHP  PHP    1    1250.00    3,078円
 EUR  EUR    1      10.00    1,426円
 GTQ  GTQ    1      70.00    1,282円
 MX$  MXN    2     150.00    1,078円
  A$  AUD    1       7.99      745円
 SEK  SEK    1      50.00      658円
  R$  BRL    1      10.00      276円
 THB    1    1     200.00      200円
 ARS  ARS    1     100.00       97円
---- ---- ----       ----   54,197円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月29日
  Pzzza13 (メンバーシップ入り)
2 10月05日
  Misti Schulze (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:00:50 $5.00   Lastlasagna (無言スパチャ)
4 00:01:19   X_Mage_X NINA ASMR YES!
5 00:02:18 CA$100.00   Pineー松本ーTree Been looking forward to this for a while mom! Gorgeous mic you have there
6 10月06日
  Beast #581
7 00:04:23 NT$1,500.00   青風 I'm ready
8 00:05:14 $10.00   Soorya godly ASMR
9 10月06日
  Daniel Gallardo Thank you for this ASMR Nina! You'll do great!
10 10月06日
  Messed Up Brainspike
11 00:07:04 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Mom ASMR! Thanks you Nina!
12 00:08:53   Daemon (メンバーシップ入り)
13 00:09:33 CA$20.00   Noglad have been eagerly waiting for this ASMR since you first announced it, hope you have as much fun with it as we do!
14 10月06日
  Nirahe24 Great stream, Nina.
15 00:11:14 $1.49   Marco Harrorato
16 10月06日
  Aeldryn ASMR Fox Mom, let's gooooo! Also, obligatory
17 00:19:52 $9.99   Kiwi Glad we gettin some ASMOMR, this is what my soul needed today
18 00:19:56   n0rt (メンバーシップ入り)
19 00:20:10   Tyler Chen (メンバーシップ入り)
20 00:24:33   Webles Webley (メンバーシップ入り)
21 00:28:17   Jhe it's right around bedtime for me so i'll be listening to this until i fall asleep. goodnight mom and thanks for the asmr! tskr
22 00:31:01 THB200.00   Kik Goodnight Nina tskr
23 00:31:19 SEK50.00   Messed Up Brainspike Would you please do a "yosh yosh, iiko iiko"?
24 10月06日
  El Wawa I'm enjoying some pumpkin spice pancakes as I listen to this. This really is heaven on earth
25 00:32:58   Eliosoverlord Français frappe différament j'vais pas mentire.
26 00:33:22   GOStastic Congratz on 450k Mom!!! Can you do pop sounds with your mouth?
27 00:33:24 $4.99   Oliver Opossum Sniffs TSKR
28 00:33:31 HK$300.00   Melody__chilingYOLO fox thing, TSKR
29 00:33:43 CA$5.00   Invietation I would like to thank my Canadian French classes for preparing me for this day
30 00:34:00 A$7.99   Luna First supa! If you're open to it, maybe can we have a Russian asmr stream in the future? I can't understand it but the language sounds nice to me
31 00:36:00 HK$200.00   Melody__chilingYOLO
mommy voice is really, suits well in asmr!!! what a talent , TSKR. Gonna have a good sleep with this ^^
32 00:36:05   Ruuto_ch (メンバーシップ入り)
33 00:36:24 PHP1,250.00   meow ie tskr! looking forward to more streams like this.
34 00:38:39 $2.00   zXxSladexXz Now I am imagining Nina as a masked crime fighter
35 00:42:34   Avalors Honey#131 раньше я не смотрел полноценные асмр стримы, так что можно сказать, что это мой первый раз. I'm die thank you forever. поздравляю с 500к, изюминка
36 00:45:01 ARS100.00   Leonardo M I am missing your ASMR debut but here is a supa to pay for the hundreds of times I will listen to this VOD to fall asleep with a smile
37 10月06日
  Yixiv I'm feeling like a baby fox sleeping soundly in mommy fox's warm fluffy fur when you purred.
38 00:47:00 NT$1,500.00   メジェド TSKR
39 00:48:14 €10.00   dreccs weeb Can you encourage me to workout?
40 00:52:15 CA$6.99   Britney Starr Please do the voicemail message mom… I would literally die Also, love the asmr! Will definitely be listening to it to fall asleep tonight! TSKR
41 00:56:24 HK$10.00   buda tskr,I'm gonna listen this for sleep now thank you
42 00:57:50 $5.00   Myister [Honey #85] You're soothing voice is just the thing I needed to help get through my work day, thank you fox mom.
43 00:58:47 MX$100.00   El Wawa Goodbye, mom, I have to leave for work. This has been great, totally worth the wait. I'll definitely check the vod tonight to fall asleep!
44 01:02:04   Sebberino (メンバーシップ入り)
45 01:04:19 CA$5.00   Pineー松本ーTree
Could you try scratching the top of the 3Dio slowly mom? One of my fav triggers!
46 01:04:58   Mr Skeet What's up everyone. Cloverlea, Ainz, all the homies.
47 01:05:03 GTQ70.00   hamsterick bob pop bob pop bob pop thanks for the comfy and relaxing sounds and the other questionable ones lmao
48 01:12:25 R$10.00   Rikki Thank you for this blessed ASMR with the most incredible fox mom
49 01:17:57   MrABKOne Nina your asmr is god tier!!!!!
50 01:30:05   テル (メンバーシップ入り)
51 01:34:00   strigger93 (メンバーシップ入り)
52 01:36:05 $9.99   Вадим Шевченко А можно попросить чтоб ты нас за ушко укусила?
53 01:47:37 MX$50.00   El Wawa
Tu español estuvo muy bonito, Nina (Your Spanish was very nice, Nina). Spanish speaker seal of approval