記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 10 34.98 \4,657
YEN YEN 5 2600 \2,600
EUR EUR 1 10.00 \1,426
HK$ HKD 3 60.00 \1,017
WON KRW 1 3000 \311
PHP PHP 1 50.00 \120
---- ---- ---- ---- \10,131
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月16日
  wgz (メンバーシップ入り)
2 02月16日
  J (メンバーシップ入り)
3 02月16日
  セザール (メンバーシップ入り)
4 02月16日
  ファンボーイ太郎 (メンバーシップ入り)
5 00:03:46 HK$25.00   WDSoul こんばんはメロ姉ちゃん、did u take Ur dinner? And good luck on Madison 🫶
6 00:09:12 ¥200   Akanatsu (a無言スパチャ)
7 00:11:15 $5.00   Ahri Suzumiya Your stream yesterday helped me learn Japanese culture. Now I play bass in the train. Thank you.
8 00:11:46 ¥200   柿助 こんばんは~!( =^ω^)いったいどんなゲームなんだ…!?(今来ました)
9 00:16:19 $1.99   lotusdynamic⚠️ arent demons supposed to be afraid of you melo?
10 01:24:43 $5.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache I hope you're good at math...
11 01:25:58 ₩3,000   BunnieBunnie
12 01:32:25 PHP50.00   TwelfthRoll (a無言スパチャ)
13 01:49:35 ¥200   AKM メロちゃんがなかなか進んでないから心配して見に来たんだよ
14 01:59:44 $5.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache
I hope you're good at astronomy...
15 02:10:29 $1.99   Your Boy Stephen Adams[ステフエん・アダムス]
16 02:18:16 $2.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache
Your camera and lighter are your new best friends
17 02:26:03 $2.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache
Would you like a hint?
18 02:32:20 $5.00   Diplopete Take a deep breath. *inhale, exhale* It's okay.
19 02:39:04 €10.00   zipli Thank you for the stream and the blessed screams. Thank you for being on the driver's seat on this one, I don't do well with horror games either. You were really brave today
20 02:39:46 HK$25.00   WDSoul
OtsuMelo thx for blessing my ears while I'm working. Plz go to pee btw goodbye meloco's sanity 🫠
21 02:40:03 $2.00   Gator You did great
22 02:40:46 $5.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache
It was a good stream. Now you can go take care of your OTHER streaming.
23 02:41:20 ¥1,000   ぎるくら
24 02:41:51 HK$10.00   WDSoul
u seem lack of oxygen, I can give mine to u
25 02:42:29 ¥1,000   スキマラム おつメロ〜水分補給と喉ケアして休んでね〜