配信名【NIJISANJI X HOLOLIVE COLLAB】ultimate fairy rose chicken fox【NIJISANJI EN | NINA KOSAKA】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 15 40.00 \5,678
MX$ MXN 1 650.00 \5,398
EUR EUR 1 10.00 \1,549
CLP CLP 1 5500 \983
CHF CHF 1 5.00 \792
YEN YEN 2 700 \700
SEK SEK 1 50.00 \663
CA$ CAD 1 5.50 \591
TRY TRY 1 55.00 \329
ARS ARS 1 225.00 \128
---- ---- ---- ---- \16,811
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月20日
  Garlemald O
2 06月20日
  Jacob 47 (メンバーシップ入り)
3 06月20日
  WireSun7 (メンバーシップ入り)
4 06月20日
  Moondog Hype!
5 06月20日
TRY55.00   braindanceブレインダンス A fairy, a rose, a chicken and a fox walk into a bar...
6 06月20日
  Murphy 1
7 06月20日
  WireSun7 1
8 06月20日
  zipli 5
9 06月20日
  Loki Hades 5
10 06月20日
  BadKarma90 5
11 06月20日
  Psionic Nightingale vroooooom
12 00:03:04   NeoTalon mom & kiwawa collab time :DDD finally free from the annoying hell that is School, I can enjoy myself for this summer, hope you 4 enjoy it too :D
13 06月20日
  Anthony M
14 06月20日
15 06月20日
  Benji Smith 5
16 00:13:28 CA$5.50   PausePlay can confirm. I pole and I'm the fittest I've ever been. 10/10 would gladly recommend. Am a dude and I like doing tricks like cirque do Soleil
17 00:18:22 ¥200   ウォーズ 初見さんは狐坂ニナの登録と高評価、通知設定をお願いします。
18 00:22:07 $10.00   V-Faction This is the work of the patriots!
19 00:22:22   Slade (メンバーシップ入り)
20 00:38:52 $5.00   No_One Important You might not win all the time, but that was some fancy platforming. You're pretty good.
21 00:38:54 CHF5.00   Magister Generalis The holy trinity of Nijisanji EN is back at it! With an amazing guest as well!
22 00:40:34   Number Six Ultimate Mom Raccoon
23 01:03:28 SEK50.00   Reddish Hava confidenhse!!!!!! Roshemii!!! Roshemii!!! Haha confishdensh... win!!! Do its! .... lobotomish greata
24 01:14:06 $5.00   Skyshield She got the moves like magger shes got the moves like jagger~ Nina got the mo-o-o-oves like jagger
25 01:14:24 $1.00   Ray Mack (a無言スパチャ)
26 01:14:31 $1.00   Benji Smith (a無言スパチャ)
27 01:14:38 $1.00   Ray Mack
28 01:14:46 $1.00   Kiflaam (a無言スパチャ)
29 01:14:51 $1.00   Ray Mack
30 01:15:08 $1.00   Ray Mack
31 01:15:23 $1.00   Ray Mack
32 01:15:42 $1.00   Ray Mack
33 01:15:57 $1.00   Ray Mack
34 01:16:12 $5.00   TVtabletray So fun. Let the games go on.
35 01:16:16 $1.00   Ray Mack
36 01:19:57 $5.00   Holo姉貴 Realistically what kind of answer did you expect from Rosemi?
37 01:27:54   zehaal312 Rosemi sweep
38 01:28:02 CLP5,500   Glass My sides hurt from so much laughing lol I love this group
39 01:41:00 ¥500   ライド・マッス とまるんじゃねぇぞ…
40 01:44:00   Mavranel, He of Many Faces So this is the power of Nani Kusa...
41 06月20日
  Draggos Dear KFP here you could see NINA KUSA in her natural habiat
42 02:06:42 ARS225.00   Ruyi Moonlight, KFP Ryuguard Phantomo Just imagine: a job so awesome that you pay to work there. Thank you for taking care of our mom, Nina
43 06月20日
  mistfist 10
44 06月20日
  Peter Campi 5
45 02:17:32 €10.00   NonSquarePixels Thanks for the stream! This was so much fun!
46 06月20日
  WindowScratch 1
47 06月20日
  Pyrobug0 10
48 06月20日
MX$650.00   Friedscrew - KFP R&D Engineer Thank you for organizing this collab Nina it was so fun and chaotic