記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 17 103.46 \13,924
A$ AUD 1 100.00 \9,041
EUR EUR 1 2.00 \294
---- ---- ---- ---- \23,259
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:01:05   MrABKOne Now that you are here can we now rebel?
2 04月21日
3 04月21日
4 00:03:17   Benji Smith G'morning Nina!
5 00:07:21   evilcrash9 Some say Nina Kosaka has been lost to herself to this very day, presumed deceased
6 00:12:54   xuezi (メンバーシップ入り)
7 00:22:24 $1.49   The Phantomnaut
8 00:24:10 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi Good afternoon, Long Mom of the Law.
9 00:37:13 $5.00   Peter Campi Interesting Fact: the Florida Everglades is the only environment in the world where alligators and crocodiles both exist in.
10 00:46:23   JoeKalango (メンバーシップ入り)
11 00:49:53   Sweet_tori As a 90s baby, this game seems to bring back nostalgia
12 00:58:59 $2.00   Sweet Steve Have a blessed day everyone, enjoy the stream!!
13 01:06:47 $1.99   C.J. O'Dell Mom funds
14 01:25:01   Faust the Heavenly Demonic Monster Hello Darling, how have you been? Things have gotten busy and I've been on that diabolical Blight Town grown Caelid grafted pack. I've missed you!
15 01:27:30 $10.00   toiletplumber! Money for the fox mom drink fund
16 01:28:28 $5.00   Kravin Getting to watch my fox mom on my lunch break is better than a hot bowl of Granny Cream's Hot Butter Ice Cream!
17 01:30:37 $2.00   Gwardo's Hooman First message, I've only got 50 chars, so... Hi Ni
18 01:31:40 $19.99   Faust the Heavenly Demonic Monster Sending you drinking funds, how has the MGS going? I love you lots Darling and with how some things are moving I should have more time to watch my favorite Fox Mommy!
19 02:05:52   Rasen Bran (メンバーシップ入り)
20 02:52:29 $10.00   Zachert45 fun fact yeah that was your boss, if you flag him he makes it so you cannot report him ever again, since you did not you actually can flag him, though it does nothing at this point
21 03:00:21 €2.00   Gyro Juggler happy 420 mom
22 03:44:37 $20.00   Uncle Stone You're not an Internet Cop, anymore, Nina. You're an Arcane Librarian. May the Momnissiah Protecc
23 03:46:43 A$100.00   Chef Courier (a無言スパチャ)
24 03:47:07 $2.00   MisterYura fun fact: if you get zane permabanned, he lives
25 04:54:52   AKinkyKadaver I can't express in words how happy I always am when I'm able to tune into Nina's streams, it makes my day so much better. Hope you're doing well Nina!
26 04:56:46 $1.99   Jason Carto Nina, quick yes or no, do you have Pipkin?
27 05:03:15 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver for what its worth I really enjoyed watching you play. Im sorry to hear you're feeling tired & Ill look forward to seeing what series you stream next!
28 05:10:48 $5.00   Mic Mac (aka LostnConfusion) Pizza Opinion, NY thin crust, Chicago Deep dish, or Detroit style? if you've tried them all.
29 04月21日
  Jonathan Faulkner 5
30 05:18:00 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
I tell ya chicken and dill pickle on white sauce is peak
31 05:26:50   John V Once you get old enough, you get to say what you want and annoy people by pretending to be deaf.
32 05:43:32 $5.00   Roughtimes Back to work after 6 mths unemployed. Miss Taki's criminal activities, wine rants and ear wiggles got me through the months. See my oshii in VODs.