配信名【PROJECT ZOMBOID】friend will teach me how to play again!!!【NIJISANJI EN | Reimu Endou】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 13 80.97 \11,683
VND 1 100000 \612
A$ AUD 1 1.00 \95
---- ---- ---- ---- \12,390
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月30日
  Sena (メンバーシップ入り)
2 06月30日
  Pebbles (メンバーシップ入り)
3 06月30日
  Tony 🎴🔔 (メンバーシップ入り)
4 06月30日
  Glis (メンバーシップ入り)
5 06月30日
  Nyaaa 1
6 06月30日
  AstraLegacy 5
7 00:08:22 $4.99   hiyaya what would you do if when you ok so he said yes would go?
8 00:11:28 $2.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog) enna was hurting your arm in game for the realism
9 00:15:23 $10.00   The Villain (Pokedex of Horror) Fun Fact: cockroaches can actually be very clean and tasty insects, especially if they are fed on fresh fruits and vegetables. They can be eaten toasted, fried, sauteed, or boiled.
10 00:51:03 $20.00   AstraLegacy What does a zombie get when he's late for dinner? The cold shoulder
11 01:23:52   Wild Ramenluchador Productions (メンバーシップ入り)
12 01:32:35 $2.00   Wild Ramenluchador Productions HI HI REIMU, JUST WANT TO SAY I LOVE U & EVERYONE
13 01:36:19 $2.99   TriPrincess
14 02:19:06 A$1.00   ChickenKaichou (a無言スパチャ)
15 06月30日
  鷂 Harrier 10
16 06月30日
  zerratedsoul 10
17 06月30日
  Nyaaa 1
18 06月30日
  Nyaaa 1
19 06月30日
  Nyaaa 1
20 06月30日
  Brendan 1
21 03:20:06 ₫100,000   RedRaccoon i love zomloid and seeing Mumu playing it
22 03:22:02 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
your solo zomboid stream had so many great moments so it's nice seeing/hearing you interact with others too. looking forward to watching the full vod
23 03:23:06   bella It's been great listening to you play while i wind down for bed! i hope you get to play more with friends ♡
24 03:30:58 $10.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
you could stay w/ me forever, no cost
25 06月30日
  zerratedsoul well I hope you have fun in canada when you get here
26 03:35:07 $9.99   bluetears (なみだ) Donation for Reimu’s airbnb in future ethyria’s off collab so a ghose could stay longer than a week
27 03:36:50 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
a handful of us opening our wallets to pay for your plane tickets LMAO staying with friends would be smarter tho, if possible
28 06月30日
  Jenny 5
29 03:40:09 $5.00   Mishka Feral Reimu you think Nina can be invited as a special guest in future Ethyria collabs??
30 06月30日
  Megane Famillie 1
31 03:43:51 $2.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
I gotta shoot my shot at least twice a week
32 03:45:24 $2.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
wym? you beat Jump King so fast, I saw that stream