記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 14 86.89 \11,478
£ GBP 12 41.00 \6,549
YEN YEN 7 4240 \4,240
CA$ CAD 5 32.00 \3,143
SEK SEK 1 129.00 \1,619
EUR EUR 3 11.19 \1,576
NT$ TWD 3 255.00 \1,101
SGD SGD 1 10.00 \988
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \449
MX$ MXN 1 65.00 \448
R$ BRL 2 9.90 \250
PHP PHP 2 74.00 \176
ZAR - 1 169.99 \169
THB THB 1 29.00 \113
---- ---- ---- ---- \32,299
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:07:16 ¥500   Tomo I don't know if I should laughing or be scared
2 00:14:51 $10.00   Spades my life is a meme and im scared
3 00:19:20 €5.00   Mosq When i first played this game i found it really entertaining so i hope you'll enjoy it as well :D!
4 00:19:41 $10.00   nina doppio toilet speedrun king
5 00:32:46 ¥500   RISA りさ This bathroom is dengeros in many ways. May you get out safely
6 00:34:39 MX$65.00   spaguettification speedrun life any %
7 00:35:04 $4.99   Aeron Scott I guess you could say, that blew up in your face
8 00:35:18 £2.00   シトラス NICE CO-
9 00:41:38 £5.00   Meu-Static Hey Doppio, feed us the sushi!!
10 00:49:39 ¥140   RISA りさ
11 00:50:54 $0.99   Mikey
12 00:51:22 £2.00   シトラス
i got a scary Peeling guys....
13 00:51:30 R$4.90   koui
14 00:51:31 £5.00   Meu-Static
I swear the really pathetic sound you get when you die sends me. Thank you for playing this, IM WHEEZING! XDD also my name is (meh-oo)
15 00:51:44 CA$2.00   うさぎ 🫶🏻
16 00:52:08 €1.19   ryomour
17 00:52:12 THB29.00   NANAYU
18 01:03:20 £5.00   Meu-Static
You seem stressed Pio, want a Pio hug? this game is bullying your brain lmao XD
19 01:04:14 ZAR169.99   sezabean Did you know, you’re a cutie,
20 01:06:16 $2.00   mintsuki is this a horror game??
21 01:07:30 PHP24.00   ykt&dm translations
22 01:11:35 $4.99   Shar [sktsisms] I have to leave for now but good luck conquering toilets pio! Thanks for another interesting game
23 01:13:49 £2.00   Meu-Static
which do you support? Tom or Jerry?
24 01:26:22 $1.99   Cujo humina
25 01:51:03 ¥600   まみさん🎍 piochan がんばれ!えらいえらい
26 01:52:14 $1.99   Wintersham He do be venting
27 02:08:26 NT$75.00   KH wonderful
28 02:14:06 £2.00   シトラス
did we have home insurance....?
29 02:14:14 £2.00   Meu-Static
Maybe.. he moves with the screen??
30 02:16:57 £2.00   Aelderflower YouTube keeps eating my comments but GANBA Pio!
31 02:18:49 £2.00   Aelderflower
The mice were behind the game this entire time?
32 03:01:22 £10.00   Meu-Static
OTSUPIO! now go eat and here is your hug!
33 03:01:35 ¥500   Akiha GG!!
34 03:01:57 PHP50.00   aLLeyC4t
35 03:01:57 CA$10.00   Cheese OTSUPIO!!! bathroom adventures best with pio lol
36 03:02:25 CA$5.00   うさぎ 🫶🏻
ostupio!! thank you for the chaos!! have a pat for a job well done + my favorite part was def the housebuilding hehehe
37 03:02:28 ¥1,000   Yukimi ゆきみ OTSUPIO! Thank you for the fun stream! Rest well
38 03:02:29 SGD10.00   Zumi 紫敏 (a無言スパチャ)
39 03:02:38 £2.00   Aelderflower
Fav part was when you got Gnomed lol
40 03:02:38 SEK129.00   AI君 Happy new year boi
41 03:03:04 CA$5.00   iNightlock my favourite part was tentacle-chan. also thx for the stream pio, had lots of fun!!!
42 03:03:32 ¥1,000   まみさん🎍
43 03:03:43 CA$10.00   Shuubeans otsupio ~ pizza funds! or house funds? thanks so much for the wacky bathroom backroom adventures! hope you get some good rest!
44 03:04:00 NT$150.00   KH
OTSUPIO Thanks for the stream.It was so fun
45 03:04:05 $4.99   Shar [sktsisms]
What a speedrunning guy! Thanks for another interesting and chaotic game
46 03:04:22 $4.99   Pamela Grunk Otsupio!!!! I really enjoyed the stream, hope you enjoy your dinner!
47 03:04:27 $4.99   K1ngKatt I’m so sad I was driving 4 hours to my dads house and missed the entire stream. At least I caught the end of it!
48 03:04:56 $9.99   anyo [i know you know we know] 🐣 some pizza funds! my fav part was the tentacles
49 03:04:59 MYR15.00   amiraaa Otsupio! this game is sooo funny and cursed. had a lot of laugh watching you play~ getting jared by squidward multiple times really the best part
50 03:05:19 €5.00   Mosq
i was kind of busy so i couldn't catch the whole stream but how did you like the game? did you get all the endings? :))
51 03:05:28 $19.99   __Rami (a無言スパチャ)
52 03:05:42 R$5.00   ⁱˢᵃɪsᴀⁱˢᵃɪsᴀⁱˢᵃɪsᴀ otsupio! gj at the bathroom adventures and good job earlier during the catfights! your magic ball was a scam but it was hilarious!!
53 03:07:25 $4.99   シンゾウshinzo Otsupio!! I had lots of fun watching the stream
54 03:08:05 NT$30.00   Snacl Otsu Piyo! Thank you for the fun stream!!!