記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 8 51.94 \7,476
CA$ CAD 4 23.76 \2,573
MX$ MXN 2 70.00 \591
HK$ HKD 1 25.00 \460
YEN YEN 1 90 \90
PHP PHP 1 24.00 \62
---- ---- ---- ---- \11,252
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:08:28 $10.00   DawnCosmic Wilson loved your smash stream and since you like smash there is a game you might like it's onimusha blade warrior it's off the onimusha series and it's multiplayer
2 00:14:32 $4.99   toastbread GUYS HES LEGIT HE SPUN 360
3 00:42:14 $4.99   Ashy Hai bb i can’t stay long but just wanted to say hai and I hope u have an amazing stream frfr
4 00:49:00 CA$6.99   andy omg it’s my local “i am so dumb”
5 00:49:41 CA$2.79   andy
the coolest
6 01:09:26 $9.99   Jamie West To support your search for cigs
7 01:51:54 CA$6.99   andy
food funds
8 02:26:16 CA$6.99   andy
gtg but you’re so cool & you’re doing great have a good stream
9 03:27:25 $4.99   toastbread
hehe funny haha (pls let me out of the van)
10 03:31:11 HK$25.00   ni gelato have a nice day ٩(๑^o^๑)۶
11 03:43:54 MX$20.00   Karla 💙💛 Yu would u rather eat a brick or the matter baby?
12 03:48:17 MX$50.00   Karla 💙💛
"What's the matter baby?" Nothing much how about you, baby You dodge it lmao
13 04:14:09 $10.00   pink tentacles let me have a ruler and a saw and a board and I'll cut it
14 04:19:23 PHP24.00   jazeyy_
15 04:19:51 ¥90   須凛
16 05:13:53 $1.99   garnet i made you so mad lol booster seat boy
17 05:51:26 $4.99   Kaedenyara got to sleep, but have a good and fun stream wilson