配信名【MIC TEST STREAM】i am testing a new setup!!【NIJISANJI EN | Pomu Rainpuff】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 31 142.97 \19,398
A$ AUD 4 17.00 \1,532
YEN YEN 2 700 \700
CA$ CAD 1 5.50 \546
EUR EUR 1 2.00 \297
R$ BRL 1 5.50 \151
---- ---- ---- ---- \22,624

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:00:39 $1.49   Murphy
2 00:02:28 $5.00   miya oh my god idk if you know them but you kinda sound like pomu rainpuff
3 00:03:46 $1.00   Weeaboolits (a無言スパチャ)
4 00:04:16 $5.00   Hiun F. Marseille POMURINA MY BELOVED
6 00:05:08 $4.99   NootDoot You sound like a baby bro what happened
7 00:05:20 $1.49   outcast777
9 00:05:49 $5.00   fake NEET Oh no Pomu got a new VA
11 00:06:48 $5.00   ちーろん茶 Cheelong Tea Okaaaay Liquid, can't fool me
12 00:07:10 R$5.50   Synapse (a無言スパチャ)
13 00:07:11 $2.00   Hiun F. Marseille
do you still not have macross perms?
17 00:10:37 $5.00   vai sound settings, playback, your output, properties, levels, microphone (check this box)
18 00:10:45 $5.00   MechaSaurus 2.0 it's so quiet I can hear pomu's toughts
20 00:14:19 $5.00   Alpha310 Mic test: Please say "Beep Boop"
22 00:15:31 €2.00   Ylse I prefer the one that makes Pomu sound 9cm lovlov!
25 00:17:40 $2.00   Haizmi Who put a bwee in the mic?!
26 00:18:34 $5.00   Hiun F. Marseille
i love your voice, i would listen to it all day (when you're not screaming at my ears), higher pitch pomu いい最高
27 00:20:27 A$5.00   TheGentleChainsaw This'll be the ultimate test of your new mic: Yesterday was my birthday!
28 00:24:03 A$2.00   TheGentleChainsaw
I meant to ask if you could sing HBD w/ new mic.
31 00:26:55 $20.00   Not an ATF agent the amount of nostalgia in this version is too strong
34 00:31:55 $2.00   Nhân (Nyân) you got a sweet voice pomu
36 00:33:28 ¥500   Haruka Pimo you made my dayThank you as always
37 00:33:51 $2.00   Nhân (Nyân)
I realized nyan iscorrect proun for myname not nan
38 00:33:57 A$5.00   DocTock Multi-mic drifting
39 00:35:20 ¥200   ピープスバニー
41 00:35:53 $2.00   Nhân (Nyân)
btw I will save my money to sp you next ac stream
42 00:36:22 A$5.00   DocTock
Even if you're sitting down, you're the best at stand-up Pomu
44 00:39:05 $5.00   peppament The new handheld mic is more susceptible to pops. You might need a mic sock(windscreen) on it
45 00:40:16 $2.00   Nhân (Nyân)
How much is the new mic miss?
47 00:41:37 $10.00   TheDAWinz i read the title as in cest stream bruh
48 00:41:55 $2.00   Nhân (Nyân)
is this mic expensive?
50 00:46:54 CA$5.50   Ghost of Pomu - Verified BUFF Pentomo Holy singing~ is this Pomu, or Pomura?
51 00:48:18 $10.00   TheDAWinz
a good song to test is bikini bottoms' number 1 hit single eleectric zoo, it goes bee boo boo bop boo boo bop
52 00:50:23 $10.00   TheDAWinz
its probably your pc fans, i thought it was mine before i really listend in on it
53 00:53:17 $10.00   Michael Chevauche Oh Great Pomu of Rainpuff. My journey is almost at its end. Just 3 more Nijisanji En ladies to thank for all the goodness and smiles you all have brought to my life.
55 00:55:33 $2.00   Nhân (Nyân)
I didn't know you stream so late today
56 00:56:53 $5.00   Michael Chevauche
forgive me i was just keeping you informed of my progress that's all
57 00:57:17 $2.00   Nhân (Nyân)
don'tmind myname just change for easy prounication
58 01:00:25 $2.00   Nhân (Nyân)
It latenow so I gtg see you on next ac stream
59 01:01:14 $2.00   Nhân (Nyân)
sorry I can't kept my promise miss I be good boi
60 May 14 06:29:21 $2.00   StarCreator o7