配信名【STUDY WITH ME】comfy work/study session!【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 37 266.97 \34,095
PHP PHP 7 925.00 \2,167
MX$ MXN 3 155.00 \1,055
R$ BRL 3 25.00 \626
A$ AUD 1 5.00 \446
CA$ CAD 1 2.00 \191
---- ---- ---- ---- \38,580
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 01月17日
  No One Haha I have a knife now I’m freereeeee
2 00:06:19   eric23443219091 (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:06:48 $2.00   eric23443219091 thank u for free superchat
4 01月17日
  AnarcKyo New badges???
5 01月17日
  Johnny Lacone 10
6 01月17日
$5.00   Vivy Core Gerber
7 00:19:27 $1.99   Nihil Praying for big teddies
8 01月17日
  Le-Noble-Moose 20
9 00:22:15 $5.00   DelStar hi aia
10 00:25:14 $5.00   Sanera Aia doesn't have Play-Doh anymore? Now she's gonna starve
11 01:08:37 $5.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑] yup studying my school books *has hidden comic in the book slip out a bit*
12 01:15:25 $2.00   Aia's parole officer
13 01:16:26 $2.00   Nyra [Dorka] She's studying, studying for the war
14 01:31:19 MX$65.00   Otto Crossheart I just returned from working on fixing my internet because it was dead, but now I'm ready to.. wait, what's happening on stream?!?!?!?
15 01:39:13 $5.00   Patrick Star 16 :)
16 01:45:04 $2.00   Sanera
"First immortality... then the maidens..."
17 01:46:14 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
well under my hat...is another hat
18 01月17日
  Marsh Killian Btw I'm doing math. Can you help me solve it? 9x -7i > 3(3x-7u)
19 01:50:17 $1.99   Nihil
It’s been a year, it’s time to move on
20 01:52:45 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
*bumps into chat* scuse me bro
21 01:53:40 $50.00   Nyra [Dorka]
22 01:54:19 PHP125.00   Airelle Rune i admit. i dork. :B also, first installment of dork tax :B
23 01:55:11 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
but aia us aiadmirers are dorks. butt dorks so...
24 01:55:47 $100.00   ninevolt worm I'M A DRK AND FREE
25 01:57:04 $1.99   KumquatKhalil Chat you’ve got it all wrong…aia is a egg not dork
26 01:57:29 $5.00   Josh K you think the dorkness is your ally, chat. she was born into the dork molded by it. she never saw chadness until she was already a woman
27 01:57:51 $2.00   Nyra [Dorka]
We are buttdork birds. We are naturally dorks
28 02:00:10 PHP125.00   Airelle Rune
Dorks of the same dorkness dork together :B how else would we have gather here? :B
29 02:00:24 A$5.00   Tachi So...if it's contagious, and your chat is full of aiaDORK ...Where did we all get it from?
30 02:00:29 $5.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
she speaks from experience. in fact she reached weirdge...so pray for aia
31 02:00:41 $2.00   Nyra [Dorka]
You're as chad as you are tall
32 02:03:29 $5.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
no height, no chadness, no nose. sadge we must prayge
33 02:03:42 $5.00   Nyra [Dorka]
Saying that you are taller than most of the Niji EN girls is like saying you're the fastest sloth
34 02:04:37 PHP125.00   Stari Even if I'm a nerd, I'm happy being myself as accepting one's self for who they are is, in my opinion, a gigachad move.
35 02:05:25 R$10.00   [μ's] Senp Yeet
36 02:06:45 CA$2.00   caikplease i'll flex my height on you, which is 170cm c:
37 02:07:36 PHP125.00   Stari
I'd rather be a dork and proud than overdose on copium.
38 02:07:39 $5.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
it is deadly. how else do you think aia became an angel?
39 02:07:49 $2.00   Vivy Core
Thought you were patient zero aia
40 02:08:09 $10.00   FilaStyle84 No u
41 02:10:50 PHP250.00   Airelle Rune
I've read via reputable source that dork disease infection rate is inversely proportial to contact distance. So you have to keep us really close to avoid infection :B
42 02:12:13 $5.00   Vivy Core
A free SuPA ? DID I DO THAT?
43 02:13:10 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
44 02:13:59 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
free supa
45 02:16:08 PHP125.00   Airelle Rune
By Dork Immunity you mean, "Can't get infected if you're already infected." Riiiiight? :B
46 02:16:12 $2.00   Vivy Core
How do we be like the cool kids Aia?
47 02:17:45 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
oh you like 2008 music, name every song
48 02:20:09 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
omg its THE Bro Amare
49 02:22:59 PHP50.00   Stari
Aia has Notable Eccentric Recreation Disorder.
50 02:24:12 MX$25.00   Otto Crossheart
Time to use my skill: does extra trolling on chads
51 02:25:27 R$5.00   [μ's] Senp
Me chad you dork
52 02:25:53 R$10.00   Laura Trompz Hi Aia ! I'm working some art for my nijisanji en audition video, wish me luck pls
53 02:26:16 $2.00   Cappythecat[multilingual 🚪🔑]
chad me dork you?
54 02:32:07 $2.00   Vivy Core
hitwoman aia
55 02:34:46 MX$65.00   Otto Crossheart
As a teacher that went through all of the Virtual classes mess of the last two years, i can only said that this comment is actually [REDACTED]
56 02:35:31 $5.00   Vivy Core
Aia's guide to Chadness Step1: Assert dominance over viewers
57 02:43:42 $2.00   Void Perception That cute seiso lady just now on the screen...
58 02:48:10 $5.00   Christy B. hi aia!! my bday is on wednesday (turning 22) but i have work, sending you good wishes for 2023 - love you and the aiadmirers so much!!
59 01月17日
  Vivy Core 1