配信名【SATISFACTORY】MINE AND WINE??? let's not get addicted to productivity :)
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 56 608.94 \87,253
EUR EUR 7 65.00 \10,121
SGD SGD 2 55.00 \5,825
CA$ CAD 3 20.00 \2,170
A$ AUD 1 14.99 \1,437
YEN YEN 1 320 \320
---- ---- ---- ---- \107,126
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月24日
  stillsuitstk (メンバーシップ入り)
2 06月24日
$10.00   Venkiro Thank you Nina
3 00:01:55 $5.00   Lastlasagna (a無言スパチャ)
4 00:03:04 $10.00   Mavranel, He of Many Faces Loving the later streams! I'm so glad to be able to catch my favorite fox mom live more now!
5 00:04:01   Yoyo (メンバーシップ入り)
6 06月24日
  honeyhakon 9 months of being a mum! I can rarely catch you live, but it’s a pleasure whenever I can
7 00:05:39   Alan Chocobo Something big? Hype!
8 06月24日
  Vanessa Choi Looking forward to the plans
9 06月24日
  Soki How the time flies, when spending it with the most beautiful Fox mom on the internet.
10 00:10:14 $2.00   Marco Harrorato Good evening
11 06月24日
  BadKarma90 5
12 00:15:04 $4.99   Vi Yami Hi Nina I’m sorry for being AFK. Been busy with work and my PT for my shoulders. I’ll try my best to show up to everyone’s streams the best I can.
13 00:19:07 ¥320   ぼまー. Hi Nina, you are so cute and soothing. (英語むずかしい……
14 00:20:59   Eduardo (メンバーシップ入り)
15 00:22:55   Amy Cox Back in the saddle, love it!
16 00:31:39 CA$10.00   Alias Eiriasu Satisfactory, Factorio, and the Anno series: the addicting genre of "use resources to make things to make more complex things to make very complex things" etc
17 06月24日
18 00:45:01 $1.00   Argent (a無言スパチャ)
19 00:45:03 $2.00   Argent
20 00:45:05 $5.00   Argent
21 00:45:06 $10.00   Argent
22 00:45:08 $20.00   Argent
23 00:45:09 $50.00   Argent
24 00:45:10 $100.00   Argent
25 00:47:07 $5.00   Argent
Apparently more butter (treat yourself to whatever you want fox mom )
26 00:48:19 $20.00   Ransam12 Sorry Fox momma just wanna give a shot out to Lia and Shiina (PC)
27 00:49:17   8BitLlama just need to train your tongue B)
28 00:50:04   Morgan Porter Sending love to our beautiful fox mom! have a great day!
29 00:59:18 $4.99   Amy Cox Speaking of smoke, have you ever had smoked cheese? And have you heard of a smoke sandwich?
30 01:00:24 $2.00   Ransam12
Yeah never crush that camel
31 01:02:50 $5.00   Sebbie C. My dad used to smoke a long time ago. He went to this hypnotist to get it "cured" and it worked. He hasn't smoked since I was in middle school.
32 01:06:33 $4.99   Amy Cox
It’s where they smoke all the ingredients of the sandwich individually (cheese meat bread etc.) then cook and serve, lot of work but taste legendary!
33 01:09:49 $4.99   Amy Cox
Got mine in Kansas City, but I’ve had it in California, and surprisingly New Jersey.
34 01:12:10 $4.99   Dan Sullivan New Yorkers generally think they're better than everyone else in every category even when there's plenty of evidence to the contrary
35 01:13:05 $5.00   Cappythecat [multilangual🚪🔑] heard a silly little dad joke. Chicken salad? nah, breast in plants
36 01:16:27 CA$5.00   RocaDeearCenjar Nina if you heard that everyone in Iluna was dropped into the middle of a forest who would you worry about the most?
37 01:17:38   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY Your friend sounds like the kinda woman to accidentally call a priest "Daddy". ALSO 1ST ANNIVERSARY YAAAY! I HAVE LIVED IN THE NINA SHRINE FOR 1 YEAR!
38 01:18:02 $5.00   Cappythecat [multilangual🚪🔑]
One of current favorite dad joke. "My wife is upset with me. said I have 2 main problems. 1. I dont listen enough, and 2...
39 06月24日
  Thunderwing Doomslayer
40 01:21:03 $5.00   Cappythecat [multilangual🚪🔑]
"Im sorry Daddy Ive been naughty" For the last time it's "Forgive me father, for I have sinned"
41 01:21:05 €5.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY The old Testament? I like the part with the 1 day WWE Ladder Match between some Chump and a literal Angel, and the Incest Doujin Arc.
42 01:21:59 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY
me when i see an ableist (i am a cainist):
43 06月24日
CA$5.00   YourTypicalMental Would you be interested in singing some Tragically Hip next Karaoke? I think your rendition of Wheat Kings would be simply beautiful
44 01:32:11 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY
What is your Papinion on men with Long Hair?
45 01:32:22 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver you should check out the band Spirtbox, their singer has some serious talent, she has some nice cleans and growls. id recommend Rule of Nines by them
46 01:32:56 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY
can you do Two Trucks by Lemon Demon
47 01:35:37   evilcrash9 Industrialist Fox Mom hits top spot in Forbes 30 under 30 producing metal....gears?
48 01:36:55 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
I love your sense of humor, but yeah I get that way too. my problem is I start feeling like I've heard everything but don't wanna branch out either
49 01:38:57 $5.00   Sir Kelendor if your gonna do miniatures, do you know what faction or subfaction your gonna go for? mines the raven guard space marines
50 01:45:37   celine lin (メンバーシップ入り)
51 01:50:55 $5.00   Phillip Entwistle it's cleaner to pump both resources through the middle and line the generators on the sides
52 01:53:15 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo surprise Snuggies for fox mom much love 🫶
53 02:03:41 $5.00   Nyra [Dorka] My drunken gay thoughts are wondering, actually, why the hell is Nina so gorgeous and how can we achieve such beauty? Happy Friday, I might need water
54 02:06:49 $2.00   Charlie Spurr Mika: Nina how did you get this number?! *click*
55 02:08:00 $2.00   Nyra [Dorka]
Real talk, you're a confidence boost. Love you mom
56 02:08:19   H3ro 0f Hyrule (メンバーシップ入り)
57 06月24日
  H3ro 0f Hyrule In response to your pinned comment, I am drinking and listening
58 02:12:05 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
ma'am where's your metrology and quality control department?!
59 02:14:01 $100.00   Nyra [Dorka]
I gotta give red because I know you love red wine. Tell me. What are your fav wines? Red blend, cab sabs and pinot noirs all the way! Rose & whites are lovely depening on the temp or vibe of the night. Thoughts?
60 02:16:24 $2.00   asdrubael vect No Moscato D'asti. oof. some ppl are comin
61 02:17:37   Kevin Ian Bates yay more Momma. Now don't die
62 02:17:56 $10.00   H3ro 0f Hyrule To answer what I am drinking, here's the description: "An Imperial Red Ale brewed with cherries, a touch of bitters, and then aged in Brandy, Bourbon, and Orange Curaçao barrels."
63 02:21:00 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
Nina I'm a metrologist hire me. I can still measure with one eye don't worry.
64 02:21:01 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY
Have you heard of this show called "slug hunters"?
65 02:21:07   Nyra [Dorka] (メンバーシップ入り)
66 02:22:21 $50.00   Nyra [Dorka]
Spoiling more hehe. Happy Friday!!
67 02:23:54 $5.00   Neapolitan Rime Ch. been bed ridden for a couple days but your streams and vods help keep me company! thank you nina!!
68 02:24:53 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
metrology, study of measurement. meteorology, study of the weather. different disciplines. met-rology. I'm not a weatherman.
69 02:27:41   GIMN055 Nina mama I really happy to spend a great time with you. love you~~
70 02:28:53 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY
Hey Kyomies, do you know Slug Hunters?
71 02:34:29 $10.00   Nyra [Dorka]
Apologies if you've answered this some time prior. Would you ever have a steam to teach French or Russian. At least alphabet? It'd be fun, but I fully understand if you'd be all "No, not my thing"
72 02:41:03 $20.00   Nyra [Dorka]
I fully get it!! It'd be cool in the idea of a steam, but nobody reasonably wants to see somebody force themselves to do a thing they don't wanna. Valid a thousand percent!!
73 02:41:32 $2.00   Doom Guy What games do you play when you're not streaming?
74 02:46:41 $10.00   Nyra [Dorka]
I'm filling out a rainbow I notice exists hold on
75 02:47:15 $5.00   Nyra [Dorka]
Happy Friday, babe
76 02:47:46 $2.00   Nyra [Dorka]
Mwah, done
77 02:58:11   Lopaka honeyed Dragoon (メンバーシップ入り)
78 02:59:09 $10.00   KelloggsPP Thanks for the surprise stream, Mom. Been hard to watch at your normal time now that I'm no longer WFH so I appreciate the evening guerilla. Looking forward to DDG tomorrow.
79 03:02:36 $2.00   Isaac alright chat, fill in the blank: Nina is _________
80 03:10:51   Charger64 (メンバーシップ入り)
81 03:25:42   VtuberLoover I can’t believe I missed 3 hrs of Satisfactory WHY DIDN’T ANYONE TELL ME I’m sorry I’m late mom!!
82 06月24日
  Minty Fresh Kyle thanks for the gorilla stream neenor, been having a rough few months and catching your streams genuinely helps keep me grounded
83 03:28:59 $2.00   Nyra [Dorka]
Broke my glasses. I'm legally blind. Pray for me
84 06月24日
  Siola Iceferret 5
85 03:36:55 SGD5.00   Pekoreaperchama Maybe it likes to track Deez Nutz
86 03:43:44 SGD50.00   Athrawne [#639] Thanks for the fun stream mom! I gotta go because my off-day got cut short due to work emergencies but enjoy the rest of the stream! (And don't worry, I already expected to be called in, so I'm not too bummed out)
87 03:44:54 $10.00   Derrick YOUR AMAZING NINA!!!!
88 06月24日
  DepudeeRLD how is raising the productivity going, mom?
89 06月24日
90 03:50:02 $2.00   Derrick
91 03:56:20   David McCarthy Always a nice time chilling in the Fox mom’s stream!
92 04:21:30 $2.00   wildnexus Nice to see u stream late mom! BGM slaps too
93 04:24:57 €50.00   SpaceBrotha Early saturday morning Satisfactory? You're a treasure, lady.
94 04:29:00 $10.00   Dingus Khaan The factory must grow... The factory must grow...
95 06月24日
  Bionic Hippo it's 3AM here and I can't sleep. good time for a Nina stream
96 06月24日
  MisterMister4 Hope you're enjoying your late night factory building mother, also loving the new voice pack you put out
97 05:23:52   Rachet 40K Nina, I've bought all of your voice packs but I've been too embarrassed to listen to them.
98 05:24:35 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
I refuse to hear you out until you give me the electron configuration of silicon
99 05:25:21   Bank (メンバーシップ入り)
100 05:27:55 $2.00   ryuuoko (a無言スパチャ)
101 05:40:37 $10.00   Mikotey Thanks for the Satisfactory stream! Happy to see you come back to it. Nighty night~!
102 05:41:55 A$14.99   Absolclaw Did someone say super chat time?
103 05:42:09 $5.00   Thiago TGM All I heard was "more supas"
104 05:42:19   SpaceBrotha (メンバーシップ入り)