トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   16     249.99   34,624円
  R$  BRL    1     100.00    2,745円
 CHF  CHF    1       5.00      715円
 EUR  EUR    1       5.00      693円
 MX$  MXN    2      70.00      484円
 MYR  MYR    1      15.00      462円
 IDR  IDR    1   35000.00      325円
 PHP  PHP    1     125.00      308円
 SGD  SGD    1       2.00      198円
 NT$  TWD    1      43.00      196円
---- ---- ----       ----   40,750円

No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
180 08/30
$2.00   Rogue Selen bigger booba the Elira confirmed
199 08/30
$5.00   Voitan Mario Racing eh? Good thing you all got those crash bags installed.
208 00:01:34 MX$50.00   D-Dragon Time for some Nintendo online shenanigans, Good luck Commander Salad
209 00:02:08 $50.00   val3ntin307 Congrats on the outfit change commander! o7
210 00:02:58 $50.00   NotSoDeadpool15 LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOO OBSIDIYA
211 00:03:11 MX$20.00   D-Dragon
How's it growing? Apparently not much, Rosemi...
212 00:03:53 €5.00   NUCCubus Pub3rty so nice she had it twice
214 00:05:06 CHF5.00   Magister Generalis You guys look so amazing in your new outfits!!
215 00:05:23 $2.00   Memers 5'11 vs 6'0
216 00:05:27 NT$43.00   斎藤ひろし (無言スパチャ)
218 00:06:18 $100.00   Hortensia Thank you for such a wonderful Outfit Reveal Selen! I absolutely love you dearly. Thank you for the wonderful years and looking forward to many more. Love your contagious laugh and your endearing personality. Looking forward to your upcoming song!
219 00:10:13 $5.00   Aefen Alright Selen I'm putting my money on you lets go
222 00:21:12 $4.99   michael limm Congratulations on the new outfits! Commander Selen and nijitraitors
223 00:24:04 $5.00   Hannah
226 00:36:53 R$100.00   DiaLux Selen, how dare you turn even less cute, i don't think you moe at all... don't even think you are a genious. I'm not a a Tsun, fr fr. so, there i said it.
229 00:45:31 $5.00   Airborne Ninja She is no longer baby, she now desires power
230 00:49:47 $5.00   flashtirade I support Wariosemi
231 00:52:15 IDR35,000.00   Kiqo air commander
238 01:23:21 $5.00   SuperNCamp Fun fact: Birdo is a guy
240 01:28:14 SGD2.00   melzynki (無言スパチャ)
242 01:40:34 $2.00   Gator THAT'S MY OSHI WITH THE JUKES
245 01:44:09 $2.00   Gator
249 01:46:11 PHP125.00   LoneRex All that freshly baked bread and Petra still getting bullied hard. That's a feels bad man. LMAO
250 01:57:13 $5.00   Boomerwow You all saying that being Rosemi has a gun now?
254 02:03:42 MYR15.00   Atlas Gen Atleast Petra wins in the booba department
256 02:04:07 $2.00   Dango Lanford Bread makes you fat