配信名【STAR WARS JEDI: FALLEN ORDER】ready for the cheese【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 10 52.00 \7,017
EUR EUR 2 10.99 \1,579
MYR MYR 5 39.00 \1,164
A$ AUD 1 10.00 \888
PHP PHP 4 350.00 \856
CA$ CAD 2 7.00 \681
MX$ MXN 3 91.00 \664
---- ---- ---- ---- \12,849
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月12日
  Long Vo Viet (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:03:22 MX$65.00   D-Dragon Good luck with your Sith, I mean, Jedi work today. Would you like some crackers for all that cheese btw?
3 00:08:51 MYR6.00   Xanxus998 Thats not very cash money of you Selen
4 00:09:48   波風燐 Rin Namikaze Ch. Me: The Story is Interesting My friends: No! That's Spoiler
5 00:10:30   Tobito (メンバーシップ入り)
6 00:11:10 $5.00   Dango Lanford Show shoulda been called Mandalorian and Baby Yoda with a catchy Upbeat 80s sitcom opening theme song
7 00:11:58 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
But us human has cool long coats and sexy helmet
8 00:13:10 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
Sure it ran into your deadly lightsaber thinking its a lolipop
9 00:14:51 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Omg is a Selen anti
10 00:15:32 $2.00   TheAntiYuu For my namesake, I support this Anti beating Selen
11 00:15:48 $5.00   Doublej126 Welcome to the Jar
12 00:19:23 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
what pc upgrade ur getting ?
13 00:31:24 CA$2.00   Tobito PLACE YOUR BETS!!!!!
14 00:39:06 $5.00   Johnny Lacone Slowly, but surely...
15 00:42:31 PHP50.00   Fudgetop Vtuber News Headline: Selen beaten by anti!
16 00:43:21   Andi Andi (メンバーシップ入り)
17 00:47:00   Chaoticsandgod Greez best bro
18 00:50:22   Jose Panameno yeah! let him cook!!!
19 00:54:33   RJ2M3 yeah buttons be getting sneakier these days
20 00:57:45 MX$13.00   Alaん Tellez (a無言スパチャ)
21 01:04:46   Eggplant where has the time gone?
22 03月13日
  NightStorm(MOTIVATED Schum) surprise selen
23 03月13日
  Tristan Shepherd 10
24 01:23:54   Mecha x Corgi (メンバーシップ入り)
25 01:27:54 $5.00   LordKrosis Poncho isnt an eyesore, 0/10
26 01:31:20 A$10.00   Vyvelaeryyn As an Australian, I'm disappointed how poorly you're dealing with our smallest insects >:(
27 01:32:19 PHP50.00   Tachibana they did all the work. yessir
28 01:33:06 $5.00   Gauge Walker The whole slug scenario is like that you can't catch me gay thoughts, and the slugs like yes we caaaaaan!
29 01:33:36 PHP125.00   Tachibana
You are now Submerging and Breathable
30 01:33:43   Will The mann (メンバーシップ入り)
31 01:34:14 €5.99   Olympus You think this level is bad, try playing it when you’re arachnophobic. I wish I could’ve skipped it or hidden them or something!
32 01:35:23 $5.00   LordKrosis
Usually an indicator something is keeping them out of the water...
33 01:35:58 €5.00   Marshall Banana Trust me Selen, Spiders are the least of your worry in tropical waters...
34 01:37:35 $5.00   Gauge Walker
I just had an image of wookies running around the forest with giant salt shakers fighting these slugs.
35 01:39:14 $10.00   Tristan Shepherd who needs Storm troupers when you have deadly fanaa
36 01:41:02   diamond san (メンバーシップ入り)
37 01:44:55 $5.00   Jeremy Abel I cheesed almost the entire game too. Got to the end boss, but there was no cheese to be found. Never ended up beating the game...
38 01:51:05 CA$5.00   Tobito
Selen is so cool
39 01:53:58 MX$13.00   Alaん Tellez
40 02:09:31 PHP125.00   Tachibana
Is that what ember looks like after chicken?