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配信名:【I EXPLAIN NORMIE TV SHOWS】my time to shine【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   80     691.87   99,263円
 CA$  CAD    9     149.78   15,799円
 EUR  EUR    5      30.00    4,166円
  A$  AUD    3      25.00    2,347円
 CLP  CLP    4      12500    1,885円
 SGD  SGD    1      10.00    1,003円
 PHP  PHP    3     375.00      915円
 MX$  MXN    3     120.00      851円
 PEN  PEN    2      15.00      549円
 CZK  CZK    1      50.00      282円
  R$  BRL    1       5.00      136円
---- ---- ----       ----  127,196円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 09/24
  yuk1_ik (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:00:51   BloodDrunkHunter (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:01:32 MX$50.00   D-Dragon Wake up honey, it's time for Selen sponsored stream. And remember to play Sonic Frontiers, November 8th
4 09/25
  Tayzor Azul What's happening with the Embership ? it says I am a Member for 7 months for 2 months now ?! Should have been 9.
5 09/25
  Kei 🐈
6 00:05:11   Mooi Satu wait what is happening i thought my youtube glitched out
7 00:05:58 $2.00   Zalfuse So gotta ask, did you find that robot attractive?
8 00:06:48 €5.00   Xandroy Get a load of this! Sonic is back!
9 00:09:56   tinkruwu (メンバーシップ入り)
10 00:10:45 CA$100.00   PikachuRUA
11 00:12:09 $4.99   Nihil What? Selen stream of consciousness and not scripted? Get outta here
12 09/25
  DonnieDooo TLC rabbit hole goes deep.
13 00:13:35 $5.00   Bud The Chud Remember the guy on the TLC show who would bang his car
14 00:14:40   SchwarzerRegen Extreme cheapstakes was a wild ride to watch
15 00:15:40 $4.99   Nihil
Thank you Selen for reminding me that we live in a hell world
16 00:16:12   Wek Thanks Selen for reminding me of weird TV shows
17 09/25
18 00:18:14 CA$10.00   Momohaku When Karen moms get control of a TV show
19 00:18:57 $5.00   ZombiePenguin I quote the Pandora tank from C&C: Rise of the Reds - "Our children will never forgive us..."
20 00:19:09 $5.00   Rahkshi500 If you think that's messed up, wait until you get a load of Dance Moms. A bunch of angry moms yelling at each other and embarrassing their kids.
21 00:19:32   Nihil (メンバーシップ入り)
22 00:20:02   kiriha I uhhh may have been entered into a baby beauty pageant and won it, I think I still have the trophy somewhere....
23 00:20:19   SKarlet312 (メンバーシップ入り)
24 00:20:45 A$10.00   Redus Damn, trashiest TV I watch is the British version of COPS.
25 00:21:05 PHP125.00   Nabby idk if you remember but the part where they basically forced their kids to wax their eyebrows as young as 5 years old scarred me
26 00:21:12 $5.00   Medi This topic already shortened my lifespan by 10 years
27 00:21:42 CA$5.00   Ria I didnt expect to hear TLC shows here that's my childhood hahahh even I was living in Asia
28 00:23:18 $5.00   SKarlet312 And this used to be called "The Learning Channel" smh
29 00:24:59 $5.00   Zanz My first exposure to reality tv was MTV's the Real World Seattle, and I've hated reality ever since.
30 00:25:58 CA$5.00   Momohaku
Losing brain cells hearing all this.
31 00:26:00 $5.00   QuattroKerbecs Anyone remember honey boo boo?
32 00:26:03 $5.00   Bud The Chud
also I remember that guys addiction was stealing and drinking pee
33 00:26:24 $5.00   Tyler Lane knowing you watched all of this explains a lot now. it all makes sense
34 00:26:31 $10.00   Lopaka honeyed Dragoon these is not normie shows.
35 00:26:33 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi "I unlocked a core memory" is such a catchphrase
36 00:26:37 $9.99   NightLight25 She literally fun dipped her dad. Holy
37 00:27:01 $5.00   Rahkshi500
I'm not British but one normie show I forever remember is the menace to society himself, Mr. Blobby.
38 00:27:09   Ryan Reyes there was one where someone loved roleplaying as a dog and playing fetch with their partner
39 00:27:12 A$5.00   FistfulOfHerbs Imagine spending a majority of your life raising your child only to get your ashes eaten by them...
40 00:27:19 $4.99   Nihil
I remember that A&E show about adults adopting other adults. It got cancelled after controversy because the guy is a creep
41 00:27:28 $5.00   Deldetta Dragoons word of warning its ALL DOWN HILL FROM HERE
42 00:28:42 $5.00   BeeDeeJay I've watched a lot of day time TV it was this stuff or cooking shows
43 00:30:57 $5.00   AM Cosmos You need a healing reality show, like The Repair Shop.
44 00:31:00 PHP125.00   Nabby
This is why I stay for your cursed zatsus. It unlocks so many memories I never realized I had
45 00:31:47 $5.00   Yenway Was Temptation Island mainstream? I know Who Wants TO Marry A Millionare was
46 00:31:49 $5.00   Principal Flame TLC initially meant "The Learning Channel"- now it's practically anti-intelligence lol
47 00:33:38 $2.00   Zalfuse
TLC is just like the discovery channel and history
48 00:33:51 PHP125.00   KokOzen I stayed up for this and now I'm questioning if I'm actually awake or not how is this real life :_deadinside: no wonder kids now are built different
49 00:33:59 $4.99   Nihil
I thought it meant Tender Love and Care
50 00:37:14 $5.00   Ahri Suzumiya But Selen! It's based on SCIENCE!
51 00:37:37 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi
TLC got everyone addicted to Schadenfreude lol
52 00:38:08   Flamingoes (メンバーシップ入り)
53 09/25
  Tanithian Straight-Silver What the Hell are these shows ??
54 00:39:26 €10.00   Jean-Philippe Janssens I remember in highschool, the brother of one of my classmates participared in this. She told me he & his girlfriend had broken up before the show and just went to screw as many people as possible.
55 00:40:13   Eric Chudnof (メンバーシップ入り)
56 00:40:46 $5.00   Whisperers Don't NTR IRL kids. It wont end well.
57 00:41:34 $5.00   Tyler Lane
wait it TLC still a thing?? i thought it died out a long time ago???
58 00:42:37 $5.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache Did I miss the superhero shows' discussion? Not that I'm excited or anything.
59 00:44:25 $5.00   EnvyMizuhashi
Schadenfreude, the joy of experiencing other people's misery. That's what TLC taught us.
60 09/25
  Eggplant frick batman!!!! >:c
61 00:45:21   Spideybird (メンバーシップ入り)
62 00:45:30 €5.00   Snibetisnab have you ever watched Stargate or it's spinoffs ? also THE EXPANSE ?
63 00:45:33 $5.00   tequilakitty100 TLC = "Terrible Life Choices"
64 00:46:28 R$5.00   Danilovisk Ok, now im afraid how a TLC superhero show would be
65 00:47:34 $9.99   Usny i remember watching Great Books and Junkyard Wars on TLC before they did a hard pivot into trash TV. turns out the owners of the Discovery Channel acquired it and ran it into the ground
66 00:48:52 $5.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache
They made her character crash and burn in a plane crash and then got a new Batwoman. No hard feelings. Clearly.
67 00:49:29 $5.00   Bud The Chud
90210, gossip girl and vampire dairies are what made cw the way it is today
68 00:50:26 $5.00   Jessica Winters Behind the b@stards had an episode on all the messed up stuff behind the scenes of reality TV shows if you wanna dive into that
69 00:52:09 $2.00   Rahkshi500
The plot... THICKENS!
70 00:56:34 $10.00   Curiko Sierna Thank you for watching these so I didn't have to.
71 00:57:01   Damon Mull bruh
72 00:57:11 $4.99   Usny
which book reveals that one of them pours milk in the bowl before cereal
73 00:57:45   C C. (メンバーシップ入り)
74 09/25
  Orei 1 more year
75 00:59:16 CLP2,500   Cure Seraph You sure watch a lot of NTR shows, Selen
76 01:00:56 $5.00   Alcrad Samsun I love Castle -- i mean Bones -- i mean the Mentalist -- i mean
77 01:01:23 $20.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache
Ah yes. My favorite DC characters. Superman, and Batman, and Wally West, and Raven, and Wondergirl. Oh yeah. And LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR from the Bible!
78 01:01:37   Fulminted does that mean you watched the psych movies also Burton guster best girl the lassie
79 01:04:35 €5.00   Chidi Does this mean you also watched Fringe ?
80 01:05:00 $2.00   Lopaka honeyed Dragoon
bones was good
81 01:05:33 $5.00   BeeDeeJay
you are forgetting the entire season of bones that was a dream
82 01:06:10 $5.00   Alcrad Samsun
alright but Bone's Court case arc against that women murderer who buried the science lady in the ground was awesome
83 01:06:16 $4.99   huang george I lovvvvvve house
84 01:06:32   Luke D Perfect Descriptions
85 01:06:43 $9.99   Nomad _99 Love your streams! Did you ever watch Tower Prep or Unnatural History?
86 01:07:10   Jean-Philippe Janssens (メンバーシップ入り)
87 01:08:56 $10.00   Skyshield have you ever watched Castle or Columbo??
88 01:10:56 $5.00   HedHonch Just between you and me, what happened on that minecraft stream, I only see you as a homie
89 01:11:01 $2.00   Favian Rodriguez big bang theory: is this comedy?
90 01:12:37 $5.00   Zanz
That happened in Bones too with Sweets.
91 01:13:23 $2.00   StarCreator reminds me of superman's legs in supergirl s1 lol
92 01:13:26   Aki Kleist Finally got back and happy to be back and being part of embership as well
93 09/25
  Ethan Gavette The Office is THE normie show
94 01:17:53 $10.00   sagas Where does Scrubs fall on the normie spectrum?
95 01:17:58 $1.99   huang george
How about Friends?
96 01:20:36 €5.00   Jean-Philippe Janssens
So the desperate housewives were actually the audience?
97 01:22:06   Red Hood (メンバーシップ入り)
98 01:23:18   DrDankPhD My theory if you can always tell when a show jumps the shark when they have not one but TWO pregnancy subplots simultaneously
99 01:24:46 $5.00   Vivy Core How did we get to true crime?
100 01:25:59   lumi (メンバーシップ入り)
101 01:28:24 $10.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache
I think one of the actors said he thought Glee died the moment they did "What Does the Fox Say". Also, weren't Supergirl and Flash in Glee?
102 01:34:14 MX$50.00   D-Dragon
103 01:34:35 CLP2,500   Cure Seraph
Was it a POG episode or was it an Unpog Episode ? Asking for a Friend
104 01:36:11 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15 Wait post coitus musicals aren't normal? I always sing a song after listening to CBAT
105 01:37:10 CA$10.00   BlackfireHedgehog I only just got here and you're unlocking cursed memories. Thanks.
106 01:37:16 CA$6.99   The King of Trash Did you ever watch “How I Met Your Mother”?
107 01:38:48   RodrigoShadow Hi, Selen! You're a huge inspiration and an amazing content creator! I hope you're taking care of yourself and good luck with all you future projects!
108 01:38:58 CA$5.00   Paul Deurloo Have you ever watched a Canadian sitcom called "Corner Gas". That was my favourite show growing up.
109 01:39:10   Olberic Eisenberg Robin Sparkles - To The Mall
110 01:39:10 $5.00   Bud The Chud
the whole universe was in a hot dense state when nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started
111 01:40:30 $5.00   Gee D the most normie things i watched were one tree hill and the hills... which was the sequel to Laguna Beach
112 01:41:11 $50.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache
Be honest with me, Selen. Is all of this, this entire stream, a set up for you telling us that you're catching up with Riverdale? If so, get the Jingle Jangle ready, and let's get ready to meet the Queen of the Bees.
113 01:41:49 $4.99   Usny
have you watched the british show Sex Education? not a trashy show so maybe it’s not your cup of tea
114 01:46:46   Hanta Ch I can imagine that kid saying "Wow, mom, dad, I didn't know you had a pink Batcave"!
115 09/25
  Johnny Lacone 10 件の Selen Tatsuki 【NIJISANJI EN】 のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
116 01:49:14   rat witch (メンバーシップ入り)
117 09/25
  Jean-Philippe Janssens 10 件の Selen Tatsuki 【NIJISANJI EN】 のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
118 01:50:50   Kan le Déluge just move the camera away and ask again
119 01:50:53 $99.99   Maiya Hi selen! Yesterday was my birthday and I was wondering if you could wish me a happy birthday? I enjoy your streams, especially apex you’ve taught me something. Thanks for making me laugh your 5% viewer
120 01:55:47 CLP2,500   baxkill I fell into despair when I had to explain to my younger coworkers who Tyra Banks was, and we worked at the fashion department
121 01:56:12 $5.00   Bud The Chud
I use to watch America's next top model as a 10 year old boy and genuinely loved ever moment
122 01:58:13   Guillermo Garcia But thats just a theory... a Game Theory!
123 01:59:57 $5.00   BeeDeeJay
lost was so good until it was just gibberish
124 02:01:29 CLP5,000   Cure Seraph
OMG! So true, a fellow compatriota, the fat guy (no hate) He is from my country, Chile. Now he is well and widely know as "El Guaton de Lost".
125 02:02:04 $5.00   sagas
Did you enjoy watching Wueer Eye?
126 02:03:38 CZK50.00   ShotJon Speaking of Normie show? DO you like crime shows? Like NCIS?
127 02:04:52   Vegeta Oujisama so can we talk about how same-y tim allen's roles are in tv shows? that needs to be discussed more.
128 02:05:24 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
good ole NCIS SVD XYZ LMNOP Special victims unit
129 02:07:33 $10.00   Angry ii On the topic of TLC shows, my ex's brother was on 90 day fiance, same season as big Ed. Watching that show break him down first hand was super rough. Reality TV is brutal.
130 02:10:59   Sharko Selen have you heard of Kid nation?
131 02:10:59 A$10.00   Redus
Actually this unlocked a memory for me, you ever watch Canada's worst drivers?
132 02:12:40 $5.00   Izendale this is for the heist lovers in the chat: do you have anything to talk about either burn notice or leverage?
133 02:13:36 $5.00   BeeDeeJay
burn notice is cracked
134 02:15:00 CA$5.00   Lain Iwakura I was live audience for Uh Oh! (a kids game show many years back), haven't been interested in game shows ever since.
135 02:15:43 SGD10.00   CloverFull Have you seen The Mentalist or Blacklist?
136 02:15:45 $2.00   Mimi-573 You ever watched Love Island?
137 02:17:43 $5.00   sagas
Anything from the OG CBS reality TV shows, Survivor or Amazing Race?
138 02:20:17 $2.00   Voleno Ever see Survivor, Amazing Race or The Mole?
139 02:22:40   Joshua Zarate (メンバーシップ入り)
140 02:22:58 $20.00   Dreq Dreck Plz be my guide. What streaming services in your exp are worth it, in the context of normie shows? Hulu is fine but the add-ons Also, yes. Type-casting's bad but it's similar to creators appealing to their niche audiences.
141 02:24:39 CA$2.79   J M I still recall watching 90210 w/o understanding it
142 02:24:52   WizBiz Did you ever see ""To Catch a Thief"? The show that taught people how to be better criminals
143 02:25:22   Insomniackid7 The SNL Bias runs deep
144 02:26:24   愛里佐倉 /Sakura Airi (メンバーシップ入り)
145 02:28:22 $10.00   IdRatherNot you're out of line, but you're right
146 02:30:11 $4.99   Usny
same thing happens with anime fans, people will say x year was the golden age of anime and it’s usually when people start watching anime regularly
147 02:30:17 $10.00   Dreq Dreck
True. The exact same thing happens in Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts. "This gen/season/game is peak and everything else was downhill... cuz that's where I started the series."
148 02:30:25 $5.00   BeeDeeJay
isn't there a nonzero chance that he and Martha Stewart were a thing?
149 02:30:45 $10.00   NotSoDeadpool15
They can't handle his tower, thankfully he doesn't have a twin
150 02:33:52 PEN5.00   Hanta Ch Man, I don't watch TV anymore. I just watch VTubers. Far less cringe and fun.
151 02:35:55   Poiya That reminded me of that one kid in Dr Phil who wanted a car for her bday
152 02:37:35 $5.00   WindUpCrab I can't believe Adam Levine is dating Pete Davidson
153 02:38:16 $100.00   BeeDeeJay
my oshi consumes trash media just like me
154 02:41:40 MX$20.00   D-Dragon
Holy faq. Holy faq. That necc of yours is absurd
155 09/25
  RazzyDazzys - Female Fanbase he really said "haha delete this"
156 02:44:15 PEN10.00   Hanta Ch
Sometimes I wonder if reality is full of paid actors
157 02:45:28 $5.00   BeeDeeJay
it was pog
158 02:45:49 $5.00   Johnny Lacone Byeeeee!~