トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
 CA$  CAD    7     139.00   14,434円
   $  USD    5      22.00    3,059円
 SEK  SEK    2      70.00      933円
  A$  AUD    1       5.00      469円
 PHP  PHP    1     125.00      306円
  R$  BRL    1       5.00      128円
---- ---- ----       ----   19,329円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 11月27日
2 11月27日
  Karl Williams
3 11月27日
4 11月27日
5 11月27日
  ユリ C-can i my kami oshi, draw my oshi (the hat) and maybe the scammer too
6 00:05:18   Empty Dumpty (メンバーシップ入り)
7 00:06:01   Victor's Ace (Wink Wonk) oof
8 11月27日
  Victor's Ace (Wink Wonk) 5 件の Petra Gurin【NIJISANJI EN】 のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
9 11月27日
  wildnexus I looooove Millie's original song and your vocals are so good too!!! You all killed the harmonies
10 00:18:35   펱라하고마리아 기엽다 amogus
11 00:18:52   리라리라 AMOGUS
12 00:20:16   Corak the Mysterious Petra is even a contrarian when drawing
13 00:32:35   SirSimpalot (メンバーシップ入り)
14 00:44:55 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu - Verified Pentomo I was planning on playing Cyberpunk 2077 but then remembered about this stream, glad I got my priorities straight
15 11月27日
  Dan Sullivan I don't hate you Petra
16 00:52:12   P1234M (メンバーシップ入り)
17 00:54:40   Petra Love (メンバーシップ入り)
18 01:02:28 SEK50.00   The Toothpaste Man unfortunately I am not drawing with you as my skillset in what I can draw is very limited
19 01:05:22 R$5.00   ユリ Payment for the class i am missing.
20 01:05:29 PHP125.00   🍌🍌Deedee my tuition maam
21 01:05:32 A$5.00   ChickenKaichou Entrance fee
22 01:05:35 CA$2.00   🍌🍌シュー叔母ちゃん Paying to leave.
23 01:05:41 $5.00   danielguo94 do you take superchats as well
24 01:05:41 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu - Verified Pentomo
Tuition funds while I enjoy dinner
25 01:06:08 $5.00   Alex Riley wrong class but the teacher is so cute
26 11月27日
  TheMoatman Call security. You won't.
27 01:06:55   eri 🕊 illustratoreri (メンバーシップ入り)
28 01:07:02 $2.00   Victor's Ace (Wink Wonk) seems sus mr gurin
29 01:07:10   WhimsiPots Verification of subscription payment right here
30 01:07:17   Gamelan4 I can confirm it's a monthly subscription, you can't cancel it please help
31 01:07:20 $5.00   Pinkerton Can I audit the class? I don't think my GPA can take any more hits...
32 01:07:43   LaBaguettetra Do you take CAD?
33 01:07:53   Grish (メンバーシップ入り)
34 01:07:56 SEK20.00   The Toothpaste Man
ok dropping my rent
35 01:07:56   Jane Doe (メンバーシップ入り)
36 01:08:18   alyssa (メンバーシップ入り)
37 01:08:44 CA$100.00   Ghost of Pomu - Verified Pentomo
So this is the full cost of tuition huh, even during Black Friday sale
38 01:09:58   Junk Togawa (メンバーシップ入り)
39 01:13:31   Thomas Reece You are an amazing teacher. Mine is exactly like yours. Line for line.
40 01:15:23 CA$20.00   Ghost of Pomu - Verified Pentomo
Here's to investing in "Chibism 101 by Petra Gurin"
41 11月27日
  Petra Love
42 01:26:12   Alex P Long hair supremacy
43 01:26:12 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu - Verified Pentomo
Short hair Petra on 2.0 outfit makes me blush more than the bread
44 01:30:11 CA$2.00   carter van dyke (無言スパチャ)
45 01:55:25 $5.00   StormsBeyond Here's my payment for your art class. Thanks Peto!
46 02:08:40   サメ (メンバーシップ入り)
47 02:17:15   想像力 (メンバーシップ入り)