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title【MINECRAFT】the camels are home!! and they need a home!!!!【NIJISANJI EN | Pomu Rainpuff】
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
$ USD 116 342.85 \49,111
EUR EUR 11 28.99 \4,550
£ GBP 3 20.00 \3,643
CA$ CAD 7 30.00 \3,195
MYR MYR 6 71.90 \2,247
CHF CHF 2 7.00 \1,143
CLP CLP 1 5500 \917
IDR IDR 1 20000.00 \188
ARS ARS 4 170.00 \85
---- ---- ---- ---- \65,079

no time
org currency icon name message
1 Aug 8 15:42:39 $1.99   Cheliax
2 Aug 8 15:45:25 $2.00   Ray Mack MIDDAY MINECRAFT
3 Aug 8 16:25:02 $1.49   outcast777
5 Aug 8 16:35:55 $1.49   fake NEET
6 Aug 8 16:54:43 $2.00   StarCreator
7 Aug 8 17:06:00 $1.99   Solid Takezo
12 00:03:43 $10.00   Skellum Morning Pomu! Thank you so much for producing this new cereal! I'm eating my bowl of Pomu Grainpuffs right now! They're always moist and sweet so realistic!
13 00:03:50 $5.00   Kasie K. Pomcraft on my birthday? love to see it. have fun finding the camels a homeu pomu!
18 00:08:06 $5.00   StrikeWarlock What's the context with that random Hatsu tile over there?
19 00:09:27 CA$10.00   Kanade Fong They look awesome! Keep up the great work! =3
20 00:09:59 $4.99   Fourth Wind Hero Wish I could stay, but I gotta work. I’ll stop by if you’re still here in a couple hours, though!
21 00:10:29 $5.00   StrikeWarlock
Do you know the definition of insanity? It's doing the same thing again, and again
28 00:14:12 $2.00   Seymour (シーモア) Block game! Block game! Block game!!
30 00:17:02 $2.00   Nhân (Ace combat Enthusiastic) the way their eye move is like hey girl
34 00:21:23 $5.00   Vivy Core Annual Pomu jumping
38 00:28:45 $5.00   Mika's fries (Wholsome Fan) Yeah but instead of Pomu you could try a brand new deal, for only $5.99 come down to PONTYS PIZZA
39 00:28:47 $5.00   osos A vote for Pomu is a vote for Pomu!
41 00:30:13 $5.00   Gup So, who is your vice president, president Pomu?
42 00:31:22 $10.00   Johnny Bravo Hey fairy mama. I left you a message in that minecraft server. Just check the area below your armor points, and above your xp bar.
43 00:33:44 $5.00   lilybees no please it took years to stop being a hikki don't make me go back. you were one of the reasons I left the house!
45 00:35:31 CA$5.00   Virulent ビルレント Not just Ayayaya from touhou there is also the ayayaya scene from Kiniro Mosaic
46 00:36:29 $5.00   Mika's fries (Wholsome Fan)
nihongo ga wakarimasen, demo ne, kawaii soretomo kakkoii koe miss rainpuff. (I did not practice but tried my best) :)
47 00:39:17 IDR20,000.00   edwarcalvyn T Hi pomu im from Indonesia nice to meet you
48 00:44:09 $2.00   Pinkadot moist camels now in stores near pomu
49 00:47:01 $2.00   Mika's fries (Wholsome Fan)
Can't get over the cry emote looking like mad pomu
50 00:47:07 MYR23.90   Geena D. Hoorayy manage to catch pomu’s minecraft stream again! Have fun pomu <3
51 00:51:33 CLP5,500   Mr1worldin Pomu did you know camels have sharp fangs? Be careful when petting them
52 00:55:38 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu - Verified Pentomo, Casual Phantomo I saw a comment that said 'Twitter videos' will now be called 'X videos' (I'll see myself to the self-bonk corner and reflect on my actions)
53 00:56:59 $4.99   LuckyHipster Pomu can you wake me up in 35 minutes?
55 01:07:14 $5.00   NormanB My Lazu-Lost Oshi - Kyaa!
57 01:10:06 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo That's the voice Luca first auditioned with.
59 01:11:56 CA$2.00   KBarn Are you satisfied with your care?
66 01:17:48 $2.00   Elizord TSKR
68 01:18:47 $2.00   Kadalyn tip for my oshi pomusuke
73 01:22:15 €5.99   Hyv San I AM ONCE AGAIN POMU, FOOLS!!!!
77 01:25:12 $4.99   Limit. Creepers do be creeping
80 01:38:12 CHF5.00   Tree Bobber Thanks, I'll keep a check on my finances as to not worry you. Anyways, superchat for you to prove I am not broke.
83 01:45:51 $2.00   Vivy Core
Did you register with the FAA?
84 01:48:13 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY Jar Taxes? Don't you mean.. Tribute? I'm sorry...
85 Aug 8 20:01:26 MYR15.00   addeen Pomu can you ban me so i could feel what it feels like to get banned
86 01:48:15 $2.00   Amarth Pomu when she's imagining chat
87 01:48:35 $1.99   Murphy So … head?
88 01:49:39 €2.00   Gyro Juggler stop? so no head?
91 01:51:57 $5.00   Syxti Watt This music is just the jam I need right now. Thanks Pomu for being awesome and hanging out with us today.
93 01:57:18 $5.00   Cappythecat [multilangual🚪🔑] yall broke rule 6. i broke rule 9. we are not the same. ban me!!
95 01:59:04 ARS50.00   ima rafan Pomu no! She's going to start defrosting!
96 02:01:38 $5.00   Mariah Carey the Christmas Queen Please sing my songs tomorrow!!
100 02:10:18 €2.00   Sango Dont worry the diary just talks about anime crushs
101 02:10:52 €2.00   Gyro Juggler
pomu kills finana on stream #real ( #amogusat3am
103 02:14:28 €5.00   Techt You have the soul of a poet x3
105 02:20:31 $2.00   fake NEET
DAE here not believe in faeries?
106 02:20:32 $5.00   Rockbiter Now that Pomu is gone, im single and ready to mingle
107 02:20:47 $10.00   mistfist Hi fellow Pomudachi, I can't wait to hear Pomu's lovely singing voice for a while as she gets closer to celebrating 600k subs! She's amazing and inspiring!
109 02:21:25 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
110 02:21:33 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
111 02:21:40 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
112 02:21:43 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
113 02:21:48 $1.00   CaseyRaptor (wordless superchat)
114 02:21:48 $1.00   Todokete (wordless superchat)
115 02:21:50 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
116 02:21:53 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
117 02:21:59 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
118 02:22:00 $1.00   τεαcυρ ηγαη ηγαη (wordless superchat)
119 02:22:04 CA$1.00   Virulent ビルレント
(wordless superchat)
120 02:22:06 $0.99   WildestDuck (wordless superchat)
121 02:22:07 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
122 02:22:07 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
123 02:22:13 $1.00   Ray Ray Mack Mack (wordless superchat)
124 02:22:15 ARS20.00   ima rafan
I miss V-Tuber
125 02:22:16 $1.00   Lydia's Still Here (wordless superchat)
126 02:22:16 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
127 02:22:20 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
128 02:22:24 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
129 02:22:31 $1.00   Splagoon (wordless superchat)
130 02:22:33 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
131 02:22:37 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
132 02:22:38 $1.00   CaseyRaptor
(wordless superchat)
133 02:22:42 $1.00   outcast777
(wordless superchat)
134 02:22:46 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
135 02:22:47 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
136 02:22:57 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
137 02:23:00 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
138 02:23:05 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
139 02:23:14 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
140 02:23:14 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
141 02:23:25 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
142 02:23:30 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
143 02:23:34 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
144 02:23:42 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
145 02:23:49 $1.49   fake NEET
146 02:23:51 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
147 02:23:59 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
148 02:24:02 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
149 Aug 8 20:37:36 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
150 02:24:17 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
151 02:24:17 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
152 02:24:18 $1.00   Ray Ray Mack Mack
(wordless superchat)
153 02:24:27 $1.00   Ray Mack
(wordless superchat)
154 02:24:30 $1.00   fake NEET
(wordless superchat)
157 02:29:14 $10.00   NijiKnight Pomu, hubby and I have decided on naming our twin daughters Reina and Mina, which is a mix of certain names. Also hubby has been calling himself Diamond Snake since he's missing an eye and an arm.
158 02:32:56 £10.00   spannerbrain Heya Pom, it's my birthday today! Also happy birthday to any other pomudachis who have a birthday today!!!!
159 02:35:46 $10.00   TheDAWinz Happy birthday to everyone in chat and to pomu happy birthday again!
161 02:39:01 $2.00   NijiKnight
I hear Yoo Sook will star in an upcoming drama.
162 02:40:47 €2.00   Gyro Juggler
barbenheimers fairyhatten project
163 02:42:26 £5.00   Leo Tsonus POMU!! Glad i can catch your stream before it's late today!!!!
165 02:44:48 $5.00   NijiKnight
Hubby is currently outside arguing with the neighborhood raven. Truly cannot escape the memes.
167 02:49:10 ARS50.00   ima rafan
Love Deterrence is a strong af name for a dating sim
168 02:49:40 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY
He hardens in response to physical trauma... Big M
169 02:50:33 €2.00   Sango
Silent hill
170 02:51:30 CHF2.00   ChegiCH アチアチホットチキンバー one day I hope to see Pomu play Policenauts (cope)
171 02:51:47 $5.00   NijiKnight
If I knew how to make a dating sim, I would make one of Nijisanji. Just saying.
173 02:58:30 $5.00   Calvinofthedead pomu I'm stressing bout going to japan for the first time next month, any tips?
174 03:00:02 $5.00   NijiKnight
On a scale of 1 to broke brained, how excited are you for a certain game remake? Imagine if there's a Pomu reference in there.
175 03:01:40 CA$5.00   Chain Pomi,,, Its my final week of my very final semester! and Im tired.. can I pls get some cheer up for the last push
177 03:04:32 $2.00   Scott Graham Sand is coarse and rough. And it gets everywhere
179 03:19:01 MYR6.00   Xanxus998 i mean u gotta practice ur CQC boss is ok
180 03:20:42 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
nice to meet you David Pomuborough
181 03:20:58 $2.00   Sean W No
182 03:21:44 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
fission mailed , u'll get em next time
183 03:26:08 $10.00   Captain Jaws Hi Pomu Puff, just got back from a deployment. Your giggles and sassy vods got me through some of the more stressful days so… thanks!
185 03:35:26 $5.00   strigger93 hi pomu! todays my birthday and just wanted to say thank you for all the laughs and for being such an amazing oshi!
189 03:42:10 $5.00   TheDAWinz
Bright like a bald man's head
190 03:48:09 $5.00   Evan's Kazoo Covers Pomu what should I get for dinner? Chick-fil-A, a wawa hoagie, or some Indian food? I don't wanna make a decision
191 03:49:05 £5.00   Leo Tsonus
Good Night Pomu! Can't wait to see the finished build!
192 03:49:28 $4.99   Arthur Really cool addendum to that new system is there were enchants exclusive to biomes that don’t have villages so they want you to make them yourself
193 03:51:32 CA$2.00   KBarn
You're a pioneer of the brothel industry.
194 03:55:08 $10.00   TheDAWinz
pomu that is literally 1984!!!
195 03:55:56 $1.99   Fourth Wind Hero
I am free from the shackles of Wal-Ass!
197 03:58:23 $5.00   TheDAWinz
Song Name?
202 04:07:21 MYR15.00   addeen
guys what year is it ? how long i have been put in the void ? have you seen my wife and daughter? im sorry please don't put me there ever again
204 04:08:43 $2.00   Evan's Kazoo Covers
the SpongeBob movie came out in 2004
205 04:09:55 $2.00   Leah D Can't believe Shrek is almost 35 years old.
206 04:10:31 $5.00   TheDAWinz
i was 80 in 2004 now i feel extremely old
209 04:12:03 ARS50.00   ima rafan
can't believe Solid Snake is turning 52 soon
210 04:16:30 $2.00   Evan's Kazoo Covers
you had a...bone to pick... with skelly
212 04:29:08 $10.00   videoman190 This has been on my mind for a long time since Nijsanji EN. An official game based on Nijsanji. I would like to be a decent game that doesn't follow popular trends and does its own thing.
213 04:40:48 $2.00   Nhân (Ace combat Enthusiastic)
I can't wait for you to reach 600k
214 04:41:20 $5.00   TheDAWinz
time to make 2000 more accounts to subscribe brb
216 04:42:09 $2.00   Nhân (Ace combat Enthusiastic)
Isave myfriend art for thatmoment you gonna likeit
217 04:44:49 $5.00   raynedrops just finished an interview, ty for the chill minecraft to help calm me down before i did it hope you have a great rest of your day pomu!!!!
220 04:58:34 $1.49   fake NEET
221 05:00:56 $2.00   WireSun7 npc stream with only mgs quotes
222 05:01:49 $1.49   fake NEET
223 05:02:41 $1.49   fake NEET
224 05:03:29 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY
= RAIDEN! SQUEEZE MY HOG! (actual Hayter Quote)
225 05:03:49 $2.00   Evan's Kazoo Covers
the Tikka masala was delicious thank you Pomu
226 05:04:09 $5.00   averagegatsby29 You could say at my height At my size Big kusa has a different meaning Ya know?
227 05:06:24 $2.00   Nhân (Ace combat Enthusiastic)
pp stand for pineapple pen
228 05:07:35 $2.00   Ray Mack
Awesome bit Pomu thank you
229 05:13:49 $5.00   Mika's fries (Wholsome Fan)
Ofc you wouldn't know much about the pp. you thought it was real for the pp to get stuck between the seat splitstream is real tho
230 05:15:26 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY
Are you using an HDMI Splitter to stream?