トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:Let me clean your gutter~😉💦💖✨POWERWASH SIMULATOR【NIJISANJI EN | Scarle Yonaguni】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   80     465.77   68,395円
 PHP  PHP   12    1273.00    3,171円
 HK$  HKD    5     153.00    2,861円
 NZ$  NZD    1      20.00    1,648円
   £  GBP    3       8.79    1,431円
 EUR  EUR    1      10.00    1,424円
 NT$  TWD    5     240.00    1,104円
 MYR  MYR    1      23.90      748円
  A$  AUD    3       6.00      552円
 SGD  SGD    1       5.00      511円
 YEN  YEN    1        500      500円
 CA$  CAD    1       2.00      212円
 THB  THB    1      40.00      155円
  R$  BRL    1       5.00      138円
  ₫  VND    1      20000      121円
 ZAR    -    1      14.00       14円
---- ---- ----       ----   82,985円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 10月13日
PHP50.00   Pucca [1/? Sneaky Supa] Sleep well, Scarle
2 10月13日
$5.00   Burning Soul Hope your doing okay Scarle
3 10月13日
$2.00   Jonathon Yang What is this free supa doing here?
4 10月13日
5 10月13日
$10.00   dabombishere123
Scarle, your Halloween voice pack made me feel things Can’t recommend it enough. 10/10 *chefs kiss*
6 10月13日
A$2.00   Kitsune Foryst If u've fallen asleep Scarle, dont worry. We luv u
7 10月13日
$2.00   Jonathon Yang
Sneaky For Scarle
8 10月13日
HK$10.00   Stwawbewwy🍓 [Scarle's left foot owner] feel my love~ *yeets paper hearts at you*
9 10月13日
NZ$20.00   maxie 🌺 sneaky soup? sneaky love letter hehehe if u manage to see this scarle know that we cherish u !! like a patch of sunlight, or a cozy blanket in the winter, u r a precious + irreplacable warmth + we love u
10 10月13日
11 10月13日
$2.00   Jonathon Yang
Found this supa on the couch
12 10月13日
A$2.00   Monika SWEET DREAMS. Just Monika
13 10月13日
$5.00   NotSoDeadpool15 How's it going chat?
14 10月13日
£1.79   HayleyN7 💀💋 Found this free super! Never change Scarle
15 10月13日
$5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Hope you had a great well deserved rest
16 10月13日
$1.99   dabombishere123
We in for a treat. Morning voice Scarle TSKR
17 10月14日
$2.00   Kibbles Ribbit
18 10月14日
$2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
I for one fully embrace our new streamer Frogle
19 10月14日
$1.99   dabombishere123
Scarle the Frog
20 10月14日
$2.00   Kibbles
All hail the new froggy streamer queen ribbit
21 10月14日
$1.99   dabombishere123
Peepo this, Peepo that. Peepo-n deez nats
22 00:01:33 A$2.00   wemajor Late Book fee payment ($12/$200)
23 00:03:45 $1.99   huang george This morning voice is so hot
24 00:03:50 $100.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Morning voice
25 00:04:44 $1.99   dabombishere123
More like NotSoChadpool
26 00:05:22 PHP50.00   azure_blade i can see it now: morning after voice pack. tskr
27 00:05:23 PHP99.00   Gen. J3LLYANN [8carle’s Belly w/ Jellybeans] Tskr froggy voice
28 00:05:23 $5.00   Kibbles
Giving your oshii a supa is an essential part of your morning breakfast
29 00:06:01 THB40.00   Earnn SP good morning baby
30 00:06:06 HK$25.00   Warren Choi Glad you're doing alright! Won't stay long gotta sleep soon but hope you and chat have a fun relaxing stream. Also love your morning voice
31 00:06:31 NT$30.00   華鳥風月 Bal'a dash, malanore. It's time to power wash.
32 00:06:44 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
What I just donated 10 buckaroos... wait... (JK)
33 00:08:29 $2.00   Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino - Good news: My foot's not hurting as much lately.
34 00:15:46 £2.00   Shouji Tenken Token of love and appreciation from Scarlings
35 00:15:48 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
What a wild game Scarle cleaning can only happen outside of real life
36 00:16:15 $4.99   dabombishere123
Speaking of good music, I hope your cover is coming along well. Been on my mind ever since you mentioned it.
37 00:18:43 $2.00   Kibbles
Morning voice ASMR so relaxing and calming
38 00:21:28 $1.99   dabombishere123
Scarle become honorary member of NijiAU during VC
39 00:25:00 $5.00   Patrick Star 13
40 00:27:14 $1.99   The Masked Mewtwo I’m rewatching Pandora Hearts and thought of you<3
41 00:27:40 $2.00   Kibbles
Your closet says otherwise
42 00:28:23 SGD5.00   theShazerin Roses are red. Violets be blue. Glad I'm became a Scarling for an oshi like you. Thanks for brightening up my day everyday
43 00:30:03 $20.00   Scazura
44 00:30:06 $2.00   Jonathon Yang
Spray me Queen
45 00:30:17 CA$2.00   Banglog I wrote Fanfiction once for pandora hearts
46 00:30:20 $1.99   Nihil It’s ok Jo-Jo, we know you’re reformed
47 00:30:27 $4.99   Boomerwow Nice to get a chill break from a game with backseaters. Oh btw you missed a spot
48 00:31:42 $4.99   huang george
Since you been exposed a lot yesterday, room review when? So we can backseat you clear it on spot
49 00:34:55 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Time to Hire Roomie-chan *Coughs* Not just so we can meet her
50 00:42:11 PHP125.00   Jake Good job young lady
51 00:43:17 $1.99   Boomerwow
At least you don’t sound like a duck
52 00:43:49 PHP50.00   Aries Parfait I hope u could still enjoy the game, Ma'am!!
53 00:44:08 $1.99   huang george
I wish there is a sexy frog voice pack
54 00:44:44 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
SUSSY Scarle never change
55 00:46:17 $2.00   Scazura
that amogus looks like a graffiti ngl
56 00:47:48 HK$78.00   Meowiee HewwoScarle!Ifoundafreesupaonthefloor onmybirthdaytoday! So happee
57 00:50:38 $10.00   Aeldryn If not gacha, Bank of Scarle deposits, then?
58 00:50:57   Saejima_VT (メンバーシップ入り)
59 00:51:07   Kira Tsukitori (メンバーシップ入り)
60 00:51:34   Enki [Honey #648] If this chat is dirty, will you power wash it?
61 00:51:37 PHP125.00   Jake
Scarle BS fund
62 00:53:13   Aries Parfait (メンバーシップ入り)
63 00:53:54 $1.99   Nihil
Is the free supa gacha?
64 00:54:45 MYR23.90   Luna Victorique
65 00:54:56 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Have you ever heard of Redline or C4 energy...
66 00:55:04 ZAR14.00   Reboute Guilliman Wish I could stay and watch but IRL is calling me
67 00:57:56 PHP250.00   Jake
You're giving my flashbacks to my Taco Bell days
68 01:01:02 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Breakfast food is great, Breakfast time is trash
69 01:03:27 ¥500   shupopo
70 01:03:59 $4.99   huang george
I will like to eat breakfast but same as you I can’t eat it right after I got up and it becomes lunch…
71 01:04:39 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Gotta go to work enjoy your stream Scarle and keep up thegood work chat
72 01:09:57 €10.00   Mika's juicy Feeling clean yet? Why can't IRL cleaning be so easy...
73 01:10:24 HK$15.00   Meowiee
74 01:11:48 $2.00   Boomerwow
monkeys eat fruit. does Scarle look like a monkey?
75 01:15:46 PHP125.00   Jake
Scarle dietary fiber fund
76 01:19:18 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo Trust me, if you think the red bull doesn't do anything anymore...you're dependent. Proof is how you'll feel if you go a few days without them...
77 01:20:28 $5.00   Julinyan not scarle's first time missing the bottom
78 01:25:44 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
"I'm 2D" Even so, you...uhhh..."look very 3D"...
79 01:27:09 $5.00   Rashzakea You also spend so much time internacting with chat, which we love It hard to avoid the backseating when you do though
80 01:27:37 $2.00   Jonathon Yang
81 01:27:47 $2.00   FizzicalBrute you doing good scarle
82 01:29:58 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
The safety/backseating word is "pineapple"!
83 01:30:09 ₫20,000   Minh Thơ My first supa for you, love you always Scarle
84 01:32:54 $5.00   Boomerwow
in my opinion, you should consider not going in TOTALLY blind so you don't pick a game you won't really like. we want you to have fun too
85 01:33:06 $5.00   Scazura
I think most of the Scarlings can agree with me that we enjoy how dim you can be! (affectionate) it doesn't matter if you do everything or not yknow?
86 01:33:22 $10.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
It's only stupidity if it's intentional; "ignorance" is probably more appropriate. Ignorance is not knowing something, stupidity is surfing in a shopping cart and being surprised you got hurt.
87 01:34:50 NT$30.00   華鳥風月
A pretty bird house Can I live in there as parrot?
88 01:36:44 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
89 01:37:37 $2.00   Scazura
ironically enough Genshin impact is perfect---
90 01:39:54 PHP125.00   Jake
I would have voted for eye tracker browsing your art tag
91 01:42:15 $2.00   Scazura
Save yourself. Artifacts are hell.
92 01:48:21   Fantasy Hazard (メンバーシップ入り)
93 01:48:58 $2.00   Scazura
ok but hear me out: Househusband Thoma
94 10月14日
  A320Pilot97 Since you always on us about Free supas, here is one that actually cost me some money
95 01:52:43 $5.00   Argent comfy early morning scarle strim, AND free supas?
96 01:58:06 HK$25.00   wakamada can i have a girlfriend ? angel sama
97 01:59:07 $100.00   A320Pilot97 Last supa cost money, but this one is free. Sorry to about the Omori fiasco last stream. You are doing great, don't listen to angy backseaters
98 02:01:01 $4.99   Boomerwow
If i never answer my phone or read my mail, I can’t know that my creditors have sent me to collections… therefore free supa
99 02:03:09 $2.00   Jonathon Yang
100 02:03:46 PHP50.00   Jake
101 02:04:18 £5.00   Fantasy Hazard we love to support a sussy queen! thank you for making great content for all to enjoy, may you always know we wuv you!
102 02:21:58 $5.00   Kampfer Hey Chula, what are you gonna do for Dia De Muertos
103 02:24:20 PHP125.00   Jake
Sleepy time. Calendar marked for when Romie-chan gets home. Good night Scarle and Aia and Kyo
104 02:28:32 $2.00   StarCreator I'm thirsty can I get a quick spray in the mouth?
105 02:41:04 NT$75.00   華鳥風月
How about do a watchalong with us? I do have hard time to focus on movies, but when it's a watchalong then I can handle it. I recommend Kung-Fu Panda
106 02:45:55 $2.00   Kitsune Kumori Scarle can you wash my car por favor ?
107 02:48:39 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi I'm the MOST extroverted about music; my lifeblood
108 02:49:55 $2.00   Kitsune Kumori
Have a great day Scarle
109 02:53:03 NT$75.00   華鳥風月
(knocks on door) Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let's go and play. I never see you any more, come out the door. It's like you've gone away.
110 02:55:14 R$5.00   Cyssansige Your uwu voice did remind me of someone but I couldn't remember who, but now I do. You sound like Selen when she speak cutely as well.
111 03:09:07 $4.99   Chrome Did ya hear about Blink-182 coming back for a concert?
112 03:11:14 PHP99.00   Gen. J3LLYANN [8carle’s Belly w/ Jellybeans]
Free sopa for scarle . fr tho Gn scarle and chat
113 03:11:14 NT$30.00   華鳥風月
Is 完全感覚Dreamer by ONE OK ROCK an EMO song?
114 03:14:29 $1.99   NotSoDeadpool15
What about Lupe Fiasco
115 03:15:50   Huntgbunt (メンバーシップ入り)
116 03:20:05 $1.99   Chrome
Anyone listened to Teenage Dirtbag? It is just mm~
117 03:22:31 $2.00   Jonathon Yang
118 03:23:58 $1.99   Boomerwow
Is that why you can’t finish cleaning your room?
119 03:32:08 $2.00   Jonathon Yang
Buy more games
120 03:32:58 $2.00   A320Pilot97
Someone say Free game supas?
121 03:33:44 $2.00   Jonathon Yang
Free games Supa!! Wooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
122 03:49:10 $5.00   Argent
i found another free super under the couch cushions
123 04:06:13 $2.00   Jonathon Yang
Congrats on the 99.9% Completion. Here's a supa.
124 04:07:49 $0.99   Biancka - Scarling Forever
125 04:08:30 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Thanks for the stream Scarle, go get some rest!