記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 11 85.99 \11,715
MYR MYR 1 150.00 \4,584
CA$ CAD 2 11.00 \1,097
---- ---- ---- ---- \17,396
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:58:17   Nilkki (メンバーシップ入り)
2 01:08:57 $50.00   QueXaL Detective Seele is on the case! That's something I didnt expect to see, but I like it. Seele is a lot smarter than she looks. Seems like Bronya began to rub off on her. Im still playing the chapter rn so ill be watching while i play through it.
3 01:25:32 $3.00   Nhân is this a main side story for seele's right?
4 01:39:18 $5.00   Derpy the Daedra oshi of the sea, what is your feesh wisdom?
5 01:40:42 $2.00   Nhân
man I so lazy to play story so I watch you instead
6 03:26:12 CA$5.50   Ghost of Pomu - Millie's Sexy Voice Lover NOT PAID Speaking of, I didnt I'd whale in Star Rail already, lost the 50/50 and got Bailu, pulled out credit card kun and got Seele
7 03:28:18 $5.00   Jackson Got Bronya and Bailu with only free rolls. still haven't spent a cent besides the season pass
8 03:31:00 $5.00   keyudragon i guess people have more luck that me. spend so much and still no bronya. feesh can i have some luck. maybe a lucky kiss
9 03:33:15 $2.00   Iron Monkey🐠 kisses to chat is know fact to increase luck
10 03:34:42 $2.00   keyudragon
but feesh a lucky kiss. help alot with gacha pull.
11 03:36:47 CA$5.50   Ghost of Pomu - Millie's Sexy Voice Lover NOT PAID
Fun fact, Dan Heng is voiced by the same JP seiyuu as Hirotaka Nifujii from Wotakoi Love is Hard for Nerds so glad to hear his voice acting again
12 03:40:28 MYR150.00   ST18 Helping homies out. I heard kisses do give good luck
13 03:44:15 $2.00   Iron Monkey🐠
now we need double kisses from feesh
14 03:57:53 $5.00   mii Thanks for the stream!!
15 03:58:14 $4.99   Salty Z3r0 thanks for the stream