トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:My Anime Fox Mom is a CULT LEADER? - 1st Look at Cult of Lamb
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   28     789.28  108,120円
 CA$  CAD    6     254.34   26,857円
 EUR  EUR    3      29.98    4,123円
   £  GBP    4      13.79    2,235円
 SGD  SGD    7      22.00    2,167円
 YEN    1    2       1200    1,200円
 MYR  MYR    1      30.00      920円
 PLN  PLN    1      25.00      724円
 SEK  SEK    1      50.00      649円
 COP  COP    1    4000.00      125円
 HK$  HKD    1       4.90       85円
 PEN  PEN    1       2.00       71円
---- ---- ----       ----  147,276円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08/26
  Jimmy2buc - [FSF Task Force Bravo 1] 10 bucks she oversleeps. Also free supa
2 08/26
  Scorge +10
3 08/26
SGD2.00   Jimmy2buc - [FSF Task Force Bravo 1] The free supas are still lurking
4 08/26
  L. V. Nightingale (メンバーシップ入り)
5 08/27
SGD2.00   Jimmy2buc - [FSF Task Force Bravo 1] Free supa religion supports fox cult
6 08/27
$2.00   Vivy Core HOL UP
7 08/27
  IchikaTorawr Hi Mom, i miss you so much
8 08/27
  TaintCrimson coming at you, from the side, with my free monthly renewed supa
9 08/27
MYR30.00   IchikaTorawr free supa for our beautiful mommy
10 08/27
  Benji Smith
11 08/27
  Energy Niki [#344]
12 08/27
  The Phantomnaut yyyyyyyyyyyy
13 08/27
  reivaX 918 Welcome back Nina
14 00:01:03 $5.00   Lastlasagna (無言スパチャ)
15 00:01:47   Enki [Honey #648] Between your break, and my vacations, and life, it has been way too long. Nice to catch a stream again.
16 00:03:26 $2.00   Vivy Core TO WHO NINA?
17 08/27
  Arashi-JF welcome back hope you had a wonderful time
18 00:04:47   Ricardo Martinez (メンバーシップ入り)
19 00:05:00 €20.00   zipli I'm happy you're back! Also I love cults WOOO
20 00:05:29   Kira Wang (メンバーシップ入り)
21 00:05:40 £1.79   callum Robson Mommy 1st time I catch your stream I’m so happy
22 00:05:48 PLN25.00   Malek Deneith If you say so Cult Leader
23 08/27
24 00:06:10   DelStar Missed you mom!
25 00:07:14   Bracken (メンバーシップ入り)
26 00:07:41   strigger93 (メンバーシップ入り)
27 00:09:33   testchief7 Welcome back, I'm a bit sick so just wanted to say hi and I'll go back to resting.
28 08/27
  DepudeeRLD feeling great today since you are back
29 00:13:39   Gargoyle [#96] I am ready to be sacrificed
30 00:14:08 $9.99   DelStar “I’ve been involved in a number of cults both as a follower and as a leader. You have more fun as a follower but more money as a leader.”
31 08/27
  Heatedpete I volunteer as tribute
32 00:15:15 €4.99   Watermelon Partyy Hi mom, I haven’t had the pleasure of knowing your channel, but I’m happy to see you stream and hear that you are healthy and well
33 00:16:50 $185.00   Rashzakea Not sure how to send a rainbow superchat, so this will have to do. So glad you had a good trip, and we're all glad to have you back! Welcome home Mom
34 00:18:10 ¥1,000   ぱる。 ニナママ、今日もかわいくて、すてきです!だいすきだ〜♡
35 00:18:40   Faust the Heavenly Demonic Monster Hello Darling, happy to see your doing well. You have been missed very much, keep up the good work!
36 00:19:11   C.J. O'Dell Fox Mom finally returns from her break. We’ve missed you Nina
37 00:19:29 $10.00   Soorya keep slaying fox mom, putting the boom in boomer
38 00:19:33 CA$5.00   RocaDeearCenjar Nina what can I do with the goat cheese that I got? It doesn't seem to be the kind of cheese that you eat by itself so what do I use it for?
39 00:20:03 $24.34   Wiggles Haven't been able to SC Mom in awhile and I'm glad to see you again! Glad you had a fun break Here's money to get some rum with your wine!
40 00:21:28   naxrusnekro I forget this is here every month, hi and welcome back! Tomorrow is drinky day so cheers beforehand!
41 08/27
  Izentiel Welcome back our dear Fox Mom
42 08/27
  James Moore Bloooop! I hope you have a wonderful stream, gotta work. <3
43 00:24:35 CA$10.00   PeeSmeller43 Omg Nina is that you? it's been so long
44 00:25:01   Archie117h (メンバーシップ入り)
45 00:25:02   wolf_o_fate Welcome back mom
46 00:25:19 $20.00   Jason Kruta I feel like I'm gonna be away for when you hit 500k so here's a preemptive celebration! I love being one of your honey bunnies and I'm so glad you had a great time on your trip
47 00:25:58   universeal ayyy moms back and im late
48 00:26:07   Colesparks#318 [The Keeper of the List] Glad to see your back, I've been missing your streams so im glad I can make this one
49 00:26:10 CA$10.00   Acadien Good luck with your new cult, Nina.
50 08/27
  八雲よみ /Yakumo Yomi
51 00:28:31 $99.99   Faust the Heavenly Demonic Monster Hello Darling, here's your wine allowance. You've been missed dearly. В прошлый раз я говорил тебе, что завязываю с кумирами, и хотел сказать, что твоя личность очень напоминает мне моего первого кумира Диа Куросаву из Aqours. В общем, люблю тебя и продолжаю работать.
52 00:28:42 SGD2.00   Jimmy2buc - [FSF Task Force Bravo 1] and so Kosacult was formed
53 00:32:44 CA$124.34   Energy Niki [#344] Sacrificing this money to the Fox Wine gods. Really glad to be able to catch you live after this busy month!
54 00:33:18 $10.00   Rimuru Pandora Is My Anime Fox Mom a Cult Leader? The short answer is yes. Here's a donation to the cult funding.
55 00:33:38   Mordred Hi mum missed you!!! Welcome back
56 00:34:13   Jason Kruta Honeybunnies, we're gonna have to unionize...
57 00:34:31 $10.00   Pinkerton You're welcome to my blood, but wouldn't wine work better for you mom? Good luck starting your cult!
58 00:34:53   Mathias K. (メンバーシップ入り)
59 08/27
  Germán Pablo Helfenberger If Honey Bunnies Unionize... Do we need a HONEYCOMB? Or a BURROW?
60 00:36:10   Mamiya645 For sacrifice you can have my host body and its contents, including the not-red wine! Sold my soul to rock n' roll back in the 80's though
61 00:36:48   Spaghetto Depressi I mean, if Momma wants to sacrifice me Stab Stab amiright?
62 00:38:28 $9.99   NotSoDeadpool15 Ethyria’s mom has got it going on~ She’s all we want and we’ve waited for so Long- Nina can’t you see, that we love it when you stream!
63 00:40:01   ice cream bone you were the chosen one! it was said that you would destroy the part of you that cringes, not join them!
64 00:40:02 $10.00   Sora Korra accept our union mom! because in the end the love you take is equal to love you make!
65 00:40:31   ghostreaper100100 I volunteer as tribute
66 00:43:01   Sunken Treasures Games (メンバーシップ入り)
67 00:44:25   Serand the Warlord Wine for the Fox Mom God!!!
68 08/27
  阿毛 AMAO
69 08/27
  Sandman Sacrifice me mom
70 08/27
  Foreman589 what this button do?
71 00:47:20 SGD2.00   Jimmy2buc - [FSF Task Force Bravo 1] Why nit the dude who made the thumbnail
72 00:48:13   Sneak Bonus thank you for three months of you being you mom
73 00:51:48   Dice Haha Cringe
74 00:52:47   Zornir just joined and we're talking about safe words? ayo??
75 00:57:13 $5.00   Skyshield mater vult (mom wills it) would actually be the proper battle cry
76 00:58:25 $10.00   Dice Blood for the Motherlord! Bones for her Bone Throne! Supas for her never-ending Wine!!
77 00:59:46   Lago de Fuego Ninja Cossack?
78 00:59:53 SGD2.00   Jimmy2buc - [FSF Task Force Bravo 1] Free Supa Religion supports Kosacult
79 01:00:38 PEN2.00   Fernan of KFP Free Supa Religion supports Kosacult
80 01:01:29 $2.00   Colesparks#318 [The Keeper of the List] Dont trust her chat, the supas ARE free!
81 08/27
  David Fishkind Happy Friday Mom!
82 01:03:08   zerodudley (メンバーシップ入り)
83 08/27
  Ahao Sacrifice Me
84 01:05:25 ¥200   曲り角で急に被害者ヅラする会 love you mom
85 01:08:09 £5.00   Jack Hey Fox Mum, been a while since I caught a stream, Hope your move went well.
86 01:12:38   Inu- kun It's been a while since I could make it to your stream, but I'm happy I could make it. Love you Nina
87 01:15:12   Noglad hey Mom! missed the start of stream but so happy to see youre back - being able to listen to your stream makes any work day better
88 01:16:26 $10.00   NijiEnjoyer Welcome back Möther It's real specific, but just gotta say you've really inspired me to go all in on language learning! I think you knowing so many languages is so cool.
89 01:17:51 SGD2.00   Jimmy2buc - [FSF Task Force Bravo 1] Free Supa lives!!
90 01:18:19 $50.00   Rioka I dedicate this Free Supachat to you, Mom.
91 01:18:21 $10.00   Lago de Fuego Ninja Cossack? Naurwhal? Sheepachat?
92 01:19:09 $20.00   Joshua Fox Welcome back FOX MOM! Have a free supa on me!
93 01:20:03   Invietation (メンバーシップ入り)
94 01:21:27 CA$100.00   Invietation Hey Mom! Just using this free super chat to tell you that I lost my old credit card so the mombership got cancelled, good to be back though!
95 01:23:11   EnvyMizuhashi Welcome back, Nina! And welcome our new Sanguine Fox Lord!
96 01:27:10   Anansi Akai Welcome back Mom, its great to see you happy and healthy
97 01:27:57 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi O' Sanguine Fox Lord, let me hear your wisdom!
98 01:28:00   Вадим Шевченко Чтоб ты вспомнила про что я говорил, когда говорил про «Смерть» посмотри последний клип с тобой у Nakero
99 01:28:26 CA$5.00   Noglad this cult leader is so adorable! with their happy little smile, fluffy white fur and cute little red robes..... also the sheep is cute too
100 01:29:35 £5.00   Lauren Tonkin Nina would totally be an alolan ninetales if she were a pokemon. pure as white snow and just as beautiful ice/fairy fox mama
101 08/27
  ThatDarnSkag I’m clearly already a member, but I await indoctrination anyway
102 01:32:25   Nick Vo [#190] (メンバーシップ入り)
103 08/27
  Len Len
104 01:40:18 COP4,000.00   Phoos Beloved mistress Kosaka.
105 01:41:53 SGD10.00   LanceAge Hi Mum. Here to drop some wine money before i head off to bed.
106 01:49:47 $20.00   Ziryo Free Super Chat funds for Mother's Cult...and wine.
107 01:50:29   Kaliks 7 months with Mom truly a blessed time
108 01:51:16 HK$4.90   universeal
109 01:53:14   Rioka No faith? Haha, Cringe
110 02:01:50 $199.99   Вадим Шевченко Чуть не забыл, мы почти закончили наш проект, можно попросить побольше стримов на седущей неделе? Как минимум в субботу(не завтра, а следующую). Много артов доведены до совершенства, нужно дорисовать пару мемов и собрать все в кучу. Мы это выложим и на ютуб на канал накеро и на баксея твит
111 02:02:07   CowboyTuba ha ha cringe
112 02:02:45 $4.99   McWafflez45 Have a fun Lamb stream, Ninaur!! I'm so happy you're back <3
113 02:11:39 $1.99   Вадим Шевченко Лучше не пятницу, а именно субботу или воскресенье
114 02:18:28 $3.00   EnvyMizuhashi WHIP THE HERETICS INTO SHAPE!
115 08/27
  alcoholdonkey The mom-bership isn't a cult. haha... unless...
116 02:22:03   Zookwee (メンバーシップ入り)
117 02:23:17   Aang15 Manthida Love for Mom is unmeasurable!!
118 02:41:25 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi Bunny took the Munny!
119 02:50:03 $50.00   Ashlea Lorance Love you!
120 08/27
  Undefined404 Hello mom!!! Just wanted to say thanks for always being so sweet and comfy!!
121 02:59:52 £2.00   Jack I am definitely not playing League right now .....
122 08/27
  TSM_ BANANA Welcome back mom, give my life to the great fox goddess
123 03:08:25 €4.99   Hyv San Hey Nina! Around the time you debuted, I got clean from opioids. You and your colleagues helped and keep on helping me. I just wanted to say thanks!
124 03:11:35 SEK50.00   zacen12 You know, I tried to measure Nina Charisma on a Vit-o-matic Vigor Tester once. The machine burst into flames. SO I had to pay for it also
125 08/27
  Cloverlea [#47] Welcome back! All the platonic loooove, and have a great day!