トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
 CA$  CAD   10     299.98   32,255円
   $  USD   20     193.93   27,943円
 HK$  HKD   10     725.00   13,305円
 YEN    1    6       9500    9,500円
 PHP  PHP    6    2162.00    5,384円
  A$  AUD    4      45.00    4,318円
 SGD  SGD    1      20.00    2,034円
 NT$  TWD    3     395.00    1,812円
   £  GBP    1       8.99    1,468円
 AED  AED    1      36.99    1,450円
 MYR  MYR    1      19.90      629円
 IDR  IDR    2   40000.00      383円
---- ---- ----       ----  100,481円

No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
2 09/22
6 00:05:04 NT$170.00   なぎさ Good morning boss Hope you and Enna have a good time
12 00:39:38 $10.00   Cappythecat3351 DISTRACTING SUPAS GO!!!!
13 00:49:37 HK$100.00   🧸Yuna :3 🦁 HI BOSS JUST PASS BY~~ GUNBEAR LOL (distracting
15 00:57:44 $4.99   Knick Knacks 🐕 SADGE! Unsubscribed
16 00:57:46 $4.99   阿莹 ♡⃛ Ying Kaneshiro tasukaru
17 00:58:11 PHP125.00   PyR(e) OUCH
18 00:58:21 $5.00   Cappythecat3351
Sadge hours :(
19 00:58:24 $10.00   Zornir boss... how could you say that to us? I was a lucub but now I'm not so sure...
20 00:59:39 CA$2.00   U s e r n a m e THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS :0 how dare you say that to us poor lucubs
21 01:05:42 $2.00   Al3x18 Check IT!! Check IT!! Check IT!! Check IT!! YO!!
22 01:07:40 £8.99   TTumi Kaneshiro Since after i came to uk, it’s really hard to follow your stream, but I still can do it! Love you boss~
24 01:22:34 $5.00   Soga Azure hi luca n enna, can i get a happy birthday on the last few hours of my birthday? please? x3
25 01:24:35 $2.00   Rodrigo UwU kisses
32 02:46:46 CA$5.00   scythsei enna-nee-chan? would u ever say that? its almost a palindrome
33 02:49:39 HK$50.00   🧸Yuna :3 🦁
There are 2 areas of parks divided In Tokyo Japan! Both of them are sooo great!!! Deezney Sea based. GO TRY LUCAAA!!! YOU WILL HAVE FUN!!!
37 03:40:45 $9.99   Suki Great advice
38 03:41:38 A$10.00   Wild Okami Hi Boss, this is my first superchat but if it's not too much of a bother, can I have a simple "Happy Birthday, Okami" from you and possibly Enna too? It's my birthday today
39 03:42:00 HK$50.00   🧸Yuna :3 🦁
you're just a wood. Dude. i will literally cry if i were that girl... oh god...
40 03:42:46 $10.00   Azi luca kaneshiro heartbreaker 2022
41 03:43:18 $10.00   Troggz93 Bro I can understand you cuz ive somehow convinced myself a girl who liked me didnt like me too... but i bet anime girl is watching right now and crying fr
42 03:43:46 $10.00   Alesha Borbo Kilayko i love u with my whole heart luca but u r the start of anime person's villain origin story
47 05:03:19 $5.00   Kimberly Aguilar Luca! if you get to marry someone, at least invite to the wedding! please boss!
48 05:03:45 A$20.00   Gravit Wry What the hell did I just join into?
55 05:14:11 $50.00   Muse I think out of all the streams I've watched so far on your channel, this one was the best. Also love you Enna. Thank you for the awesome stream Luca.
57 05:14:45 AED36.99   Aiと Thank you for the fun stream today! Both you and Enna were my first experience with Nijisanji, glad you had fun! Rest well
61 05:15:16 IDR5,000.00   kesya🦁 (無言スパチャ)
62 05:15:41 PHP1,250.00   Rai Tan It was such a blast watching you and Enna today~ Thank you for the very fun collab Luca! It won’t be until next week but I hope you can rest well, refuel and recharge during your break
63 05:16:01 A$10.00   Wild Okami
Hi Luca, if it's not too much of a bother, can I have a simple "Happy Birthday Okami" from you? It's my birthday today
65 05:17:38 HK$250.00   🧸Yuna :3 🦁
thanks for streaming, i am sure i have a lil chance for that application now. (wink wink (back to line) thanks Enna, thanks for teaching him chinese. i will save it. thanks boss! otsukare~ i have so much fun! Boss, you are.. i mean..
66 05:18:39 $9.99   hanalei kaneshiro it’s been like 3hrs but i can’t stop thinking about how switch sports did u dirty with that orange jumpsuit & mii haircut bro looked like a lightmode vector from despicable me
67 05:18:40 NT$150.00   布恰C🥞ButcherC thanks for the collab today!i really love your story time bossit's so funnnn no matter how many times i listen to it!
68 05:19:09 HK$50.00   RAN JIE JIE TSKR I CRYGE
69 05:19:13 CA$13.99   jellobubs really enjoyed today’s collab with enna!! the post-game zatsus are always super fun (made me forget about my morning shift so gnnn)
70 05:19:58 ¥1,000   Sazanami Thank you for the POG collab stream with Ennaurr Onee-chan!!! I wanna see more collab with her!! Also congrats new goods coming!!
71 05:20:01 $10.00   Riringo • リリンゴ Thanks for the fun stream! (Definitely didn't mald with enna about anime girl. Poor girl.... ) loved the wholesome sibling vibes
74 05:21:46 $9.99   Leonys [Evostrellaa] I loved both Enna’s and yours dynamic a lot, especially your conversations afterwards! Who knew boss was like that when he was younger lmao learning new things about you each stream! Poor girl tho lol
75 05:22:49 NT$75.00   虚 | Uro Thanks for the collab! It's so fun and both of you are so cute
76 05:22:57 $10.00   kellykgreeneart loved the stream luca!! really enjoyed today and the chat after was a lot of fun to listen to, and.. really hit home at times lol, any way, thanks again! perfect early birthday gift! pog!
78 05:23:58 SGD20.00   Nanoka super fun stream with Ennaur Jiejie, you really learnt a lot today boss
80 05:24:34 PHP125.00   Zloren Thanks for the wholesome collab today boss ...also i feel bad for the anime x closet girl...she must've played unravel while walking in the rain
81 05:24:56 HK$50.00   🧸Yuna :3 🦁
beforei became a vtb girl, i am a anime girl,,, boss, you better pay attention LOL.
83 05:25:25 ¥5,000   JIAN지안 I was busy today, but it's nice to hear the boss's voice for a while. Thank you as always. I love you! I hope you have a good day! saranghae
84 05:25:29 $4.99   pupzie welcome to ojisanji luca !
85 05:28:19 CA$100.00   Annie Thanks for the stream it's always really fun to watch you collab! My heart is now full thanks to Enna's wink! Bye ojisan! POOOOOOOOGGG!
86 05:28:27 CA$50.00   appleblossom boss can I get a patpat(bonk is fine LMAO) pweaseee I need to go to the hospital in the middle of the night (sadgeeeee) . (YOU OJISANJI: FLORIDA MAN LMAO)
89 05:29:29 ¥500   pfennig had a great time today love both of you sm (also happy to be here for 6 months.) see ya tmr
90 05:32:26 CA$10.00   Tata Miracle OMG GOLDEN AUGUSTUS
91 05:33:31 MYR19.90   KIKO フリーダム田辺 Need to go for work now goodbye Boss and have a nice day, I don’t wish to go please scold me and let me gooooooo
94 05:38:01 PHP125.00   livin' la vida luca thank you for the fun collab with enna and for the batsus, boss! the post-game zatsu was really fun to listen to while working
96 05:46:14 CA$50.00   appleblossom
97 05:47:39 A$5.00   Miratriss Apparently to unlock your american accent, you just needed to channel your inner fboy
98 05:48:48 $9.99   Skye Fawn [Luca's Secretary] How much do I have to pay to get you to never use that voice again?
100 05:51:42 CA$13.99   akatsuki we like you just the way you are boss pLease never make us go through that again
103 05:55:45 CA$5.00   VeeJaiii Thanks for the stream Luca the stories you told Enna were painfully relatable but it was still fun nonetheless
104 05:56:46 ¥2,000   JIAN지안
Today, there was so much hard work for me. Boss, can you wink for me?
108 06:00:36 CA$50.00   appleblossom
110 06:01:39 ¥500   るるちゃん -ruruchan- I've made a lot of friends lately thanks to Lucachu
111 06:02:36 HK$50.00   Seten 💛🌷 It’s a 6 hours stream I know but is it possible to ask for a Luca Energy recharge please🥹
112 06:04:52 HK$50.00   Honeko(ホネコ) thanks for the collab Boss!!! really enjoyed you two talking rest well and good night !!!
113 06:04:56 PHP500.00   Mei Mei Thank you for today's fun stream! You and Enna's vibes really gives out a siblings energy! You have distracted me from work. btw, if you are the one to propose... I'll be patiently waiting for you then, babe. Take care!
116 06:06:41 ¥500   Sazanami
I had no time to eat lunch but I'm full of too much fun !! ばいばいボス! Chuchu mua mua
118 06:14:01 PHP37.00   livin' la vida luca
119 06:14:35 HK$25.00   Amelia * Luca Clips w BBQ We are starting stream? NICE
120 06:15:13 IDR35,000.00   Lyon Raziel GO REST BOSS