配信名【#PETOCURRY LV.6 🍛🔥】w-we are sooooooo back !!【NIJISANJI EN | Petra Gurin】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
YEN YEN 5 13934 \13,934
CA$ CAD 3 110.00 \11,868
$ USD 4 25.00 \3,658
BOB BOB 1 50.00 \1,055
EUR EUR 1 6.00 \955
A$ AUD 1 5.00 \473
NT$ TWD 3 75.00 \344
MYR MYR 1 6.00 \189
---- ---- ---- ---- \32,476
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:03:38   するめ (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:16:59 ¥500   寄せ豆腐 豆腐ー!豆腐は要らんかねぇー!?…広島県の江田島には日本一辛いという鬼壺豆腐というものがあるそうです。…試して見ませんか?
3 00:17:31 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu - Millie's UNPAID Actor😳 The food poisoning I suffered yesterday reminded me of a little cure you could try: a cup of water mixed with 1/4 spoo sugar and 1/4 salt stay safe
4 00:19:02 NT$15.00   だいすきだよ鬼い (a無言スパチャ)
5 00:30:57 $5.00   KelloggsPP Every camgirl selling feet pics with no face is secretly Petra Gurin is now my headcanon and you can't stop me.
6 00:31:55 A$5.00   jub8891 hi Peto... what would you do if you found your friend looking through your trash for used tissues? would you still be friends with them?
7 00:35:57 $5.00   Shin Amamiya シン OI SEXY PETER-SAN! Where's petra? did you add her to the curry bc she's so hot and penguin has fatty meat
8 08月31日
MYR6.00   Mok Ling Ming money.
9 01:15:46   Izumo・izuchi もう少しでペン友2年になるーー
10 01:50:54   Jan Tuck (メンバーシップ入り)
11 01:51:17 NT$30.00   だいすきだよ鬼い
12 01:51:23 CA$100.00   Ghost of Pomu - Millie's UNPAID Actor😳
Say less
13 01:54:49 ¥10,000   豆腐の妖精 Is penguin edible?
14 01:56:50   豆腐の妖精 (メンバーシップ入り)
15 08月31日
¥2,434   豆腐の妖精
 Hello Senpai penguins
16 01:59:30 $10.00   Alex Riley CUTEST OUTFIT REVEAL!!!!!!
17 01:59:39 ¥500   Bruce Congrats on debut, Petra Gurin! Strange debut stream with the curry, but it was unique!
18 02:03:02 CA$5.00   Ghost of Pomu - Millie's UNPAID Actor😳
Men like feet the same way women like hands and forearms (at least that's what I heard from someone on YouTube)
19 02:05:28 NT$30.00   だいすきだよ鬼い
20 02:06:08 €6.00   Floofy Hoots Peto having a tail is the reason we got to see her cake on the ref sheet, so how can you not appreciate it?
21 02:12:01   F0XBlade Shu has the right mindset
22 02:13:11   penguin love 焼きペトラかわいい
23 02:13:55 $5.00   Alex Riley
same page yes!!!
24 02:14:00   Deedee (メンバーシップ入り)
25 02:14:03 BOB50.00   Luxin57 ok mom
26 08月31日
  Ghost of Pomu - Millie's UNPAID Actor😳 5
27 08月31日
  豆腐の妖精 5
28 02:19:22 ¥500   Dai ここから出して
29 02:20:33   🍌🍌 your hope peto, I got an in game friend yesterday and they kept calling me Gurin. I just remembered my in game name is now PhantomGurin.