記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 89 431.82 \56,669
HK$ HKD 3 850.00 \14,209
A$ AUD 14 46.89 \4,258
NT$ TWD 13 480.00 \2,100
CA$ CAD 3 12.00 \1,174
R$ BRL 7 23.00 \585
PHP PHP 3 223.00 \539
NZ$ NZD 1 5.00 \414
MYR MYR 2 12.00 \369
YEN YEN 1 320 \320
£ GBP 1 2.00 \315
IDR IDR 1 20000.00 \173
THB THB 1 40.00 \157
---- ---- ---- ---- \81,282
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月05日
  YuKiKa_tan (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:04:05 $50.00   Niclas Bedneter help I am addicted to cute anime enchantress girl
3 00:05:04 A$2.00   wemajor Anti-Pickle fund 1022/4500 what a start today
4 00:05:38 $5.00   Rashzakea That's not very fair of Mamaguni, you're doing very well Also did you get new squeezers for your colored batter?
5 00:05:39 $2.00   Pinkerton Remembers pancake mix, forgot herself. Sasuga oshi
6 00:06:12 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Can't be a Scarle stream without scuff, but that's what I love about you!
7 00:06:48 $5.00   Bintock that mix smell a little of petroleum
8 00:06:55 NT$75.00   R-Yong haha pro streamer scarl/10. did you remember fix typo on next week schedule and clean your room?
9 00:09:08 CA$2.00   Banglog is chat supposed to be cut off on the top corner?
10 00:10:13 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
Nice, karaoke stream on Tuesday, looking forward to hear you sing!
11 00:12:08 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
12 00:19:32 $5.00   Otto Pnuematik (a無言スパチャ)
13 00:20:15 NT$30.00   R-Yong
How did that even possible..but did you find Riku?
14 00:20:37 $5.55   Brando Sheriff glad you finally found your glasses again... now what about Tazumi-san
15 00:24:29 $1.00   Pinkerton
16 00:27:25 $2.00   Patrick Star :)
17 00:27:43 IDR20,000.00   Mafu what if you add Pringle into the batter
18 00:28:02   renyangze (メンバーシップ入り)
19 00:30:26 R$5.00   GM Lemmy I'm late... Who's on fire extinguisher duty tonight?
20 00:36:37 NT$30.00   R-Yong
Dont use us as your excuse of your laziness lmao
21 00:37:23 A$7.99   Kales Lags So if it’s a meet up of an offline meetup and collab with Iluna and other NijiEN members, are you willing to go?
22 00:37:35 NT$30.00   R-Yong
Do I looks like Rashzakea to you
23 00:41:49 $5.00   Drägøth TH Does this mean that if something cool pops up we should choose your stream over that? also rip ma boi r-yong
24 00:42:19 $5.00   Xyris Kalamax we doing this again? You remember how bad this went last time right? PS: don't forget the eyepatch and bandana when making the boss into a pancake.
25 00:43:41 NT$30.00   R-Yong
I guess i'm Rashza-Yong now
26 01:07:19 $2.00   ARC-2374 Those are just weak genetics
27 01:08:09 $5.00   implode hi Scarle can you reverse the Pomu I feel scared and confused currently
28 01:10:17 $5.00   Bintock
You're mom's a good mom. She is keeping tabs on you well and with attention to detail.
29 01:10:41 $5.00   Xyris Kalamax
don't forget the eyepatch and bandana. I can't stress that enough. They are a must for the boss.
30 01:11:24 $2.00   Rashzakea
But does Mamaguni know we encouraged you to sleep?
31 01:12:37 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch. Scarle's in the Kitchen again! Going Defcon 2!!
32 01:15:26 $1.00   Brando Sheriff
33 01:15:59 $1.00   NotoriousBSG82
34 01:16:00 PHP25.00   Tan ツ (a無言スパチャ)
35 01:23:32 $2.00   Bintock
Pissydatchi Chimera
36 01:23:51 $1.00   Pinkerton
37 01:24:21 $2.00   Red ITS PAIMON
38 01:26:33 R$5.00   GM Lemmy
That one turned out really well... Sasuga enchantress!!
39 01:27:58 ¥320   なぎさ nice pancake♡verycute:)
40 01:31:49 $2.00   Bintock
put the leg in the mouth?
41 01:38:00 $2.00   Pinkerton
Can we name it Little Timmydachi?
42 01:38:03 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
it's cute, definitely a LEG up from the last ones
43 01:49:38 $2.00   Bintock
44 01:50:47 $2.00   Geese ギース like ..... a screwdriver?
45 02:00:00 $4.99   Greg D Scarle, I have a Question, Tell me, How much do you cook weekly? We know u drink red bull daily, but what is ur ratio bet. frozen food and Homecookin?
46 02:08:32 CA$5.00   D K FIYAH!!!
47 02:08:54   The Phantomnaut "YOU'RE PRETTY GOOD"
48 02:09:21 R$2.00   Guto Lima I kinda wanna eat your food for the first time
49 02:10:01 $2.00   ChocoFlan the patch line goes from both sides we love it tho
50 02:11:07 $2.00   Xyris Kalamax
Boss! It's you!
51 02:12:18 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
it's Solid Pomu and Liquid Pomu
52 02:14:48 R$5.00   GM Lemmy
It's cute! Good job! As always, everyone enjoys your waffle-making streams, Scarle! Especially the ant colony in your room
53 02:15:42 R$2.00   GM Lemmy
My mistake... Pancake*.
54 02:18:23 $1.99   Greg D
Scarle, niji collab: NY, Tokyo, Toronto, or Miami?
55 02月05日
  zoe 1
56 02:22:02 $1.99   Greg D
Scarle, How many Aka supers for daily showers?
57 02:22:58 NT$30.00   R-Yong
NO showers? Stinky, guys give her showers!
58 02:23:38 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
59 02:25:10 $9.99   Greg D
Never went to a con, but I have heard of the Free Hugs, Yaoi paddles, and Glomping era... also, Telling ALL cosplayers To PHOTO.. They have things to do to, guys, ask first..
60 02:25:56 $5.00   Pauncho Smith Cons actually had to ban yaoi paddles because people were literally beating each other into the ER, it got that bad.
61 02:27:01 $4.99   Greg D
Wait, Scar u were a cosplayer, how do you ever get to do anything during a Con when you cosplay? People must swarm u, an introverted Bean.. sounds oof
62 02:27:25 $5.00   ChocoFlan
Scarlings if you see me at a con you have sir William's permission to pet him. Youll know if its me bc Sir william will be on my head with a top hat
63 02:30:26 NT$30.00   R-Yong
It's ok, we and your friends are all understand
64 02:31:51 $1.99   Greg D
Shylen Yonaguni, master of The Quiet Riot!
65 02:32:52 PHP99.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂 then they are ambiverts
66 02:33:54 $4.99   Greg D
Look, Ambiverted Is the word, You love people, and being social, but you Are a bit awkward, and don't always know what to say, so U are in the middle.
67 02:35:19 $5.00   Theocrass just coming in to say i hope you leave no bottles of pancake batter fermenting for weeks after this
68 02:35:34 $2.00   Michel Romero you like being alone but hate feeling lonely
69 02:35:56 $1.99   Greg D
Scarle, There are levels to this, also Ambivert.
70 02:37:00 $1.99   Greg D
Am-bi-Vert, Not Om-Ni-vert.
71 02:37:29 $1.99   Greg D
You're an INFP? I'm an ENFP, This makes sense.
72 02:38:22 MYR6.00   Hoshi Moshi Infp buddies unite
73 02月05日
  Theocrass 5
74 02:45:15 PHP99.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂
U must have faith and believe in urself.
75 02:48:25 $69.00   ru de ghoul cooking time
76 02:52:28 $2.00   Red
77 02:53:23 A$2.99   muffin I come back and I witness murder
78 03:04:25 A$2.99   muffin
I have faith is will be a disaster
79 03:06:54 $1.99   Wasabio 777 [Scarle’s Secretary] CHAT who said she could try the kitchen again
80 03:11:01 A$2.99   muffin
My twitter app is open
81 03:14:39 $2.00   rakugaima u can do this queen i believe in u
82 03:15:35 A$2.99   muffin
I believe she will mess it up again
83 03:16:05 $2.00   Michael Fang Let her cook as long as it's not pizza.
84 03:20:42 $5.00   Chris Tooley Scarle malds and weeps the most when she cooks. It's probably worse than Jump King and truth be told even more painful
85 03:21:33 A$2.99   muffin
Scarle kitchen nightmares I believe this time
86 03:22:34 $2.00   Onyx_the_Gem_God doing better on the second go, just breathe
87 03:23:58 $1.99   Wasabio 777 [Scarle’s Secretary]
Scarle the skull emoji lookin a little off
88 03:26:14 NT$30.00   R-Yong
You need to change your autopilot system
89 03:28:32 A$2.99   muffin
Guys don’t forget scrale is a chef
90 03:29:27 $10.00   rakugaima
being mean makes me feel bad so, in the kindest and most loving way possible, that looks hideous
91 03:29:35 $10.00   Gallienus2049 You did it! It looks POIFECT!
92 03:30:02 $2.00   Celestia Brown You're as sweet as your pancakes!
93 03:30:05 $5.00   SA Soldier If I have to pay you to bully can I pay you to bully someone in chat you prefer. Just not me, otherwise I'll bully back and win.
94 03:30:13 A$2.99   muffin
That looks cute
95 03:30:14   I_am_ENSanity Watching you on the main TV while I drink and workout makes me laugh constantly.
96 03:31:04 NT$30.00   R-Yong
I'm open for Scarle bully btw
97 03:31:40 R$2.00   Guto Lima
Giving consent right now
98 03:32:34 $2.00   SA Soldier
I meant you bully them not me bully them
99 03:33:42 $5.00   ReiAyanami8 LOL! I just booted up the stream and a giant Elira head staring into my soul.
100 03:37:19 $5.00   Helplesschikn Finally settled at my new place after the flood. Now I can relax and enjoy more mommy Scarle streams.
101 03:40:29 NT$30.00   R-Yong
SCARLE IS A normie ??? Best joke of the century
102 03:41:42 $2.00   Chris Tooley
People ONLY fight @ WaffleHouse grub's secondary
103 04:01:02 $2.00   Frantix3654 We dont question creative methods. It just works
104 04:01:11 $2.00   Red
Scarle ready for birthday parties
105 04:11:03 $4.99   DelStar You bamboozled me I thought lazulight was here
106 04:12:42 NZ$5.00   Lone Mistborn I arrived late but I saw your Pomu one that you posted and it looks rad af
107 04:12:48 $4.99   DelStar
Also please make sure to clean up everything when you’re done Yonaguni
108 04:14:12 $5.00   MightyBryGuy XX Here's a super chat that's almost the same color as Elira's eye...
109 04:14:14 $5.00   Mikael Ore egg included for Finana? hi Scarle!! :D
110 04:15:04 $2.00   Patrick Star
111 04:16:34   huang george just curious how many you made and who is going to eat it, also HBD Scarle
112 04:19:29 R$2.00   Guto Lima
Nice WeMajor
113 04:19:41 $20.00   Mikael Ore
omg. well you deserve this supa for that, because you just stole my heart again, omg you are precious and all your effort in those streams is appreciated!
114 04:20:05 A$2.99   muffin
Noooo its looks sooo good scarle
115 04:20:22 $2.00   MightyBryGuy XX
Super chat that's blue like Ewiwa
116 04:27:15 $2.00   Red
Alexa play Unravel
117 04:28:36 $2.00   Cyborg Ed Scarle, The Dragon Slayer.
118 04:28:59 MYR6.00   edoge14 Buzzcut gone wrong
119 04:29:14 A$2.99   muffin
Girl your so clumsy
120 04:29:17 $2.00   MightyBryGuy XX
To buy a drink to pour one out for Ewiwa's ear...
121 04:29:30 $2.00   Red
122 04:31:01 $2.00   Moleyswag I have 100% faith in Scarle :_Pray:
123 04:31:36   Yuwu (メンバーシップ入り)
124 02月05日
  Christopher Pena
125 04:35:51 £2.00   Yugoxgc Oh Cool You just started Elira for the 1st time
126 04:37:23 $5.00   Pinkerton
Remind yourself that you're making a pancake, not a picasso.
127 04:39:01 $5.00   MightyBryGuy XX
To pay for the therapy you're gonna need after this...
128 04:40:23 $5.55   Brando Sheriff
hello it's me, emotional support. you're doing great, it's turning out good, you got this
129 04:45:28 $5.00   MightyBryGuy XX
Your spending more time making this pancake then Staff did making her 3d model...
130 04:45:54 $5.00   ReiAyanami8
First I want to say, that you are doing very well, try not to be too hard on yourself. Second, this is quite the background noise I have playing, lol
131 04:52:51 A$2.99   muffin
Girl keep those clumsy hands still I swear to god
132 05:21:54 A$2.00   hyouka HELLO AGAIN >:DDD
133 05:29:47 A$5.00   hyouka
pretty sure purple feesh is the shiny ver of finana anyway so might as well kekw
134 05:31:45 $2.00   Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino - Pancake Feesh is adorbs!!!
135 02月05日
  Sleepyhead need hug 5
136 02月05日
  Joe B. - Tsurugi Aozukino - 5
137 05:35:14 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver better than I could do, 10/10
138 02月05日
  Brando Sheriff 5
139 02月05日
  Melody__chilingYOLO 5
140 05:38:47 HK$500.00   Melody__chilingYOLO finally free to watch you my queen! POG!! all of the pancake art are good! (x food crime but food art
141 05:41:32 HK$250.00   Melody__chilingYOLO
142 05:41:58 HK$100.00   Melody__chilingYOLO
143 05:48:19 $1.99   WraithSage Also my apologies if I was annoying in chat. GN
144 06:16:39 $7.77   Brando Sheriff
You did so good on the pancakes! I can definitely see the progress from the last ones. You'll be a master pancake artist in no time
145 02月05日
  Fluffy Kat💋 5
146 06:22:14 NT$30.00   R-Yong
You doing very good today, they cute
147 06:22:36 NT$75.00   Fluffy Kat💋 I missed cuz I napped but I’m glad everything turned out so well!!!I witnessed the pomudachi got made at least
148 06:23:15 CA$5.00   D K
Had a really good time Scarle, thanks for hanging on to the end!
149 06:28:44 NT$30.00   R-Yong
goodnight rest well mwah
150 02月05日
  Fluffy Kat💋 5
151 06:29:49 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
sneaky sneaky rest well, you did great
152 02月05日
THB40.00   Mick McBaldy ITS MY TIME TO SHINE
153 02月05日
$2.00   Drägøth TH
Goated ma bois
154 02月05日
$2.22   Brando Sheriff
no u