トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   64     996.78  133,081円
 HK$  HKD   56    4884.00   83,018円
 YEN    1   32      57520   57,520円
 CA$  CAD   12     455.98   47,300円
 NT$  TWD   17    6669.00   29,676円
  A$  AUD   11     276.46   25,669円
 PHP  PHP   18    5758.00   13,831円
 SGD  SGD    6     101.49    9,824円
 MYR  MYR    5      96.00    2,873円
  R$  BRL    2      80.00    2,033円
   £  GBP    1       8.99    1,452円
 AED  AED    1      36.99    1,343円
 IDR  IDR    2   44900.00      402円
 WON  KRW    1       2000      204円
---- ---- ----       ----  408,226円

No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
8 08/05
PHP37.00   Chi-Lyn Kanekuro
9 08/05
¥150   理†Fall Osamu
10 08/05
NT$22.00   布恰C🥞ButcherC
11 08/05
HK$8.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰
12 08/05
HK$8.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰
13 08/05
PHP37.00   Rai Tan
14 08/05
PHP37.00   livin' la vida luca
15 08/05
$1.49   Coping for Shrek 🙏
16 08/05
HK$8.00   Honekaur(ホネコ)
17 08/05
PHP37.00   April AuuUUggghhhust(눈_눈)
18 08/05
$1.49   maya 💛
19 08/05
HK$8.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰
20 08/05
IDR14,900.00   Z Kaneshiro☀
21 08/05
$0.99   Lilly Hong
22 08/05
HK$8.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰
23 08/05
SGD1.49   calico
24 08/05
$0.99   Leonys [Evostrellaa]
25 08/05
$0.99   MizukiMiyazaki
26 08/05
$1.49   sherry
27 08/05
$1.49   aikomeii
28 08/05
PHP37.00   April AuuUUggghhhust(눈_눈)
30 08/05
HK$8.00   Tsubaki Akai
40 00:00:26 HK$50.00   Yuu˙Ⱉ˙ Hi boss! Yesterday was my birthday, can you say “happy birthday”to me? I’m going to cafe to eat some cake now, hope you have fun in fall guys today!!And 750K POGGG
47 00:03:48 ¥500   one-chanおねーちゃん HELLOOOOO BOSSSSSSSS
50 00:04:52 ¥120   Reallll Yuji (無言スパチャ)
52 00:05:30 $5.00   Ceyefir Hey boss! hope you have a good day thanks for the stream!
57 00:06:04 HK$50.00   RAN POG
58 00:06:20 HK$50.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰 750k POOOOGGGG LETS FIGHT LUCA TGT!!! POOOOGGG!!!!
60 00:06:23 ¥5,000   星 -akari- だいすきだよ
64 00:06:46 HK$158.00   CHUCHUKANESHIRO Boss you won't win today !!
65 00:06:56 $10.00   HIGASHIKATA pain pain go away
67 00:06:59 $9.99   MizukiMiyazaki Miss you so much Luca! Happy 750k and glad to see you feel better!
70 00:07:19 $4.99   Mommy Hii boss!
71 00:07:36 CA$100.00   Go Lucubs! Go! WOOO 750K!! CONGRATS!
72 00:07:45 $10.00   Brisa Boss if i win i swear I'll tattoo it on me lmao
73 00:07:56 R$50.00   DiaLux Lucaur. i missed you......hello hello hello ROWWWR
74 00:07:58 NT$330.00   Aii_ POG!
75 00:08:00 SGD5.00   Princess Twilight Sparkle Would you make some lobbies for members only and some public? Just to make it fair and everyone has a chance and code one letter or number at a time?
79 00:09:56 HK$250.00   Tsubaki Akai GO LUCUBS GOOOOO
81 00:10:45 HK$50.00   B congrats 750k, cant wait to see your drawing
83 00:13:34 $5.00   HIGASHIKATA go lucubs go!!!give him the biggest hug!!
85 00:13:48 NT$330.00   Alicia 750k congrats Boss
88 00:14:12 ¥500   one-chanおねーちゃん Lucuds GOOOOOOOOO いけーーーーーー!!!
90 00:14:26 $20.00   gaby [ギャビー] Luca!! I had so much fun at the Luxiem panel at Animefest!! It was so fun meeting so many Luxiem fans irl. Everything with Luxiem is always so fun! Pog you boss!! I'm paying my mafia dues!! Chu chu.
93 00:17:16 $5.00   Coping for Shrek 🙏
97 00:17:54 HK$8.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰
99 00:18:12 HK$10.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰 POG
103 00:18:29 HK$25.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰 GOOD GAME WUCA
107 00:18:52 HK$50.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰 LMAO LUCA IS AUDIENCE NOW
109 00:19:13 HK$100.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰 ARE YOU THE NEW BOI?
110 00:19:38 HK$250.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰 GLAD YOU'RE HERE
113 00:19:54 HK$500.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰 HEE HEE HEE
116 00:20:51 ¥7,500   星 -akari- 750K CONGRATSI can't wait to play a game with the boss and beat him I look forward to the day we beat Luca. Sorry if my English is wrong. I LOVE YOU
119 00:21:48 HK$25.00   TATA NINOMIYA
123 00:22:28 MYR30.00   mxl🍊 750k pog!
124 00:22:39 ¥100   星 -akari- (無言スパチャ)
125 00:22:43 PHP125.00   ツZlorenツ can't wait to grabma boss again I MEAN- cheer for boss again IKZ LUCUBS- I MEAN IKZ BOSS YOU GOT THAT NO.1 VICTORY ROYALE..also CONGRATS ON 750K POGGG
127 00:23:29 ¥200   星 -akari- (無言スパチャ)
128 00:23:45 $5.00   HIGASHIKATA go grab guys! love boss! (big hug
129 00:23:48 ¥500   星 -akari- (無言スパチャ)
130 00:24:10 ¥1,000   星 -akari- (無言スパチャ)
131 00:24:14 $5.00   piper I MISSED U BOSSMAN glad ur feeling better>333 ily
132 00:24:26 ¥2,000   星 -akari- (無言スパチャ)
137 00:25:53 ¥10,000   星 -akari- I am here to send you this month's rainbow spa.I will continue to support you. AISHITERU ZO CHUUUUU
138 00:26:00 HK$250.00   Momo Tao I will do my best today!!LUCUBS GOOOO!
140 00:26:58 HK$100.00   EHii miss u BOSS
142 00:27:22 PHP125.00   Charlene 🧸 750k!
143 00:27:22 $5.00   HIGASHIKATA
144 00:27:42 $10.00   HIGASHIKATA
148 00:28:02 $20.00   HIGASHIKATA
149 00:28:07 A$5.00   Dark Angel Hello Boss, I am new here but I love being able to catch your streams because for me it's a normal time zone.
150 00:28:20 $50.00   HIGASHIKATA
153 00:29:18 $20.00   tanya [ターニャ] Hi boss I'm so glad youre back! I went to the panel at AnimeFest this weekend and I was so happy to see all of Luxiem real not clickbait in person! Do you have any behind the scenes stories or favorite moments from the panel?
155 00:30:05 CA$5.00   Noa [monyuki] pog u boss thanks for the game
157 00:32:26 ₩2,000   J B Why so serious?
160 00:33:21 $4.99   Luca’s leather glove BOSS I’m going to an expo next week cosplaying as you I’m super excited to go! Good luck with Fall Guys (guys push him off next round)
163 00:34:09 ¥500   one-chanおねーちゃん frogs are cute かえるかわいい!!
165 00:34:27 HK$50.00   zhuyun 0924 omg luca i am your fans!i appreciate your art very much!can u teach me how to draw
168 00:36:21 HK$50.00   Feng Hello boss!Love you, hope you have a nice day!
169 00:37:06 $5.00   HIGASHIKATA missed again! go lucubs go!
170 00:37:48 CA$50.00   Jewel I can't play with you all tonight, it's really late for me HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK, WUCAAAAA
173 00:39:22 IDR30,000.00   Ji Han
176 00:42:56 HK$50.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰 GG!
177 00:43:31 ¥500   ゆにけ(ゆでたまごにケチャップ)
178 00:43:59 $50.00   HIGASHIKATA It‘s ok boss, you'll win the next time, maybe,hehehereally luv U
182 00:51:47 HK$50.00   zhuyun 0924 if i can i want to give this two player sc because they re too strong omg lmao
183 00:54:42 $3.00   HIGASHIKATA
186 00:57:00 CA$20.00   Jewel free?
187 00:57:04 HK$100.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰 free? YES IT'S FREE O7
190 00:57:17 PHP499.00   Samantha (無言スパチャ)
191 00:57:27 HK$50.00   B free supa, got it lmao
192 00:57:34 ¥5,000   Matcha Free Supa?
193 00:57:40 NT$300.00   Jung freeeee
195 00:57:53 $10.00   maya 💛 free??
197 00:58:21 PHP250.00   🦁Lusoul free supa?
199 01:00:06 A$20.00   Annanana keep doing what you're doing wuca, you make alotta people happy :)
200 01:01:01 CA$50.00   Jewel Last free supa bcs I'm for real going to bed now for real for real. PLS HYDRATE!!! Good night and good luck! GET THAT CROWN, KING
201 01:01:32 $10.00   HIGASHIKATA really want play with U,but missed everytime why lucubs so fast??GOOD LUCK BOSS
202 01:03:55 HK$100.00   🦁 i am yunaur ? :3 💰 YOU GOT SICK DEBUFF THO. NO WORRY WUCA! YOU HAVE MORE CHANCE TO GRAB MA! GRAB MA S....
205 01:04:25 $50.00   sherry 750k pog! and moving fund! have some good nice furniture for yourself!
207 01:05:11 NT$750.00   Angel Ling Hi Boss!! Hope U feel better!!Today is my birthday!! Just wanna say thanks for you bring so much happiness and joy to this world!!Every things getting better after met you!! Love U forever
208 01:05:23 HK$38.00   ✿.*・jin​🦁 That’s was super fun to play with you but I keep dying sadge
210 01:07:21 HK$100.00   zhuyun 0924 if u need to win than finish the stream, will u stream foever? i mean...gunbear hahahaha
211 01:07:30 $5.00   Ale Espar welcome back boss! Good luck and feel better! Drink warm tea for your cough! Can't stay it's 12 am and I'm sick, could i get a pog or chu before bed?
216 01:15:19 A$50.00   Tartaglia Late to the stream but HAPPY 750K POG! Hope you're feeling better today Luca. Thanks for always making my day ILY
219 01:20:32 $2.00   Brisa Boss is cracked
222 01:23:56 NT$1,690.00   Nora I don’t know what to say, I’m just thinking of you a lot at this moment. Love you
223 01:25:59 $4.99   Kai chuchu Hold up ain’t you Nathaniel B?
225 01:26:38 $5.00   Coping for Shrek 🙏
226 08/05
HK$50.00   yunayuna2.0໒・ﻌ・७ :3🦁 gunbear luca!!!! you got this! you can!!!! not cant!!!!!
227 01:27:00 HK$25.00   Shovel Chan🥄
228 01:27:04 CA$5.00   Tata Miracle Boss you can do this next round you will win I trust you
229 01:27:33 PHP125.00   April AuuUUggghhhust(눈_눈)
230 01:27:38 $5.00   Coping for Shrek 🙏
231 01:28:31 HK$10.00   zhuyun 0924 (無言スパチャ)
232 01:29:01 HK$25.00   zhuyun 0924 (無言スパチャ)
233 01:29:09 ¥200   Vera UUU
234 01:29:27 HK$50.00   zhuyun 0924 (無言スパチャ)
235 01:29:59 HK$100.00   zhuyun 0924 (無言スパチャ)
237 01:30:30 HK$250.00   zhuyun 0924 (無言スパチャ)
238 01:31:35 HK$500.00   zhuyun 0924 nothing u cant do and believe yourself work now! gunbear luca have fun3
240 01:34:44 $4.99   kori_ography time for a pregame meditation? get your head in the game! you gotta win boss!
243 01:36:00 PHP37.00   April AuuUUggghhhust(눈_눈)
244 01:36:06 A$1.49   MeiKO【Shu's secret 2】
245 01:36:23 $3.00   Ellie buuu04 luca you will definitely win today I believe that
246 01:36:28 HK$8.00   yunayuna2.0໒・ﻌ・७ :3🦁
247 01:36:55 $5.00   HIGASHIKATA don't getting down.you will win!!because you are the mafia boss! We cheer for you ok?
248 01:37:15 PHP37.00   【えりす】𝑬𝒓𝒊𝑺
251 01:37:35 ¥1,000   Vera UUU Sending my luck to u , you will win the next round EZZ
252 01:37:35 CA$6.99   Nelly It’s ok boss cuz you won my heart ;) jokes asides I know you’ll win one day cuz you’re the best mafia boss!
253 01:38:29 HK$50.00   zhuyun 0924 we love all your voice because it's your voice!its u!
254 01:39:03 $10.00   Coping for Shrek 🙏 HAC and I started playing Fall Guys b/c of you we all got our first wins during the first week! You got this boss! If us clowns can do it, so can you.
257 01:39:56 SGD50.00   Nanoka you got this !!!
259 01:40:11 HK$50.00   yunayuna2.0໒・ﻌ・७ :3🦁 all of us share the win tho. Luca=lucubs. POG!
260 01:40:47 NT$150.00   布恰C🥞ButcherC gunbear bossyou can win next round
261 01:40:57 $4.99   Skye Fawn [Luca's Secretary] It’s okay Luca! You can just pog!
262 01:41:11 CA$100.00   Go Lucubs! Go! YOU CAN DO IT! I BELIEVE IN YOU! Just.. not right now, I don't want the stream to end
264 01:43:35 A$30.99   emdogs aussie debuff blame the ping not your skills luca lmao <3
265 01:46:03 $20.00   BELLADONNA Luca!! It was so fun seeing you at animefest and I hope you had fun too! There were so many Luca/Lucy cosplayers, it almost looked like a sea of blonde hair hehe. I hope one day u can visit Texas IRL<3 GO LUCUBS GO!!!!!!WOOO
266 01:48:44 ¥200   Kirry Thank you! とてもかわいいです!
270 01:53:43 A$30.99   emdogs would you rather never pog again or pog so hard it loses all meaning?
272 01:54:40 $5.00   Mahiru
275 01:56:22 NT$750.00   布恰C🥞ButcherC boss drink some waterfinally i join the game but i die so fast lmaofall guys too harddd
277 01:57:21 ¥1,000   yuki
278 01:57:28 $4.99   kori_ography goodnight boss! i’m manifesting a win for you!
283 01:59:18 PHP250.00   Nikki pog 🌿 HELLO BOSS! Congrats on 750k subs! I wanted to ask if you're planning to do a NijiKoshien watchalong? Chibi Wuca is CRACKED in baseball!
285 01:59:32 $5.00   HIGASHIKATA calm down boss!we cheer for U!you gonna win!
286 02:00:53 $9.99   Skye Fawn [Luca's Secretary] Hey boss! I was wondering if you keep up with your baseball chibi on the koshien streams?
288 02:01:48 A$50.00   RicePenguin boss I'd like to share some wonderful news with you, after more than 10 years in Australia I finally got my permanent residency this week! I'm beyond happy and will be going to bunnings to get a sausage sizzle tmr haha. Hope you feel better soon btw!
291 02:04:50 $10.00   Kuro Nuki [ Uki's Left hair strand ] Hello Luca! My best friend Katsudon has managed to get into the last three games despite being so nervous, Could you let them know they're doing such a great job so far
292 02:04:59 HK$38.00   taotao-lu Hi,Boss, tell u a secret, in fact, I am a sunflower, I've always loved the sun named Luca Kanashiro, miss u so much,welcome back,Muah~
295 02:11:01 $20.00   Muse Positive Vibes Positive Vibes You got this Luca.
299 02:19:59 CA$6.99   spendalyn i need to sleep now, but you’ve got this boss! you keep improving each round
300 02:20:36 $15.00   bianca / ビアンカ i love your laugh, seeing you be tickled while drawing is giving me life. manifesting your first fall guys win (even if it's off stream)!!!
302 02:21:43 $4.99   Sruly Shuali Ch.【EN&HE】ערוץ הרשמי How come every single time I join a streamer’s game in Falldge Guys I die the first round sadge woof woof bark ÒwÓ *𝑓𝑜𝑥 𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠*
306 02:28:10 PHP1,250.00   April AuuUUggghhhust(눈_눈) hi boss,im not playing but,if you win this round,feel free to roast chat,may the odds ever be in your favor
307 02:29:22 ¥610   Moeka VOCA
308 02:29:36 CA$2.00   정샛별 a cursed voice between Vox and Morgan Freeman lol
311 02:30:48 A$50.00   Betty yu let's gooooooo boss!!!!!!!!!
312 02:32:46 ¥500   Vera UUU Grandpa Luca voice frfr
314 02:33:28 NT$300.00   No.70_KARINA the voice not again, your voice and Lucy's voice are nice but not that one again GOGO BOSS You made it
315 02:33:39 HK$50.00   yunayuna2.0໒・ﻌ・७ :3🦁 will Luca draw Luca if he finally win?
316 02:33:41 A$10.00   Kk_Kaneshiro Good afternoon boss!!!
319 02:48:57 CA$10.00   Tata Miracle LOL I AM SHREK
320 02:50:14 $9.99   Suki I love the shrek aesthetic
321 02:50:18 HK$50.00   Danikaʕ•͡-•ʔ NOOO,IT'S SOOO CUTE!
323 02:50:57 $10.00   Slugien SOME.....BODY Once told me theWOOOOORLLD
329 03:02:39 $99.99   dylan wilson Just went back and listened to the the first aka I gave you, and it made me want to give another. I love all of nijisanji en. Showing support to you all is the least I can do. In case you don’t remember, I am giving to all of the members. I enjoy doing it. Good luck!
335 03:16:01 NT$300.00   No.70_KARINA
336 03:15:55 $100.00   Brisa First fall guys win POGGG
341 03:16:20 $5.00   OCL 73150 I knew it. I knew it. never stop believing
342 03:16:20 $10.00   HIGASHIKATA congrats!!! you did it!!!
349 03:16:45 ¥200   中村有紀 Nakamura Yuki おめでとう!LUCA!
353 03:16:55 HK$250.00   yunayuna2.0໒・ﻌ・७ :3🦁 congrats boss!!!!! will you draw this winner?
354 03:16:57 HK$25.00   Donut Sugar Congrats!!!
357 03:17:14 ¥500   Satomi Congestion Boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
360 03:17:30 ¥12,000   SeinaKaneshiro🧁 POGCHAMP
362 03:17:37 $49.99   MiaaaaaT Congrats boss
363 03:17:48 ¥500   Khloe Liu Hi, Boss!!! It seems like you are still feeling sick. SADGE Make sure to have some honey lemon water ok? Hope you can get better soon! Love you!!
364 03:17:52 $100.00   Muse Congrats on finally winning Lol. Thank you for the fun stream!
367 03:18:23 ¥500   おゆ
370 03:19:40 ¥400   대추-Chu
371 03:20:34 PHP125.00   Chi-Lyn Boss, last question, if you give 'chu' to your homie, what kind of 'chu' do you give us lucubs? Also congrats 1st win on FG!! WHOOHOOO!!
372 03:20:46 NT$150.00   Una ユナ Great job Luca!! Thanks for the fun stream
375 03:21:38 $20.00   harmpink456 Congrats on your win boss! So proud!!
376 03:21:49 PHP1,250.00   Rai Tan Congrats on the your win Luca! You we’re amazing! Congrats on 750k too! Really appreciate you and everything that you do
378 03:21:58 $49.99   MiaaaaaT Congrats again I had a great time playing with you. You really made my day hope you can get better soon!
379 03:22:05 SGD5.00   mafuyuJL🦁🐣 can i buy this hotdog drawing of luca please.
380 03:22:13 NT$75.00   虚 | Uro Congrats boss
381 03:22:17 HK$25.00   RAN ur so cute lmao
382 03:22:17 MYR15.00   Kay Love 2434EN I'm so glad I joined the mafia The positive energy you radiate on the stream really makes all the things unpog in my day go away
383 03:22:48 ¥500   one-chanおねーちゃん BOSS is KING!!!! おめでとう!!!!
384 03:23:57 HK$8.00   yunayuna2.0໒・ﻌ・७ :3🦁
385 03:24:21 NT$150.00   No.70_KARINA New avatar LMAO
386 03:24:38 HK$50.00   TATA NINOMIYA GENIUS!
387 03:25:08 $0.99   Lilly Hong
388 03:25:25 NT$22.00   Arashi Kaneshiro
389 03:28:08 AED36.99   Aiと Just tuned in to the stream to your win! Congrats! さすが Fallguys hexagod, Valorant radiant, Apex predator, Mr. Luca Kaneshiro of Nijisanji EN!
390 03:31:50 ¥140   rabbit
392 03:32:41 HK$8.00   YAMADAAAAAAA
393 08/05
HK$50.00   ohdeelia best fall guys legend predator radiant player!! congrats again boss! thank you for the stream!!
394 03:34:01 HK$100.00   yunayuna2.0໒・ﻌ・७ :3🦁 otsukane! thanks for stream! rest well eat well!!! pag man
396 03:34:23 A$20.00   アーンミAmni Warm chicky noodle soup funds for our sick mafia boss.
397 03:34:58 ¥200   Satomi POG Boss! What a great job! Thanks for your stream
398 03:35:35 CA$100.00   Go Lucubs! Go! Thanks for the stream and the drawing! Hope you feel better soon! BYE!!!! BIRTHDAY POOOGGGGG!!!
399 03:36:04 £8.99   Stacee I overslept SADGE hope you had fun!
400 03:36:08 $49.99   Leonys [Evostrellaa] AMAZING WIN AT THE END BOSS, SO PROUD OF YOU!! I can’t wait to see your Mario kart skills later at the collab, show them your skills!! That drawing idea sounds pretty fun to do, hope to see it in the future! Rest and eat well boss CHUCHU!!
401 03:36:42 ¥5,000   pfennig Is there anything you can't do? congrats on winning and on 750K. our pogchamp!
402 03:36:46 PHP1,250.00   April AuuUUggghhhust(눈_눈) ayo boss,a win is a win custom or not bruh congrats xD rest well boss mannn stream title real not clickbait fr fr
403 03:36:55 A$7.99   YQc H POOOG BOSS! Thanks for today’s stream, really enjoy it. Hope you can a nice day!
404 03:37:13 MYR6.00   Kay Love 2434EN LUCA KANESHIRO
405 03:38:09 HK$50.00   zhuyun 0924 congrats of your win!rest well!CUtonight and gun beari trust u can get1st tonight!!!
407 03:38:31 $5.00   ✦ alice kaneshiro 💌 you'll do great in mario kart! say hi to da boys for us <3
409 08/05
MYR30.00   Jiayin Boss! My friend birthday is coming soon!She really likes your stream! I hope I can surprise her!Could you say "Caltha Happy birthday" Thank you Boss!
410 03:41:26 SGD20.00   celestine wdym u won once? u won every minute every second of our hearts!!!! >:) pog u baby boss happy 750k i'm always so proud of u !!!!!! (get well soon sending head pats)
411 03:41:57 $2.00   ✦ alice kaneshiro 💌 LUCA
412 03:42:01 SGD20.00   Shibapw Boss, My pet just passed away Can you pat my head for a bit.
413 03:42:06 HK$250.00   yunayuna2.0໒・ﻌ・७ :3🦁 dont be shy, we will show up there! and thanks for drawing! we got a lot of $100 dollars art today!!! last but not least. thank you boss. and hbd to all of you.! pag. boss gunbear! get the champion in mario kart! also, welcome back.
418 03:45:57 PHP250.00   Mei Mei Congrats on winning your first solo win on Fall Guys! Good luck on Mario Kart later! Just pog and wreck havoc. Enjoy later! Drink lots of water and eat lots! Thank you for today!
419 03:48:49 MYR15.00   reinhurtz I was nervous and scared
421 03:51:22 $10.00   Coping for Shrek 🙏 I think any sane person would run... like the voice is terrifying... (thanks for the fun stream btw!)
422 03:54:08 NT$300.00   Yohko Kaneshiro赤沢葉 Thank you byebye
425 03:55:53 ¥500   Ryuuちゃん Wanna see Luca's shy face…it must be cute!And thank you for the fun stream&pog drawings,I enjoyed a lot!And 750k congrats pooog!Have a nice day boss!