記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 12 304.97 \39,865
NT$ TWD 5 3670.00 \15,824
YEN YEN 9 15720 \15,720
CA$ CAD 1 22.00 \2,111
THB THB 1 200.00 \763
A$ AUD 1 5.00 \437
HK$ HKD 1 25.00 \416
PHP PHP 1 137.50 \330
---- ---- ---- ---- \75,466
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月29日
  Theo [Alban's right feet] i haven't been here in a while because of school but i always watch the vods and you always make me happy, have fun and ily all
2 03月29日
  Just A Tree 🎭🐣 Takaradachi are the cutest, confirmed once again
3 03月29日
  Jaruu you guys are so adorable, im gonna glomp you (with permission)
4 03月29日
PHP137.50   aLLeyC4t Good day everynyan~ Will be team vod for this as I am currently touching grass today, Tenchou and fellow Takaradachis have fun~
5 00:00:47   Spades (メンバーシップ入り)
6 03月29日
7 00:03:45   佐藤。 (メンバーシップ入り)
8 03月29日
9 00:07:33 NT$1,500.00   ms.investigator (a無言スパチャ)
10 00:08:16 ¥500   佐藤。 really like
11 00:09:39 $1.99   Jisselle N
12 03月29日
  Lance Rayray Alban goodluckkkk
13 03月29日
  Eran Nyx Hellow Auban
14 00:23:32 $100.00   Biscuit🍪 (a無言スパチャ)
15 03月29日
  シロ 10
16 03月29日
  little_cecilia セシリア
17 00:56:47   Michael V i havent been able to catch a stream in months and i come back to alban sneezing 3 times in a row tskr LMAO
18 01:05:19 ¥500   いち (a無言スパチャ)
19 01:16:56   NIYA (メンバーシップ入り)
20 03月29日
21 03月29日
  くりぃむれもん I wish I could watch more, but I have to get back to work Great to hear your voice on my birthday! 大好きあるばにゃん🫶
22 03月29日
  みるく 50
23 03月29日
  みるく 50
24 03月29日
  ObviouslyShinjiro Hi, Alban! I like your live videos as always! Watching your them always made my day very bright and positive!
25 01:57:28   わ子 (メンバーシップ入り)
26 02:02:08 ¥1,600   Kanae
27 03月29日
  わいぴ YP singing day
28 02:25:04 NT$170.00   四夜 Hello, Alban, this is my first SC It's for my friend She likes you very much Her birthday is coming You can tell him (Happy birthday to Yongqing)
29 02:29:50 NT$1,500.00   ms.investigator
as in case fund
30 03月29日
  あやほ Ayaho 50
31 02:49:24 $4.99   Jumin 🎭🕒
32 02:50:03 $100.00   Dolliette🎭 Today is my barfday-I mean birthday! (Ew) I dont normally celebrate it but Im excited to celebrate it today with tenchou & takardachi! I stumbled across you when I was at a low point but being in this community has definitely lifted up my spirits! 1/
33 02:50:10 ¥500   syosyo C alban otsuuuu
34 02:50:24 THB200.00   ZOMDAY🎭🧢 Otsu for the stream. it was fun! I can't focus on my work because you all too fun I need to hold my laugh so hard.
35 02:50:29 ¥320   Karin おつかれさま!コラボめっちゃおもしろかった! 楽しい時間をありがとう〜
36 02:50:39 $50.00   Dolliette🎭
I treasure the laughs I've shared with everyone, the tears we've shed & every moment in between. Because of this community, Ive dared to aim for goals I never thought I would achieve but with everyone's support I feel like I can! 2/
37 02:50:51 ¥500   いち
Thank you for fun stream. お疲れさまでした、店長。ゆっくり休んでください。
38 02:51:04 $5.00   Doki otsu! Thank you for the stream, it was so much fun!
39 02:51:12 $20.00   Dolliette🎭
Because of this community I really feel like I'm a part of something wonderful. I wish I could do more to give back 10x more what the community has given me since I became a part of it. Everyone here is amazing! 3/
40 02:51:38 ¥10,000   あやほ Ayaho 最高に楽しかった時間をありがとう今日も世界でいちばん大好きだよー
41 02:51:47 $10.00   Dolliette🎭
I hope we can keep making more memories for as long as we can. The takaradachi & tenchou really are my tesoros, which is the spanish word for treasure. Takaradachi are Tesorodachi! 4/
42 02:51:58 NT$170.00   superbyeby I really like you My English is not good But I will study to learn
43 02:52:12 NT$330.00   Lucian
44 03月29日
45 02:52:18   tiramisuuu (メンバーシップ入り)
46 02:52:19 $5.00   Dolliette🎭
For a birthday gift can I have nade nade? From tenchou & takaradachi! I also made myself a takaradachi cake for my bday! It's scuffed just like me! 5/
47 02:52:57 A$5.00   🎭Shannon (YoRu)🎭 Thank you for the stream Alban, hardcore parkour! I enjoyed this stream a lot and I appreciate you so so much, big big love to you Alban and chat!
48 02:52:57 $2.00   Dolliette🎭
Sappy hour over time to be cringe again like Alban
49 02:52:57 ¥1,000   くるむ お疲れ様!
50 02:53:20 CA$22.00   Christina Otsu, tenchou! It was a lot fun today! Rest well! Big big love!
51 02:53:34 $1.00   Dolliette🎭
52 02:53:37 $4.99   dento ★ otsu tenchou! today's stream is so fun, i really like when you guys are together! you guys make me feel happy 🫶
53 02:53:45 ¥800   -ririmaru- OTSUNYA!! I was too busy to see much of it, but it was nice to see the Tenchou's faceI love you<33
54 02:54:05 HK$25.00   ジャネス otsu tenchou thx for stream! So happy to c u collabing with the boys n glad u hv fun hv a good rest afterwards